Some very controversial data always continue to reach us to stimulate us to consider the use of technology in a different perspective, especially as regards the technology related to the use of mobile phones which for some time now have been under observation by the most diverse specialties. scientific. We know very well that young people are among those who use the mobile phone and its various applications the most. It is therefore not strange that the researchers focused on the young population to analyze the impact that the continued use of the mobile phone has. The study in question was developed by the Sahlgren Academy in Sweden, and analyzed 21 "healthy" young people aged between 14 and 20 years. The volunteers had a regular work or study rhythm and had no sleep problems. Two groups were established: the young people who belonged to the control group were allowed to make (daily) up to five telephone calls and / or send text messages, while the experimental group was allowed to make over 15 calls and / or send messages. of text. It should be emphasized that some young people of the latter group used to use the mobile phone over 30 times a day while an exceptional case used it up to 200 times. The study ran over a week and then volunteers had to answer a questionnaire that assessed their lifestyle and sleep habits. The results showed that young people who could use mobile phones without restrictions showed symptoms of fatigue, neglected their lifestyle, consumed more energy drinks and had difficulty in reconciling sleep and the same became intermittent, alternating with periods of wakefulness. . In this way they were more sensitive to stress and fatigue. The researchers affirm that the explanation for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the need to feel connected at all times makes them feel under pressure and, above all, they experience in particular the pressure that the group exerts on them since they must be "available. " everytime. However, this is a phenomenon that not only young people can experience but that could occur at any age.