Commandments for sleeping well

Commandments for sleeping well

Sleeping well means falling asleep easily, resting deeply and without interruption, as well as reaching the necessary hours of rest so that the brain and body feel rested. How can this be done?

Commandments for sleeping well

Last update: June 19, 2022

Sleeping well is synonymous with good physical and mental health. We all know this, yet sleep disorders are becoming more and more common. Many people cannot sleep soundly or sleep long enough. Here, then, the 10 commandments to sleep well.

Today the routines are no more stiff as before. In some cases, this affects the quality of sleep, as circadian rhythms are not respected or there is too much flexibility in eating and sports habits. These are factors that prevent good sleep.

"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book."

-Irish proverb-

A good quality sleep it is essential for proper cognitive activity. It also affects crucial aspects such as weight and aging. In light of this, sleeping well is imperative. How can this be done? The following strategies can help us.

The 10 commandments to sleep well

1. Follow a regular schedule

The first commandment to sleep well is to establish times regular. This makes the physiological processes stable and consistent.

The human body is a system that works much better when specific patterns are followed. In particular, it is very important to always get up at the same time.

Going to bed and getting up at the same time is a routine that gives order to the brain.

2. Take short naps

Naps are fine, as long as they aren't too long and don't make it difficult to sleep at night. Un nap in the middle of the afternoon, lasting no more than 4, it can be revitalizing. Numerous or very long naps can do more harm than good.

3. Drink caffeine 6 hours before going to bed

The ideal for sleeping well is avoid the consumption of caffeine from six hours before going to bed. This substance is present in coffee, but also in tea, chocolate and a large number of drinks. Its action hinders sleep.

4. No alcohol or tobacco 4 hours before going to bed

Another of the commandments for sleeping well is this: do not consume large amounts of alcohol nor smoke from four hours before going to bed.

Both substances alter some neurological and physiological functions. This does not induce sleep or makes it less restorative and more intermittent.

5. Commandments to sleep well: pay attention to nutrition

A common mistake is to eat a lot or heavy food before going to bed. Heavy meals, spicy and sugary foods should be avoided in the four hours before going to bed. If hunger strikes, a light snack is recommended.

6. Right physical activity

Many think that exercising before bed helps them feel more tired and less stressed, which is why they will sleep well. It is not so.

In the four hours before going to bed, physical activity should be gradually reduced. Sport activates the body and mind, so it is more difficult to sleep.

7. Wear comfortable clothes

Sometimes pajamas are not given enough importance. However, this is a factor that greatly affects rest. It is recommended to use cotton fabrics, as they facilitate transpiration and are more comfortable.

8. Commandments for good sleep: the right environment

The room in which you sleep should be as comfortable as possible. It is easier to sleep well if there is a good temperature and adequate ventilation.

Likewise, light conditions that promote sleep. There is no need to save money when it comes to buying the bed and the bedroom, which must be comfortable.

9. Noise control

A key factor in sleeping well is the absence of noises that prevent you from falling asleep or sleeping. Total silence is ideal. Some people play some music or leave the TV on, but that's not the most appropriate choice.

It is best to eliminate any noise before going to bed.

10. Commandments for sleeping well: the bed

The bed must be intended for rest and moments of intimacy. We should not carry out any other activity on it.

Therefore, it should not be used for eating, watching television or working. In doing so, the brain associates the bed with activities other than rest.


The 10 commandments for good sleep help you achieve stable and restorative sleep. It may be difficult for some people to fully respect them, because they already have other habits. However, if you want to get more and better rest, it's time to make a change.

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