Harmonious Physicist | Here are the 9 golden rules to build it

By the healthiergang writer , AICS certified fitness instructor and personal trainer.

Harmonious physicist

We are in winter, the time of year in which every gym goer is looking for the growth of the much desired muscle mass.

Too often this training phase turns out to be too focused on increasing body weight, resulting in most cases from high-calorie diets that are sometimes unbalanced and lead only to an excessive accumulation of fat.

The bulking phase should be approached with extreme care by the athlete. While the winter period should lead to a targeted and constant increase in lean mass, on the other hand we must not forget that the primary objective is to build a symmetrical and harmonious physique.

Harmonious Physicist | Here are the 9 golden rules to build it

Putting weight without criteria certainly does not help, indeed in the long run it could prove deleterious and ruin all the work done in the weight room. For which it would be appropriate to follow guidelines for developing a proportionate and symmetrical physique, referring to the classic general rules of body building, always current for all lovers of this discipline.

1) Train your delts

To best shape a harmonious physique, it is good to concentrate on enlarging and strengthening the upper body, through intense and constant work on the deltoids.

This muscle commonly called the shoulder is not a large muscle, but its development leads to a harmony and completeness of the shape and overall line of our physical structure.

2) Don't overdo it with the trapezoids

Overdeveloping the trapezoids may prove to be a far from wise choice in the long run. This muscle group, if too massive, could minimize the overall width of the shoulders.

Trapezes must be trained with regard mainly by subjects of medium height, as they tend to develop them more than people of taller stature.

3) Train your lats

An athletic and well-structured body also derives from training aimed at increasing the lats. This muscle group is essential for building an aesthetic physique.

Harmonious Physicist | Here are the 9 golden rules to build it

The first training approach should focus on exercises that lead to the enlargement of the same and then move on to training aimed at thickening, such as pull-ups and rowing performed from different angles.

4) Beware of deadlifts

Deadlifts are of utmost importance for the growth of the back in general, but must be contextualized within one's own training table, as in some subjects they lead to a considerable thickening of the lumbar area, which aesthetically unbalances the proportions of the physicist.

Harmonious Physicist | Here are the 9 golden rules to build it

5) Do not neglect the toothed

The training subject should also focus on the development of the dentate and intercostals, muscles that are too often neglected but which in the long run can prove to be fundamental for the development of a harmonious and defined body since among other things they form harmony with the lats.

6) Feeding for the waist

The waistline should gradually taper to better highlight the symmetry and proportions of the body in general.

Working it requires great constancy, both in terms of training but above all in diet, as only with proper nutrition integrated with targeted exercises can it highlight a true athlete's waistline.

7) Train your pecs with dips

The dream of every trained subject is to show off a noteworthy bib. But having too thick bibs can be counterproductive.

The classic flat bench press, which remains the fundamental exercise to develop this important muscle section, must also be combined with often neglected exercises such as dips or cross over cables, which widen and square them.

8) The arms are important but not only

The focus of training, especially in subjects not yet skilled in the discipline of body building too often focuses on training the arms.

Although it is of fundamental importance, overtraining biceps and triceps does not lead to great results, either at a hypertrophic or aesthetic level.

Harmonious Physicist | Here are the 9 golden rules to build it

The lateral head of the triceps muscle is wider than the deltoids, so this muscle section must be trained with the utmost attention by the athlete. The risk is to penalize the width of the chest in its entirety, which will appear much narrower than it actually is.

9) Don't overlook the bottom

The body must be trained in full synergy, so training the lower body is of extraordinary importance for the development of a harmonious physique. The workout should stimulate all the muscle groups that make up our legs, as making the thighs too strong would lead to an unsightly imbalance.

At the expense could be the legs that would appear too thin and consequently the calves would be underdeveloped, creating an appearance that is anything but satisfactory.

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