Man's brain during sex

Man's brain during sex

Man's brain during sex

Last update: 15 September, 2022

The human brain, during sex, is an ocean of mysterious changes that organize action, thoughts, emotions and sexual performance. In other words, what is commonly summed up as “being up to par” becomes a complicated process.

It is certainly no secret that men are usually concerned about the size or shape of their penis. It should also be emphasized that this organ has always occupied a prominent position in both the male and female mind.

Despite what males may think about their penis, size is what matters least for sexual performance. Another thing women often ignore is that men also feel inhibition when it comes to showing their body and genitals.

They worry about what their partner might think (sexual or life-like), also fearing to let them down because of the size of their penis, physical appearance or their sexual behavior.

Debunking myths about the male organ

While most men would like to have a bigger penis, 85% of women are satisfied with their partner's size. The error lies in the culture, which has presupposed an ever greater sexual measure and power (this is not only erroneous, but also devoid of necessity).

Women, in fact, declare that they feel more attracted to other physical aspects, from the eyes to the muscles, passing through the smile or the shape of the jaw. Means that, sticking to the female opinion, the measures are not the most important thing.

Furthermore, most men should not feel insecure about the size of their penis, as the length is on average far greater than what is needed inside a woman's vagina.

The penis on autopilot

Every man knows the capacity of his penis to draw attention to himself without any conscious brain impulse, that is, to act of his own will. Some more, some less, everyone has been a "victim" of an involuntary erection.

Involuntary erections differ from true sexual arousal, since they are produced from unconscious signals from the brain and spinal cord, not from the conscious desire to have sexual intercourse.

You must know that the real responsibility for sexual activation falls on the testosterone receptors, which are found in the spinal cord, testicles, penis and brain, in charge of activating the entire male reproductive system.

Many women are surprised that the penis can work on autopilot and that erections cannot always be controlled.

The brain during true sexual arousal

Contrary to popular belief, true male arousal does not begin with the penis, but with the mind, generated by erotic images or thoughts. This means that, for the process to begin, the brain must consciously transmit relevant emotional and sexual information.

This is achieved through the action of testosterone, which increases sexual interest and activates the relevant muscles to increase performance. So when a man feels sexually predisposed, he gets his visual cortex to send a message to the hypothalamus to get the hormonal engines of erection in gear.

For this reason, a mental or physical image with a high sexual content is able to ignite the cerebral center of pleasure, the nucleus accumbens. In doing so, an expectation is created that fosters the relationship.

In this way, brain activation is enhanced by physical contact, which in a context of arousal causes sexual tremors that go through the body and brain.

Thus, during intercourse, we can not only observe how the hypothalamus sends blood to the penis, but also how the activation of the frontal lobe circuits allows the man to pay attention to sexual opportunity.

Man's brain during orgasm

This arrangement allows the male to concentrate on the "promised land": his brain will see the green light of the traffic light and press the accelerator. It is a time when the other brain areas go into shadow, to avoid distractions and proceed to the penetration with a gentle push, while the air is inhaled quickly to relieve the sexual tension.

Just like it happens in the female brain, men tend to "disconnect" certain areas of their brain during sexual intercourse. Both the center of alert and danger (the amygdala) and that of worry (anterior cingulate cortex) must be “switched off” at this time in order to take full advantage of sex.

Once all this is achieved, the brain will be able to send blood to the genitals and help align its neurochemical stars. This will cause the man's arousal to reach that tipping point where he can only go all out, reaching climax.

In moments of maximum arousal, the male brain floods with norepinephrine, dopamine and oxytocin. This activates the brain area of ​​intense pleasure (the ventral tegmental area) and that of pain inhibition (the periaqueductal gray matter).

Thanks to all these changes, man will be able to reach climax and fully enjoy sexual contact. Nonetheless, it must be emphasized avoid behaving like a loose horse requires great self-control and strong emotional growth on the part of mancharacteristics that are achieved through hard inner work that women are often unaware of.

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