Pears: properties, nutritional values, calories

Le pears derive from the plants of the genus Pyrus, of which the most widespread species is the Pyrus communis. Rich in calcium and boron, they help hinder osteoporosis and lower cholesterol. Let's find out better.

> 1. Properties and benefits of pears

> 2. Calories and nutritional values ​​of pears

> 3. Ally of

> 4. Curiosities about pears

> 5. A recipe with pears

Pears: properties, nutritional values, calories


Properties and benefits of pears

Rich in football, pears reduce the risk of osteoporosis and hinder the process of rarefaction of bone tissue due to gradual demineralization. They also contain the boron, ally of the brain, improve the alertness and the ability to store notions or retain memories.

By consuming 5 pears, the need for this essential mineral is covered. Pears also contain a lot of fiber: 2 pears are enough to cover 32% of the daily requirement. Most of it is found in the peel and that is why eating the fruit without peeling it allows you to reap all the benefits, including the anti-cholesterol effect.

This particular virtue is due to the type of fiber known as pectin, the same that is added to jams and jellies to make them thicken. Being soluble, pectin forms a viscous layer in the intestine which binds to cholesterol favoring the evacuation together with the faeces.


Calories and nutritional values ​​of pears

100 g of pears contain 35 kcal / 147 kj.

Furthermore, for 100 g of product we have:

  • Water 87,40g
  • Carbohydrates 8,80g
  • Sugar 8,80g
  • Protein 0,30g
  • Fats 0,10g
  • Fiber 3,80g
  • Sodium 2mg
  • Potassium 127mg
  • Iron 0,30mg
  • Calcium 11mg
  • Phosphorus 15mg
  • Magnesium 7mg
  • Zinc 0,05mg
  • Copper 0,05mg
  • Vitamin B1 0,01mg
  • Vitamin B2 0,03mg
  • Vitamin B3 0,10mg
  • Vitamin C 4mg


Allied with

Intestines, bones, brain, blood circulation


Curiosities about pears


  • You would mistake someone for crazy to describe them properties of pears departed from virtue of beans? You would be wrong, because pears and beans have something fundamental in common: they both contain a type of dietary fiber that is very effective for lowering cholesterol: lignin.
  • Dr. Donald V. Schlimme, a professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Maryland in College Park, advises: canned pears they have properties not even remotely comparable to fresh pears. First, they are peeled and therefore lacking in fiber; secondly, many of the nutrients are lost during processing. The gain is only in calories: a serving of pears in syrup develops 25% more calories than the same amount of fresh fruit.



  • As the name suggests, this fiber does not dissolve in the intestine, but absorbs a large amount of water, making the stool pass through the digestive system more quickly. This procedure prevents constipation and hemorrhoids and reduces the risk of colon cancer.  
  • Gao Xianzhang, a farmer from the village of Hexia in northern China, has made plastic cages to grow pears from his trees. Now yours pears mature are in the shape of a Buddha.



Learn more about dietary fiber


A recipe with pears

How to prepare a great pears and chocolate cake?

First of all, the chocolate shortcrust pastry must have the right consistency and its flavor is irresistible. You will need 120 g of flour and 50 g of almond flour, 120 g of butter, 60 g of sugar, 1 egg yolk, 40 g of unsweetened cocoa powder, vanilla essence. The filling must be "sinful": 120 g of pure dark chocolate, 220 g of cream, 2 large hard-boiled pears, 2 eggs, 50 g of sugar

Let's move on to the procedure: put the butter kept to soften at room temperature in the mixer with the sugar, the yolk and the vanilla essence. Mix the mixture and then add the flour and cocoa sifted together. When the dough is compact, make a ball that you will leave to rest in the fridge wrapped in a clean cotton fabric for about an hour.

Then roll it out with a rolling pin between two sheets of parchment paper; grease and flour and line it with the rolled shortcrust pastry, with the help of parchment paper. Then remove the paper and adhere the edges of the dough to the walls of the mold. Prick the bottom of the dough with a fork and put everything to rest in the refrigerator for another half hour. After this time, cook at 180 ° for 10 minutes and let it cool.

Prepare the filling by breaking up the chocolate in a saucepan, adding the cream and half a dose of sugar; put directly on low heat, stirring constantly until you get a cream. Remove from the heat and let it cool, then add a lightly beaten egg and yolk.

Let the mixture run on the chocolate base.

Peel the pears and cut them into eighths, arrange them radially (or concentric circles, as you prefer) on the cream. Sprinkle the pear slices with the remaining sugar and return the mold to the oven for another 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven, when the pears are caramelized, you can decorate with some meringue, wads of cream or, if you prefer, with a sprinkling of icing sugar.



The fruit of winter

Other articles on pears:
> Fruits and vegetables in the cart in March
> The autumn diet to prepare for winter
> Pear sorbet, the recipe

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