We must let go of what hurts us

We must let go of what hurts us

We must let go of what hurts us

Written and verified by the psychologist GetPersonalGrowth.

Last update: 15 November 2021

Time has made me realize that letting go doesn't mean giving up, that it is not an act of weakness, but of strength and growth, because, even if it hurts to let go, I understand that there are things that need to change.

Along our life path, we have left many things behind, we have abandoned scenarios, situations, habits and even people. Nowadays, we are all we have left in the past to form a more authentic present, even if this has caused us great suffering.

We must understand that living many times means breaking bonds and that freeing our hands of what previously filled us with joy and hope is, without a doubt, painful. However, the sooner we make this thought our own, the sooner we will be prepared to overcome these moments, these crossroads on the path where looking back means attaching ourselves to what must not exist.

Living with sporadic nostalgia enriches and inspires, but living perpetually thinking about the memory of what you have let go, does not allow you to grow, blocks you and erodes you like rocks hit several times by the pain of the waves.

Free yourself, step forward and make your own what you have experienced as someone who keeps a precious treasure: enrich yourselves and take the most suitable path, in which the balance, the most right for you, opens the way.

Letting go of certain things for better ones to come

Sometimes what we let go of was something we had faith in at a given moment and that in many cases made us happy. The joy, love and hope of then explain the pain of today and the difficulties that come with having to say goodbye to that person or situation.

In reality it is not easy to understand when we are told many times that life means letting go, allowing oneself to flow without resisting. How can this be done? People need security day in and day out and we also need that those who love us today will love us the same way tomorrow.

  • The act of letting go involves a gesture of courage and self-knowledge. It is necessary to be able to perceive where our limits are and what we really want for ourselves.
  • We are aware of the fact that no one has guaranteed happiness in the palm of their hand; however, we have the right to cross our fingers in another hand at a given moment that fills us with emotions and that, in some way, offers us well-being.
  • If this companion that we hold by the hand does not guide us on the path of happiness, it is necessary to free ourselves to seek our personal path. We will do it even if love exists, because despite affection and passion, not all relationships are wise nor do all loves understand the language of respect.

Good self-esteem and a strong attitude that defends our dignity will keep us away from these situations in which we remain immobile, subjected to suffering. Maturing also means letting go of those who don't want to stay.

Learning to let go will lead you to happiness

Whoever holds onto the past enslaves his thoughts, his mind, his heart and his soul. The past cannot be erased or changed or forgotten. We cannot even change people or force them to want us as we wish ... There are aspects of our life that, in order to be overcome, must first be accepted.

Nobody comes into the world knowing everything nor carrying the manual of perfect decisions, those that are free from error. Living means trying, touching, starting, taking risks and even making mistakes; for this reason, we must keep in mind the following aspects:

  • Do not be angry, do not fill your heart with anger or your mind with rancor. Letting go is an art that must be developed peacefully and without anger, only then will we allow ourselves to be free, discovering that the pain is less every day.
  • To let go, first you have to learn to accept: accept that every experience is worth living, because it is life, because whoever refuses and forgets does not learn, does not heal and does not grow. It is necessary to accept what has happened and understand that letting go also means growing.

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