Nerve foods: what they are and when to eat them

 , Naturopath Iridologist

Cocoa and coffee, like many other foods and substances, belong to the category of cibi “nerviniâ€. There is a lot of talk about nerve foods, especially when associated with dietary regimes. Let's see why they arouse so much curiosity and because they are useful in the strenuous conquest of the "ideal weight". 

> What are nerve foods

> How they work

> Who should avoid the intake of nerve foods

> List of foods and nerve substances


The kola nut among the nerve foods

Nerve foods: what they are and when to eat them


What are nerve foods 

Nerve foods are generally substances of vegetable origin and called nervine because they carry out their action stimulating the central and peripheral nervous systems. The sensation that follows is a state of well-being and a increased resistance to fatigue.

These active substances are: caffeine, theobromine, ephedrine, theine, synephrine and iombine.

We can see the actions listed above if we drink a cup of good coffee when we are tired and need a "cheer me up". So far there is nothing wrong but the controversial issue is that a constant and regular intake one of these nerve-action foods can produce one state of addiction and nervousness.

Not only that, in the case of coffee, if you exceed a certain number of cups a day, the tonic / stimulating effect on the body will be less because the latter is now used to the daily caffeine ration. We are facing a possible paradox effect. If we take coffee to stay awake and overcome fatigue, at some point the effect will be that of a relaxing herbal tea.


How they work

What is it that produces thestimulating tonic effect in these foods? In the case of cocoa and coffee they are the alkaloids, active substances including caffeine and theobromine as regards cocoa. Nerve foods, apart from some rare cases such as cocoa, do not contain calories or nutritional elements essential for the sustenance of the organism. Most of the time they are irritating and have an astringent action by putting a the regularity of the intestine is a severe test inflaming it and also burdening the liver of toxins and overwork.

The action of caffeine finds a greater response on the central nervous system. False is the belief that it aids digestion. Just because caffeine stimulates the nervous system, drink one cup of coffee after lunch actually produces a false feeling of emptying gastric worsening of digestion. In fact, the breath of heavy coffee drinkers is typical and nauseating. A sign of a liver and bowel problem caused by taking too many cups of coffee.

La theophylline (the) instead has an action focused more on cardiac functionae favors the elimination of liquids (draining effect) useful in case of swelling and retention. There theobromine (cocoa) works by stimulating both functions.

Obvious is the individual sensitivity to nerve substances which may be different. In fact, there are people who report episodes of tachycardia by drinking even a single sip of coffee or tasting a single square of chocolate.

Nerve foods are used in diets for the stimulating effect on metabolism through thermogenesis. This function speeds up the fat burning process which is thus "burned" faster than the normal metabolic process. In this way the body increases its work by producing more energy consumption. This activates the fat breakdown (lipids) with natural weight loss.

How can we guess prolonged use or abuse in quantity of these substances it can give rise to the following phenomena:

  • tremors and tachycardia,
  • osteoporosis (these substances chelate numerous minerals including calcium to the detriment of the skeleton),
  • changes in pressure values ​​upwards.

The aspect of the addiction and addiction especially towards cocoa (chocolate) which can also become "pathological".


You can learn more about the properties of coffee, one of the most used nerve foods

Nerve foods: what they are and when to eat them


Who should avoid the intake of nerve foods

The intake of stimulating foods is contraindicated in case you are subject to tachycardia or there are anyway some cardiovascular problems outstanding. Even those who tend to nervousness must limit the consumption of these foods.

People suffering from migraines, digestive disorders, constipation or colitis, steatosis must refrain from their use which may possibly be sporadic and occasional. Hypertensive people or those suffering from sudden changes in blood pressure should abstain.


List of foods and nerve substances

  • We all know cocoa and it needs no introduction. It strongly stimulates the senses, it can be addictive. Various types of chocolate are made with cocoa, but true connoisseurs eat it 99% pure. It is often the refuge for those suffering from love pain and works better in this respect than a drug!
  • The cola contains alkaloids and tannins, gives energy and increases resistance to fatigue. Therefore indicated for sportsmen or as a tonic after an illness. Could be indicated in dietary regimes and in cases of retention for the mildly diuretic effect. In case of mental fatigue, cola can help boost memory performance. Those who suffer from high blood pressure and those pathologies affecting the heart should abstain.
  • The tea (Theophylline). There are many varieties of tea, some of which possess virtues and qualities that are important for our body. If we talk about it in a more generalized way we must be careful if we suffer from constipation or bone fragility. In fact, if of poor quality, tea has a demineralizing effect on our bone heritage. Otherwise we can find diuretic and antioxidant activities. Green tea is well known for these properties.
  • Guarana (Paulinia capuana) is particularly rich in caffeine. Those who abandon the cup of coffee in favor of the more "harmless" guarana, if they have a marked sensitivity towards caffeine, must review their choice. For its concentration of caffeine one stands out strong nervous activity, promotes concentration and increases resistance to physical and intellectual efforts. It is astringent and antidiarrheal. Unfortunately theand there are many contraindications. It causes tremors, agitation and irregular heart rhythms. It can create anxiety and develop sleep disturbances. Do not underestimate the effect on the stomach (ulcers, heartburn and reflux).
  • La noce moscata è una spezia e può essere considerata a tutti gli effetti un cibi nervino. L’elemicina e  la miristicina sono due sostanze in essa contenute ad effetto stimolante sul cervello. Per questo motivo il suo impiego trova  ampio campo nell patologie quali l’Alheimer. Ha altre numerose buone qualità ma una sola great contraindication; toxicity. Just think that just five grams of nutmeg can create serious poisoning problems. A higher dosage can lead to hallucinations, disturbances such as excessive sleepiness until death. If you keep it at home then store it in a safe place away from the reach of children or animals.


Lavender also has nervine properties: discover the others


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> Nerve foods among the natural energizers


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