Loving yourself makes you more beautiful

Loving yourself makes you more beautiful

Loving yourself makes you more beautiful because self-love, serenity and happiness are a balm for the soul and are contagious. We invite you to discover how inner and outer beauty are related.

Loving yourself makes you more beautiful

Last update: 23 November 2021

Inner and outer beauty have a closer connection than it seems; this because loving yourself makes you more beautiful in your own eyes and in others.

Outward beauty is a highly subjective quality. Although there are aesthetic canons considered socially desirable, they certainly do not represent a dogma. How many times are you attracted to those who do not respect them at all? How many times have you been fascinated by a person's charisma and ways of doing things?

Media, social networks and fashion companies have established a cult of the body that leads us frantically looking for ways to improve our appearance. Creams, surgeries, photo retouching, diets, strenuous exercises, etc.

However, often we neglect our inner world, ignoring that a large part of our capacity for attraction resides in it and, of course, our well-being.

Inner and outer beauty: how are they related?

There is an inescapable reality demonstrated over time in various scientific researches: having self-confidence is one of the qualities that is most attractive for both sexes. In other words, a person who loves himself, who accepts himself and who shows himself in an authentic and genuine way appears beautiful.

It stands out for positive and open conduct, good social skills and great charisma. She doesn't waste her energy trying to disguise, exaggerate, or pretend to be different; it also doesn't go out of its way to get external approval. She just be, with the conviction that she is enough, and this is reflected in her non-verbal and verbal language.

Gestures and postures convey confidence, and his conversation topics are often rich and varied. Loving yourself is only possible after exploring your inner world. This means getting to know each other and growing up, thus becoming an interesting person who has a lot to offer.

A beautiful face or statuesque body can make good cover letters, but their effect is short-lived. In the long run, we are attracted to kind, positive people with a good sense of humor and interesting conversations.

Neither vanity nor insecurity, nor narcissism nor submission are good allies long-term. Keep this in mind

Loving yourself makes you more beautiful

In addition to what has been said, there is another key point that plays in favor of those who have developed a solid self-esteem: those who love themselves, take care of themselves. In other words, he makes the decisions and carries them out actions necessary to ensure their physical and emotional well-being.

Inner and outer beauty are related in such a way that the former is reflected in the latter; Well, self-care involves choosing well the foods with which we nourish our body, keeping us active and clean, protecting the skin or choosing clothes that enhance us and make us feel at ease.

Just as a dirty or messy environment can be indicative of mental chaos and disorganization, a neglected appearance generally also reflects emotional difficulties.

Once healed, therefore, it will be necessary to work on oneself and give oneself priority: a similar inner evolution will also manifest itself in one's physical aspect.

Work on self-esteem to look good and feel better

Inner and outer beauty are an indivisible whole and self-esteem is the key to being able to bring out the best version of oneself. So let's stop worrying about what others expect about how we should see or behave in order to be loved and recognized; you must, first of all, love yourself and recognize yourself.

This means speaking kind words, carefully choosing people to relate to, and working on goals to achieve in order to achieve the desired life. No one is more beautiful than the happy, authentic and peaceful person. No one is more attractive than someone who accepts themselves and isn't afraid to show themselves as they are.

Loving yourself makes you more beautiful because self-love permeates words, gestures and attitudes; serenity and optimism are transmitted and perceived from the first moment.

Love yourself because you are the most important person in your life and don't hesitate to seek professional help if you don't know where to start. Emotions, relationships, and even looks transform when we appreciate each other.

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