Maca as a supplement: benefits, uses and contraindications

Maca as a supplement: benefits, uses and contraindications

Maca or Ginseng from the Andes: what it is

La plant of Maca it is a plant that lives on the Peruvian highlands over 3500 meters above sea level. It is part of the Cruciferae family. Maca is mainly consumed tuber, dried or fresh. Unfortunately in the country it is not possible to find the fresh plant, so they are only available on the market capsules and tablets to use as supplements or dried powder which can also be used as a food. In its places of origin, Maca is used as a common food, and as a medicinal plant.


Maca: nutritional composition

Maca root is made up of 60% carbohydrates and 10% protein. 8% is made up of fibers and 2% of fats. The remaining volume is divided between water (in the fresh root), vitamins and minerals. Contains vitamins B, for the most part, and vitamins A, C, D and E. It also contains numerous minerals: iron, zinc, potassium, iodine, magnesium and manganese. Its complex composition makes it a very rich food, a natural remedy and a very versatile supplement with great potential.


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Maca as a supplement: properties and benefits

In common with other cruciferous plants, i.e. cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, Maca root has the fair amount of flavonoids. property to the flavonoids they are what they are natural antioxidants, counteract cellular aging, and help prevent some forms of cancer in a healthy lifestyle.

I benefits of Maca they are amazing:

  • useful for hormonal dysfunctions and both male and female fertility problems. It increases the production of sperm and stimulates the maturation of the follicles. It is also considered an aphrodisiac;

  • energizing and stimulating the metabolism, allows the fast mental and physical recovery of energy and concentration and endurance, and helps develop lean mass;

  • antidepressant, allows to counter the disturbances due to hormonal cycles both in the fertile phase of the woman and in the period of menopause. During the cycle relieves menstrual pain, prevents premenstrual disorders such as mood swings and water retention. During the menopause is an aid in calm mood swings, hot flashes, and the physiological decrease in bone density;

  • slows down cellular aging, thanks to its concentration of flavonoids and vitamins;

  • increases the immune defenses and is an excellent natural remedy in cases of diseases from cooling;

  • the presence of iodine makes it useful in cases of thyroid problems, while avoiding its intake in hyperthyroid syndromes.


Maca: use and contraindications

A supplement with such marked properties must be taken with caution. If it is good as a supplement in times of greatest need, it can however be too much in cases of normality. It can indeed lead to develop insomnia, restlessness, precisely because it is a strong tonic and stimulant. In addition, prolonged and excessive intake causes stomach pain and heartburn. It is not recommended for use in case of pregnancy, lactation, children and adolescents. The iodine concentration may also interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid, if this has already established hormonal dysfunctions.

It is recommended to start gradually with the intake of this supplement, observing the physical and emotional reactions, starting with a minimal amount. Prolonged use is not recommended: like all tonics in the long run it wears out rather than recharges and leads to a progressive increase in the stress load to which one is subjected. Maca root is a supplement and as such must be considered: it must be used only in moments of real and momentary need, it must not become a daily food except in very low concentrations.

To learn more:
> The properties of the Maca of the Andes

> Maca flour, properties and use

> Maca and side effects


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