Vitamin C against colds

Vitamin C against colds

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C, or more correctly Ascorbic Acid, is a water-soluble molecule that performs numerous essential functions: among these it seems that the ability to prevent and reduce the symptoms of the common cold has been recognized; the subject is however still controversial.
Vitamin C is an enzymatic cofactor of hydroxylation and allows the formation of collagen, adrenaline and aromatic compounds in the liver. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which intervenes in cellular defense against free radicals, promotes the reduction of folic acid as well as the conversion of ferrous iron (Fe ++) to ferric iron (Fe +++). But that's not all ...

Cold Prevention

For about 50 years the scientific community has split in two in evaluating the clinical usefulness of vitamin C in the treatment and prevention of the common cold. Briefly summarizing the most significant findings, it is possible to define that:

  • Vitamin C is an essential molecule for leukocyte homeostasis, therefore, its deficiency would significantly affect the immune defenses, which would be less stimulated and less active.
  • some trials have shown that pharmacological administration of vitamin C can FIGHT the symptoms of colds (L. Pauling 1970) and also PREVENT its onset (H. Hemilia 1994-1995-1997).
  • through the administration of 1-4g / day (about 200-800% of the recommended ration), it should be possible to reduce the symptoms of the common cold by 23%, and prevent its onset in 30% of cases (especially in subjects characterized by strong oxidative stress).

Furthermore, it is important to point out that (citation of the LARN):

At high doses of vitamin C, such as those that are taken for pharmacological purposes (10 or more g / day), gastrointestinal disorders have been found, which however seem to be due more to acidity than to vitamin C itself, as salts buffered no longer give the same effect. Other effects have also been found, such as increased urinary excretion of oxalates and the formation of kidney stones. However, it seems that doses up to 10g / day can be considered safe (Flodin, 1988).

However, the use of vitamin C against colds is still the subject of numerous discussions, therefore, until a compromise between therapy and maximum recommended dose is reached, it is strongly NOT RECOMMENDED its integrative or pharmacological abuse in the fight against symptoms and in prevention. of the common cold


  • Levels of Recommended Nutrient Intake for the population your country (LARN) - Society your country Human Nutrition (SINU)
  • L. Pauling - Vitamin C and Common Cold - 1970
  • Harri Hemila 1994; Harri Hemila 1995; Harri Hemila 1997
  • N.W. Flodin - Pharmacology of Micronutrients - (1988) Wiley, New York
  • Robert Cathcart - Vitamin C, Titrating To Bowel Tolerance, Anascorbemia, and Acute Induced Scurvy - Orthomed, 1994
  • S. Hokama, C. Toma, M. Jahana, M. Iwanaga, M. Morozumi , T. Hatano, Y. Ogawa (2000 Winter). Ascorbate conversion to oxalate in alkaline milieu and Proteus mirabilis culture - PMID 11156698
  • LK . Massey, M . Liebman, SA. Kynast-Gales (luglio 2005) - Ascorbate increases human oxaluria and kidney stone risk - J Nutr 123 (7): 1673. PMID 15987848
  • Prevent and cure colds with natural remedies - R. Sahelian, V. Dolby Toews - new - chapter 3 - page 21:32.

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