10 sarcastic images to reflect

    When we are children and adolescents we have many dreams and projects, but then at a certain point in life, we become more practical people, it is as if everyday life swallows up our illusions and we continue to work only for pure inertia. However, we are wasting our lives in this way, even if the idea alone is often so terrifying that we prefer to avoid it. In this regard, prank and sarcasm can be great tools to stimulate us. Where reason fails, something can be achieved by joking about it. Where words fail, images can. Indeed, substantial changes in life do not always depend on profound reflections, but are sometimes motivated by much more visceral sensations. Sometimes, to overcome our defense mechanisms, which act as zealous guardians of our "I", it is necessary to resort to humor. So it can happen that the spark of change strikes in our minds and we start questioning some things. This time I would like to share with you some images created by illustrator John Holcroft, an English artist.10 sarcastic images to reflectHappiness is a personal path, it cannot be reached through predetermined rules that are the same for everyone.10 sarcastic images to reflectIf society didn't push you by creating expectations, would you continue to climb this ladder?10 sarcastic images to reflectLove should promote growth, not be an addictive trap.10 sarcastic images to reflectSocial networks are not life.10 sarcastic images to reflectIf you were really aware that you are not indispensable, would you continue to work so hard?10 sarcastic images to reflectWhat makes us unique is not what we wear, but what we think and feel.10 sarcastic images to reflectThere will always be someone willing to make you feel guilty, simply because others have taught them to do so.10 sarcastic images to reflectConstantly Hyper-connected, but alone.10 sarcastic images to reflectWe are prisoners of our minds, of our self-imposed prejudices and limits.10 sarcastic images to reflectLife is short. Switch in the blink of an eye. Don't waste it on things that aren't worth it!
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