Phrases about Mom: the 100 most beautiful to dedicate

Phrases about Mom: the 100 most beautiful to dedicate

A collection of phrases about mom to dedicate to her on her birthday, mother's day or other beautiful occasions ❤️ send them by WhatsApp!

Mothers are the center of any family. They are the gravity around which everything else revolves.

And don't you dare miss her birthday! Or mother's day! And don't forget to call her once a week. After all, she is your mother.

phrases about mom

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Phrases about Mom: from 1 to 20

A mother who is raising her child in the right way does infinitely more for her country than all the rulers. ~ werner brown

The mother-son relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the part of the mother, but this love must help the child to move away from the mother and become completely independent. ~ Erich Fromm

When my mom had to cook for eight, she always made enough for sixteen and then needed half. ~ gracie allen

If she's disappointed in you, then she's not your mother!

Mom is the bank where we deposit all our pains and worries. ~ T. DeWitt Talmage

When a mother cries, God also reaches out to listen. ~ fabrizio caramagna

A good mother is worth more than a thousand teachers. ~ George Herbert

If evolution really works, why do mothers only have two hands? ~ Milton Berle

The umbilical cord: the first chain we knew, the last we regret~ fabrizio caramagna

One day she is sometimes a stepmother, sometimes a mother. ~ Hesiod

Without knowing it, every man seeks in a woman above all the memory of the time when his mother embraced him. ~ Marguerite yourcenar

There is so much to teach children and time passes so quickly. ~ Erma bombeck

The precursor of the mirror is the face of the mother. ~ DW Winnicott

Mom is that person who, seeing that there are four slices of cake and there are five people, says that she has never liked sweets. ~ Tenneva Jordania

Motherhood is a complex physical and emotional experience. But only in the mother can we find salvation from the feeling of emptiness. ~ Massimo Recalcati

A mother's arms are made of tenderness and the children, among them, sleep soundly in them. ~ Victor Hugo

At 5 years old: Mom I love you. At 10: mom I need you. At 16: Mom, you're boring. At 18: I want to leave this house. At 25: Mom, you were right. At 50: Mom, I don't want to lose you. At 70: Mom, I would give anything to have you here with me

A mom's love has all the stars that light it up at night. ~ catalina becher

Necessity is the mother of inventiveness and mothers are the greatest inventors in the world.

Not all mothers are mothers. ~ Carlos Gragnani

Phrases about Mom: from 21 to 40

Mom always does her best, but she often forgets to be amazed at how much it all means!

Sweater: garment worn by the child when his mother feels cold. ~ Ambrose Bierce

A man's work is from dawn to dusk, a mother's work is never done.

"Dad, what is a man?" "A man is the one who takes care of you, the one who protects you" "When I grow up I will become a man, like my mother" ~ andreapalmieri

All mothers are mothers of great people, and it's not their fault if life lets them down. ~ Boris pasternak

A father can turn his back on his son, brothers and sisters can become bitter enemies, husbands can leave their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother's love lasts forever. ~ washington irving

The mother keeps the keys to the soul and mints the character's coin.

Mom, your initials are not ER (Elena Rossi), but MMDM: do you know what that means? The best mom of the world.

It was never just love. It's that hug there that he tells me: don't be afraid. And the fear is gone. You are life. You are the cure. ~ cecilia sepia

That of the mothers is the only race that speaks the same language. A Manchurian mother could have a conversation with an American without missing a word. ~ Will Rogers

A child without a mother is a flower without rain. ~ indian proverb

A mother is a mountain of understanding. ~ Juan Gastaldi

The truths that matter, the great principles, in the end, always remain in two or three. They are the ones your mother taught you as a child. ~ Enzo Biagi

A mother never sleeps when she wants to. It is related to the dream of her son. ~ Juan Gastaldi

You don't have to deserve your mother's love, whereas you have to deserve your father's. ~ Robert Frost

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. ~ Lin Yutang

We were born of love; love is our mother. ~ Gialal al-Din Rumi

Carry your mother's warmth on your skin, her scent on your clothes. ~ Poeta kurdo Choman Hardi

The mission of mothers is not procreation, but concern. Amoebas also give birth, but as far as I know, they don't care. ~ Andrea G. Pinketts

To pronounce the word "mama" the mouth kisses twice. ~ enricobattista

Phrases about Mom: from 41 to 60

When I was sad, my mother told me to close my eyes and think of something beautiful. Now my eyes are closed and I think of her. ~ Iparchia

Being a mother I envy the beauty in the eyes of a child who looks at you. No one will make me feel so beautiful. No one. ~ Ziacoca

Mom holds her baby by the hand only for a short time, but her heart is with her throughout her life.

My best wishes to women who cannot have children, but who would very much like them. They are wonderful moms too. ~ instinctomaximo

While children can frankly confess that they are bored with their parents, a mother can never confess that she is bored with her children without appearing distorted. ~ Dawn of Cespedes

The more tears a child has shed in his mother's eyes, the dearer he is to her heart. ~ Victor Hugo

A mother's true love is helping her child cut the umbilical cord. ~ Juan Gastaldi

When mom's breath on his wounds made them heal. When you reached the horizon with your skate, and the moon touched you with its finger. ~ cecilia sepia

I hear above me in the sky, the angels singing among themselves. They cannot find a greater word of love than this: mom. ~ Edgar Allan Poe

Each one carries within himself an image of the woman derived from the mother: from it, all are determined to respect or despise women in general, or to be generally indifferent towards them. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Every beetle is a gazelle in the eyes of its mother. ~ Arabic proverb

Mom lends you her arms after turning them into wings. ~ Elis Rapeanu

Mom is the one who answers your first questions - what is dying, what is tomorrow - with a bright smile, the one that blows your eyelids and makes the darkness fly. ~ fabrizio caramagna

My mother is a poem that I will never be able to write, even if everything I write is a poem to my mother. ~ Sharon Doubiago

All moms are rich when they love their babies. There are no poor, ugly or old mothers. ~ maurice materlink

The best academy, the knees of a mother. ~ James Russel Lowell

Whoever loses his mother loses a pure soul that constantly blesses and protects him. ~ Khalil Gibran

Even the photo of the children taken by the mother is different from that of the father. ~ Beno Fignon

It was my mom who taught me to laugh and pray. ~ Raymundo Dickinson

You'll know your kids are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers. ~ John J. Lead

Phrases about Mom: from 61 to 80

In the flesh and blood of each one the mother roars. ~ Cesare Pavese

There is nothing in the art world like the songs my mother used to sing. ~ billy on sunday

Motherhood has given me some of the best lessons in humility. ~ Mary Rose Remington

And you, in your lonely and thoughtful pain, will look for the mother, and in these arms you will hide your face; in the sin that never changes you will have rest. ~ Giuseppe Giusti

A mother does everything for her child, but she does not have to do the child and the child's part as well. ~ aldo busi

If you can't raise your kids well, I don't think all the other things you do matter much. ~ Jacqueline Kennedy

Love, patience, forgiveness, refuge and presence. In a word: MOM. ~ CannovaV

Mommy should be like a quilt: to keep the children warm, without suffocating them.

Few people are like your father, none like your mother.

A mother who picks up the baby and puts it at eye level. Today the universe has no other perspective, no other axis, no other center than this one. ~ fabrizio caramagna

My best wishes to those mothers who, despite having so many children, still feel too much like a daughter to remember being a mother. ~ sansilvioarcore

What a strange and indescribable feeling it is to hear your daughter called "mom". ~ Juan Gastaldi

The mother is our first love story. And if we hate it, we carry that anger with us and pour it out on those we love. And if we lose it, where will we find it? ~ Jeanette Winterson

The mother is proud of the son who has climbed high, but would give her life for the other: for the unlucky son. ~ Libero Bovio

The mother is an angel who looks at us, who teaches us to love! She warms our fingers, our head between her knees, our soul in her heart: she gives us her milk when we are little, her bread when we are big and her life always hers. ~ Victor Hugo

Pair of professional socks. Lost object detector. Dirty looking champions. Greetings to all mothers. ~ dlavolo

The first commandment of parenting: always be constant. ~ Marcelene Cox

Mother's Day is the only secular celebration that is, at the same time, also spiritual. ~ Juan Gastaldi

There are only two inexhaustible legacies that we should aspire to pass on to our children: roots and wings. ~ harding carter

When we were born, God gave us a mother's heart as a bed. ~ henry lacordaire

Phrases about Mom: from 81 to 100

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

Think about it for a minute: in fairy tales it is always the children who have the most beautiful adventures. Mothers must stay at home and wait for the return of the children who have flown out the window. ~ Audrey Niffenegger

Raise a child by showing him the way to go and from time to time you also follow the same path. ~ Josh billings

The boy calls his mother and asks: “Where do I come from? Where did you pick me up? The mother listens, cries and smiles as she hugs her baby to her chest: "You were a wish in her heart." ~ Rabindranath Tagore

Mom: "Jesus, sit at the table like the others and use the knife with that bread." ~ ZziaGenio78

If you can only give your children one gift, let it be enthusiasm. ~ bruce barton

The mother is: an alarm clock, a cook, a sorceress, a waitress, a teacher, a businesswoman, a psychologist, a nurse, a gps finds everything! A mother works 365 days a year and is proud of it. Although there are many people who think that she does nothing.

Most moms are made up of instinctive philosophers. ~ H

Which doesn't take much to make a mother happy: just always wear clean underwear and go slowly, even when you're on foot. ~ nicolabrunialti

Thank you mom because you gave me the tenderness of your caresses, the good night kiss, your pensive smile, your sweet hand that gives me security. You have secretly dried my tears, you have encouraged my steps, you have corrected my mistakes, you have protected my path, you have educated my spirit, with wisdom and with love you have introduced me to life. And while you carefully took care of me, you found time for a thousand chores around the house. You never thought to ask for thanks. ~ hug judith

After all, being a mother changes only one thing: you know the exact moment when you stop being the most important person in your life. ~ Mesmeri

Don't just teach your child what you know, because they were born at different times. ~ Rabbinic said

Oh, if only I could be half as wonderful as my son thought I was as a child and half as stupid as he thinks me now as a teenager. ~ rebeca richards

A mother's only weakness is not seeing her child's flaws.

Only a mother knows what it means to love and be happy. ~ Adalberto de Chamisso

They can never stop being children, as long as they have a mother to visit them. ~ Sarah Orne Jewett

When the mother is prettier than all her children, she becomes the loneliest member of the family. ~ ricardo krause

One loves his mother almost without knowing it, without understanding it, because it is as natural as living; and we feel the depth of the roots of that love only at the moment of final separation. ~ Guy de Maupassant

The love of some mothers is like a rope that is passed around the child's neck: at the slightest movement of the child towards the waist, the knot is released. ~ Christian Bobin

A girl who was asked where her house was replied "Where's Mommy?"

Phrases about Mom: from 101 to 120

A mother is like a great tree that gives you all its fruits: for those who ask for it, they always find one. ~ Francisco Pastonchi

Men rule the world. Mothers govern the eternal, which governs the world and men. ~ Christian Bobin

My only consolation when I got into bed was that Mom would come over and kiss me once I was in bed. ~ Marcel Proust

The moment a child is born, a mother is also being born. She has never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~ Osho

"Mom", the most beautiful word on the lips of humanity. ~ Khalil Gibran

And remember, I'll be there. I will be in the air. So every once in a while, if you want to talk to me, step aside, close your eyes and look for me. We talk to each other. But not in the language of words. in the silence ~ Tiziano terzani

The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that holds the world. ~ Guillermo Ross Wallace

In the mother's eye, the child explores the depths of the heart. ~ Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

"If you gave me life, it means that for one day you were God. Great!" ~ Nicholas, 6 years old

It is not possible to be a perfect mother. But there are a million ways to be a good mother. ~ jill church

A mother always forgives. She came to the world for this~ Alexander Dumas

What is more beautiful than feeling a baby's hand in yours? So small, soft and warm, like a kitten snuggled in your arms. ~ marjorie holmes

If for a moment I thought it was strange, my mother's eyes looked up at me over her glasses and like two thumbtacks fixed me firmly in my place in the world. ~ Yoshimoto Banana

The boy calls his mother and asks: “Where do I come from? Where did you pick me up? The mother listens, cries and smiles as she hugs her baby to her chest: “You were a wish in your heart. ~ Rabindranath Tagore

You are the only one in the world who knows of my heart what it has always been, before any other love. ~ Pier Paolo Pasolini, "SĂşplica a mi madre"

Motherhood is the greatest privilege in life. ~ Mary R. Cocker

Love, attachment, sweetness, concern, instinct, dazzle, strength, fragility, fear, opportunity, smile. Moms. Best wishes. ~ ignore

When your mother asks you, "Can I give you some advice?" it is a mere formality. It doesn't matter if you answer yes or no. She's going to give it to you anyway. ~ Erma bombeck

See a good mother with one eye more than a father with ten. ~ Proverbs

A mother's heart is an abyss at the bottom of which there is always forgiveness. ~ Honoré de Balzac

Phrases about Mom: from 121 to 140

Moms can be counted on for almost any problem, and even with an hour's notice, they'll be able to support the shaky pillars of any situation. ~ Norma Jenna Harris

The daughter of a good mother is the mother of a good daughter. ~ Chinese proverb

A mother should give her children an overabundance of enthusiasm, so that after they have lost all that they are sure to lose in dealing with the world, there will be enough left to support and inspire them to new great deeds. ~ JC Hare

All that I am, I owe to my Mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her. ~ George Washington

For each of us there is a point of reference. True, pure. Mine is 50 years of life together. 50 years of love. Construction, support, trust, respect. Day after day, step by step. To you, mom, like a son, my gratitude and love. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Youth withers, love fails, friendship leaves fall, but a mother's secret hope survives longer than anything else. ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

All that is left for the mother in modern consumer society is the role of scapegoat. Psychoanalysis uses enormous amounts of money and time to persuade patients and impose their problems on the absent mother, who cannot utter a word in her defense.

A mother can face the whole world with one hand if she squeezes her child's hand with the other. ~ Jessica Biden

To describe my mom would be to talk about a hurricane in full force. ~ Maya Angelou

You spoon all the words into my mouth except one: mom. The son invents that by moving his two lips. ~ Erri De Luca

There are mothers who fill with kisses and others with scolding, but love does not change and in reality most mothers do both. ~ Pearl S. Buck

Being a full-time mother is one of the best paid jobs… since the payment is pure love. ~ Mildred B. Vermont

The mother is sublime because she is all instinct. The maternal instinct is divinely animal. The mother is not a woman, but a female. ~ Victor Hugo

Understanding a mother is like an emotional patch for a wounded self. ~ Haim G. Ginot

A mom has two duties: to worry and to avoid doing it. ~ Forster

My mother had a small and slender body, but a big heart, a heart so big that everyone's happiness found a hospitable welcome there. ~ Mark Twain

For the mother, children are anchors of life. ~ Sofocle

My best wishes, because the sum of the patience of men from all over the planet is less than the patience of a single true mother. #mothersday~ lddio

Free like fathers, mothers have never been. ~ Gerhard Kocher

A mother is the most faithful friend we have, when the heaviest and sudden challenges fall on us; when adversity replaces prosperity, when friends leave us; when troubles pile up around us, she will still cling to us and she will strive with her gracious precepts and advice to dispel the clouds of darkness and restore peace to our hearts. ~ washington irving

Phrases about Mom: from 141 to 160

God couldn't be everywhere, that's why he created mothers. ~ hebrew proverb

I can do everything. I'm mom

BREAST. Astronomical phenomenon by which a planet revolves around a small sun, but according to which the sun is her. Rare example of reciprocity. ~ hypnotist

I will never forget my mother, because it was she who planted and nurtured the first seeds of good within me. ~ jose roth

Only a mother knows what it means to love and be happy. ~ Adelberto von Chamisso

No gift for your mother can equal the gift she gave you: your life.

We hope you liked these phrases about mom and that they have helped you express all your love to your mother ❤️

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