The invisible child syndrome: affective deficiencies

The invisible child syndrome: affective deficiencies

The invisible child syndrome is a condition that develops when the child does not receive attention, especially emotional, from the parents.

The invisible child syndrome: affective deficiencies

Last update: 12 November 2021

Invisible Child Syndrome is a condition that develops when the child does not receive attention, especially emotional, from parents. The result is an intense sense of abandonment, as if it did not exist or were invisible.

As a rule, children with this syndrome are short-tempered, distant, withdrawn and isolated. Likewise, not feeling loved and valued by their parents, they tend to create a fantastic universe for dealing with loneliness.

Affective deficiencies lead them to isolate themselves from the group. They may even feel like a "burden" on the family. Worse still, they feel an enormous sense of guilt.

"Why understand abandonment, you have to be abandoned."

-Laura Esquivel-

The course of the invisible child syndrome

When invisible baby syndrome occurs during the first few years of life, yes manifests as a disconsolate tears and a predisposition to irascibility. There is also a marked state of anxiety and distress due to the apparent refusal of the parents.

Likewise, as it grows, the child exhibits a rebellious attitude and is his defiant attitude is evident. Likewise, clumsiness in movements is common when performing various physical activities. This also leads to a delay in psychological and motor development.

Nevertheless, tends to show one overflowing fantasy, distinguished by its sharpness. Compared to the group, it tends to have severe limitations of a social nature.

He is often made fun of by his peers, which further reduces his self-esteem. Following this, perceives the environment as a threatening reality, which strengthens the sense of guilt and leads him to experience constant states of sadness.

Some consequences

When insufficient attention is paid to the child's needs, especially in emotional terms, invisible child syndrome can emerge.

The effects will manifest themselves more intensely during adolescence: he becomes suspicious, insecure and easily manipulated.

Such a picture leads him to do everything to be accepted by the group; in addition to this, in adulthood it is common to seek solace in drugs or alcohol.

Establishing healthy relationships will be very difficult, which is why fragile bonds will be established that will break for any reason. In severe cases, the feeling of emptiness will be a constant, as well as the frustration of failure.

How to deal with the invisible baby syndrome

The best way to prevent invisible baby syndrome is to provide the care your little one needs from the moment he is born. The manifestations of affection, such as kisses, hugs and caresses, they are very important.

It is essential to play with him, to encourage him to express himself about what he likes and dislikes. Support him when he is afraid and value his successes; all this will strengthen his self-esteem.

It is also advisable to keep the channels of communication open with the child and help him to express his feelings, moods and conflicts. If this doesn't work, or the parents don't know how to do it, a specialist should be consulted.

Other aspects of abandonment

One must not lose sight of the fact that underlying the invisible child syndrome there may be physical and / or psychological neglect. In the first case, the consequences can be observed in the absence of personal care, poor health, malnutrition and lack of physical activity, among other cases.

As for psychological neglect, the consequences may be less obvious, but more serious. The absence of social activities necessarily leads to different levels of alienation. Sadness results in a state of disappointment that easily leads to depression.

Thus, the child's life is transformed into a space of uncertainty, but above all of anger and pain. Finally, it is good to clarify that this situation should be prevented. If it is already present, all necessary steps will have to be taken to overcome it.

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