Introspection: the tendency to self-deception

    Introspection: the tendency to self-deception

    We humans have a tendency to overestimate ourselves
    and deceive ourselves. In Social Psychology the effect of overconfidence is there
    he anticipates that many times the confidence in our potential is beyond our own
    power and reality, and a lot.

    Other times we look for false or rational explanations
    to explain our behaviors and our decisions. In psychology
    this is known as the "Illusione
    of Introspection
    ”, A name given to the process by which we create a
    justification for our decisions when we really don't know why
    we took. One of the first approximations to this concept
    it was made by psychologists from the University of Michigan, Richard Nisbett e
    Timothy D. Wilson in 1977, which started with a series of experiments
    they speculated that when we cannot access the mental process that we do
    leads to a certain decision, we invent an explanation that can
    offer any sense to it. In the experiment in question the researchers
    they handed a few pairs of socks to a group of women and asked them what
    they chose the ones they liked best. Once the choice is made, the
    women explained the details that led them to choose, by doing
    reference to aspects such as: texture, color, appearance ... but,
    the experiment hid a trick: all the stockings that had been theirs
    delivered were identical. But the Illusion of Introspection was even clearer
    in a more recent experiment developed by researchers Johansson and Hall. In
    on this occasion, the researchers showed people two photos of people from the
    opposite sex to choose the one that was most attractive to them. In
    subsequently, each person had to justify their decision. The part
    curious was that the researchers, thanks to a trick of conjuring,
    they replaced the image that had been chosen and finally showed them the photo
    which was not selected. Surprisingly, 70% of people didn't give up
    account of the deception and, evidently, invented various reasons for which
    he had chosen that face. And if that's not enough, the researchers asked
    people if they could detect a movement with which someone
    could have replaced the image. 84% of the deceived people claimed to
    Yes. This phenomenon was referred to by scholars as:
    "Choice blindness" (we already know that psychologists have a weird
    compulsion to call the same things by different names) and, as you can
    imagine, has been the subject of further experiments which confirm this. In summary, many times we are victims of our own
    same prejudices or wrong beliefs. We think we have the necessary
    knowledge of ourselves when instead we are making risky decisions
    but we do not wish (or are unable) to recognize it. So, normally there
    we allow ourselves to be tempted by the illusion of being better than the average (the
    blind spot bias) or we believe our values ​​and forms of
    think they are widespread and shared by a huge number of people compared to
    how much it is not in reality (effect of false consent). Tricks that the mind plays on us
    or… maybe… tricks we do to ourselves to avoid facing the
    the fact that we actually have a very limited ability to control our own
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