Achieving inner peace amidst the chaos

Achieving inner peace amidst the chaos

Achieving inner peace is a gift that we cannot deny ourselves.

Achieving inner peace amidst the chaos

Last update: Augusts 24, 2020

Inner peace is a very old concept that has recently made a comeback. To understand what it is, just think of the noise of the world around us. We are not referring only to the annoying noises we deal with every day in big cities, but also to the multitude of elements that alter our tranquility. In such a hustle and bustle how is it possible to achieve inner peace?

We can speak of external and internal peace. The external silence is given by the absence of noise, it corresponds to those extraordinary moments in which the external noise disappears. Inner silence, on the other hand, refers to a subjective state in which there are no elements that disturb our tranquility.

Both inner and outer peace offer great benefits to the brain. The absence of noises and stressful stimuli favor a unique rest of its kind. They revitalize. They clear the mind and moderate emotions. Nothing regenerates like silence. So let's see how to achieve inner peace and live better.

All of humanity's problems come from man's inability to sit quietly alone in a room.

-Blaise Pascal-

Achieving inner peace and contact with oneself

One of the most difficult aspects to endure in the modern world is the bombardment of stimuli we are exposed to. Most of them appear to be urgent. We do not have time to wake up when we are assailed by numerous worries.

Technology is absorbing a large part of our time. Partly because of work and partly because we have developed a certain addiction to social networks: a space for socializing that we urgently need to consult continuously.

Under these conditions it is practically impossible to establish a real connection with ourselves. To do this, we would need to find quiet spaces within us; that is to say that we should minimize the volume of stimuli and dedicate free time to ourselves that allows us to return to our thoughts and emotions to listen to them.

Living in a noisy world

Inner and outer silence are connected to each other. We receive too many auditory stimuli today than in the past. We are always forced to abandon our thoughts to respond to external noises. The siren of an ambulance, an engine that starts, a sound that announces the arrival of a message. All of this happens at an impressive pace.

Sometimes we feel the need to get away, to move to an oasis of peace, free from noise. If you have the chance, do it. Unfortunately, very often this is not possible, because our commitments prevent us from doing so. However, we must not resign ourselves to this constant burden.

It is not necessary to start doing yoga or meditation exercises. Just reduce the number of stimuli we receive; simplify our life, in short. Eliminate the sense of duty towards everything and dwell only on the essential.

Listen to yourself and make contact

When we fail to achieve inner peace, we feel tense. And with the passage of time, this tension turns into suffering. We live in suffering. To get out of this state, we must learn to set ourselves limits, both in terms of the stimuli we receive and the duties we impose ourselves to fulfill.

In the modern world, the first limit to be set concerns technology. We waste a lot of time on social networks and email addresses. We have grown accustomed to thinking that all of this represents a great advantage for our lives, but it is not. They steal valuable moments from us and prevent us from listening to ourselves.

A good idea is to have two cell phones: one for work and one for private life. Once the working day is over we should turn off the phone for work and turn it on only the next day. It is also worth reflecting every day on what the real benefit of having conversations on social networks is. We will probably find that it is very scarce and this could lead us to use them less.

Only with inner silence can we hear what our body tells us. The warning signals he sends out, his pains and his pleasure. We also need some quiet time to rediscover ourselves and understand what we think and what we feel towards our life. Achieving inner peace is a gift that we cannot deny ourselves.

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