Don't love reading: why?

Don't love reading: why?

Reading is a habit that offers countless benefits. However, not everyone loves this activity. Where do others find pleasure in the exercise of reading?

Don't love reading: why?

Last update: 08 March, 2022

Reading offers great benefits and this is why people usually try to instill a love for books from childhood. As adults, we hear friends and acquaintances claim that reading is one of their greatest hobbies, something they are passionate about. Nevertheless, not loving reading is quite common.

Those who do not share this love of reading try to understand what prevents them from enjoying such a highly recommended and apparently essential activity.

On more than one occasion, you have heard that people who do not read are not cultured or imaginative, do not have a vast cultural background and are vague or simple.

How can we not feel guilty or inadequate in the face of such claims? But actually, it is necessary to investigate the reasons for one's lack of interest in reading.

Not loving reading: possible reasons

The reasons why a person does not like to read can be different. We analyze them in the following paragraphs.

An inappropriate concept

Sometimes the way they try to instill a love of reading in us is inappropriate. It is presented to us as an imposition, but reading must be a pleasure, a space to let the imagination fly.

From an early age they force us to read, focusing on how many pages we devour per day, making reading an exercise of limited freedom, when it is quite the opposite.

It is not surprising that many people grow up hating this activity which for many years has been an ordeal for them, a source of discussion and an external imposition. Perhaps we should begin to transmit reading to the little ones as an option for recreation, entertainment.

We must bring the little ones to love reading and not just impose this activity. Maybe this way, as adults, they may relate differently to the written word.

Wide variety of options

Another important aspect is that we are not always aware of the immensity of the alternatives available to us. Reading is not just about the great classics or the latest bestsellers. It is not even an activity that is limited to books.

We must keep in mind that each human being is a world unto himself. Each of us has particularities, tastes and personal preferences.

Perhaps a large number of people love suspense stories, perhaps everyone around us is talking about the latest science fiction novel. But we don't have to adapt to the tastes of others.

Instead, let's think about what we like, what interests us and makes us dream. Perhaps romantic novels or biographies of famous people are much more attractive to us.

O perhaps we prefer to read interesting articles on cooking, sports, personal development or fitness. All of this is also reading; it feeds the mind as much as the best-selling book of the moment would. Furthermore, it is consistent with our identity.

When we prepare to read, we choose something that truly fascinates us, excites us, interests us. Something we really want to know more about. We forget the opinion of others, we read for ourselves, only for us.

Systems of representation

We don't all have the same communication style. There are visual people, others more auditory, others more kinesthetic.

In other words, some prefer to receive visual information, others choose to listen to it, and still others choose to experience it directly. In light of this, it is unrealistic to try to group us all in the same way.

If you don't like reading, perhaps audiobooks are the best option. Perhaps we find it more pleasant to receive the message verbally and today we can access numerous titles in this format. Or perhaps writing feels more satisfying, as one likes to actively work rather than passively receive.

Don't love reading, that's okay

If after taking into account all the above perspectives, we find that we don't like reading, nothing happens. This does not mean that you are less intelligent, less educated or interesting. Each person has different personality traits and their own particular way of life.

Maybe we love to play sports, meditate, watch videos, paint with watercolors… Not everyone has to like the same activity and that's okay. We have the right to choose how to achieve our personal development.

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