Abdominal Crunch on the Ground | Execution, Variations and Problems

By the healthiergang writer , ISSA certified personal trainer and student at SaNIS (School of Nutrition and Sports Integration).

 Abdominal Crunch on the Ground 

1-2-3-4-5-6 .. there are all 6 checkers of the "turtle”.. and then off to the beach.

The mindset is this, the abdomen is one of the more controversial muscles absolutely. There are hundreds of exercises for the "lower part", "upper part", "lateral" etc ..

But are they necessary? And above all, is there an absolute best one?

Yes, from my point of view, the Crunch.


The starting position sees the subject lying down bench press, the hands can be placed behind the head in order to support it, the bent legs are spread apart at the hips. Keeping the pelvis firmly on the ground, you will then bend your torso exhaling and concentrating on the contraction of the rectus abdominis. The final position sees the subject with the torso flexed but the pelvis always fixed to the ground (in the crunch you do not get up to a sitting position).

The angle to be reached should be 30-40 degrees from the ground [1] [4] [5] [6]. The reason lies in the fact that, beyond this angle, the participation of the hip flexors which act as main muscles becomes preponderant, while the rectus abdominis remains contract isometrically with only synergistic action. This situation occurs, for example, in the sit-up [2]. Then slowly return to the starting position by going to exhale. There abdominal musculature it will then stretch.


In addition to this first version of the Crunch, we can identify several others that can be useful in specific situations by presenting different advantages:

1. Position of the hands

As we have seen in the traditional version the hands should be placed behind the neck, this has the advantage of support it unloading the weight of the head that goes to load the muscles of the neck.

Abdominal Crunch on the Ground | Execution, Variations and Problems

The disadvantage, in subjects with particularly weak abdominal muscles, lies in the fact that there will be a greater lever arm and consequently a greater difficulty for the muscle. An alternative may be to roll out arms along the torso.

2. Disk usage or overload

Using an overload obviates the opposite problem. In the case of particularly strong abdominal muscles, a disc can be used to make the exercise even more complex.

Abdominal Crunch on the Ground | Execution, Variations and Problems

Again you can play on length of the lever arm therefore going to place the disc above the torso or behind the neck (the nape can rest on it, it is comfortable!).

3. Using the cable

However, using the disk we have a problem. The tension (ie moment of force) is maximum at the point of maximum elongation of the bust (when we are almost lying) while reducing at the point of maximum contraction.

Abdominal Crunch on the Ground | Execution, Variations and Problems

A little bit what happens with the crosses with dumbbells so to speak. This problem is solved with theuse of cables. A first modality is the low cable, lying on the bench; a second is the high cable (sitting, for example, at the Machine lat, in this case we will have the hip flexed). 

4. Declination of the work plan

Another variation is the one performed sdraiati supini on a declined bench. In this case the moment of force will be maximum at a point near the maximum contraction giving emphasis to this ROM arc.

Abdominal Crunch on the Ground | Execution, Variations and Problems

5. Crunch with twist

This variant of the Crunch prevents, simultaneously with the flexion of the torso, a torsion of the same with consequent activation of the musculature of theoblique abdomen.

 Abdominal Crunch on the Ground | Execution, Variations and Problems

In this case we recommend exercising a minimal overload (a force vector) contrary to rotation, for example with an unbalanced disc in the opposite direction to that in which we rotate.

6. Reverse crunch

In this variant the torso remains fixed and the pelvis moves towards the chest. Activation is always carried out by the rectus abdominis (be careful not to let the hip flexors work mainly).

Abdominal Crunch on the Ground | Execution, Variations and Problems

The execution can also be done on inclined bench.

7. Su Fit-Ball

Variant that belongs to the current of the cd functional workout. It can be relatively useful, the main problem is that it requires a lot of work stabilization and, consequently, an intervention by the synergistic musculature. 

Abdominal Crunch on the Ground | Execution, Variations and Problems


The different ones types of crunches they are all valid and certainly effective. However, there are problems common to them:

1. lo is inevitably involved in the execution of the Crunch sternocleidomastroideo and hip flexors;

2. the involvement of hip flexors it can affect your lower back.

The second problem is a consequence of the first and is itself causing any damage. Basically it will be enough to solve one to be able to put our soul in peace. But before we give you the solution (you have to think!) Let's understand why the involvement of the hip flexors can cause lower back problems.

Therefore, an overtone of the hip flexors can lead to an arching of the lumbar lordosis. This is due to the conformation of the Psoas (main of this muscle group). In fact, it originates from the lateral surfaces (cost-like processes), the last thoracic vertebrae and the first ones four lumbar vertebrae, fitting on the medial surface of the lesser trochanter of the femur [3] [7] [8]. When this muscle contracts, it exerts increased compressive and shear forces on the lumbar spine [9].

In Crunch these problems are reduced because, as we have seen, the involvement of the hip flexors is only synergistic. However they can turn out to be concrete in individuals who fail to perform the exercise well or who already have an asymmetry of strength between the abdominal muscles and the psoas.

Our proposal

Here is a simple and effective proposal to avoid these drawbacks and maximize the work of the abdominal rectum. Lying on your back, plant your feet against a wall in front of us and exert a very slight pressure in order to activate the hip extensors.

An activation of this musculature will in fact lead to a relaxation of the antagonists: the hip flexors! This will allow you to work the rectum of the abdomen better, to feel it and to really isolate it.


THEabdomen is muscle that is made at the table. Very true. However, this does not mean that you should not train, and indeed, the training of the abdomen is functional to different sports and gestures, even in the gym, given its function as a torso stabilizer.

Many leave it alone, others focus too much on it. The right is somewhere in between, you have to dedicate the right time to it, as long as it is qualitative. Here, this variant of the Crunch (to replace the sit-up! [10] [11] [12]) may be for you.

Mix it up!

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