How to be efficient?

    How to be efficient?How many times have we observed with some envy a work colleague who seems to have a thousand hands? The classic person who seems to have an amazing ability to handle an infinite number of tasks at the same time. However, their secret is within everyone's reach. To be efficient it is something that is learned during our life.Here I summarize seven very simple tips that will surely be useful to you:1. Hierarchical. In everyday life we ​​are presented with different tasks to be performed at the same time but our cognitive resources are very limited to deal with them. If we consider them carefully, very few activities are so urgent that they have to be done all together immediately. It is then essential that we determine what is most important or urgent, dedicate ourselves to this and then move on to other activities.Normally people who try to do various things at the same time end up leaving most of their activities unfinished, and this has a negative influence on a physical and psychological level. Hierarchy allows us to keep pace by ensuring a greater percentage of success in each different task we undertake.2. "Do not postpone what you can do today until tomorrow". So goes an ancient proverb that we apply very few times. When we postpone an activity for no reason, it remains in our minds as a disturbing note. We are preparing the report but we intermittently remind ourselves that we need to call our colleague to ask him for some data we need. So, there are occasions in which it is better to take a task as concluded in order to be able to dedicate ourselves entirely to another new one. Sometimes the ability to hierarchize includes not only determining the objective importance of activities but also determining the emotional relevance or distracting power of other activities which, although less important, can become a nuisance.3. Conentratevi. If we read a book or watch a movie with the aim of relaxing, but in the meantime our mind is thinking about all that remains to be done, we are simply wasting our time because we will not be able to find the necessary inner peace and let alone finish these activities. so "urgent". We need to determine what we really need at each moment and make sure we are fully present in this activity.4. Know your limits. There are many people who spend hours and hours studying but still don't get good results. We often spend a lot of time on an activity but the result is equally fatal. On many occasions this happens because we force ourselves to go far beyond our abilities. When sleep is irresistible, there is nothing left to do but go to bed, continue to "work or study" is a meaningless torture because we will have poor results. We will have to learn to recognize our pace of work and stop when we realize that we are overstepping our limits. Taking a short break, especially to immerse ourselves in nature or to get some sleep, is highly beneficial because our tired brain regains its capacity and so we will face the activity with new and full of energy ideas.5. Control your emotions. Undoubtedly many activities involve a certain pressure: the report that we will have to present in brief, the task that will be decisive for our career, the exam that will determine the next semester ... Life is full of potentially anxiety-generating situations but if we face these activities immersed in fear of failure, anxiety or melancholy, surely we are reducing our chances of success.One of the fundamental weapons of efficient people is based on their ability to control their emotions and use this little anguish as a motivating factor for the their behavior. We already know that stress in small proportions acts like a cup of coffee: it allows us to be awake, alert and focused, promotes creativity and increases our ability to work. When we experience this feeling, instead of crowding our minds with self-exploring thoughts that only serve to increase the level of anxiety, it is better to take this little stress as an incentive that we will set out to control.6. Express your needs and limitations. Efficient people aren't always omnipotent. They have their weaknesses and their limitations. Knowing them and expressing them clearly is of vital importance for those around us, so that they do not overload us with tasks that are not within our competence. Accepting, accepting and accepting without asking for help will only produce a heap of tasks that are impossible to deal with. A friend once said: “the important thing is not to know but rather to know where the one who knows is”. Being efficient does not imply knowing everything but seeking help whenever necessary, looking for the most suitable person for the task.7. Put all your will into it. There are many activities that not only require our cognitive resources but also involve us emotionally. There are dissertations, scientific articles, songs… which are theoretically flawless, but lack originality, strength, desire. If we fail to reach a real compromise in carrying out the task we have set ourselves, we will hardly be able to finish it successfully. I want to end with this sentence: "He who knows does not do more but rather he who wishes to do". Keeping these ideas as a packet of good advice won't do any good; putting them into practice will open a different path for us in dealing with our daily life.
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