I don't need you, but I prefer you

    I don't need you, but I prefer you

    I don't need you, but I prefer you

    Last update: 24 March, 2022

    They made us believe that love, the real one, is found only once, and in general before the age of thirty.
    They did not tell us that love is not activated and that it does not arrive at a specific time.

    They made us believe that each of us is half of an apple, that life only makes sense when we can find the other half. They did not tell us that we are born whole, that no one in our life never deserves to carry on their shoulders the responsibility of completing what we lack: we grow with ourselves. If we are in good company, it is simply more pleasant.

    They made us believe in a formula called "two in one": two people who think and act alike, that only this can work. They didn't tell us that all of this has a name: cancellation. That only being individuals with their own personality allows us to have a healthy relationship.

    They made us believe that marriage is a must and that out of time desires must be repressed.
    They made us believe that the beautiful and thin are the most loved, that those who have little sex are old-fashioned and those who do too much are not reliable, and that there will always be an old shoe for a bad foot!
    They just didn't tell us that there are many more "crooked" minds than feet.

    They have made us believe that there is only one formula for happiness, the same for everyone, and those who try to free themselves from it are doomed to marginalization.
    They haven't told us that these formulas don't work, they frustrate people, they are alienating, and that there are other alternatives.

    Ah, they didn't even tell us that no one will ever tell us this.
    Each of us will discover it for ourselves. And so, when you are very much in love with yourself, you can be just as happy, and you can love someone.
    We live in a world where we hide to make love, while violence and hatred spread in the sunlight. "

    John Lennon

    I don't need you, but I prefer you. We know, it is difficult to say these words and to do so you have to leave aside many other things. Among many, it is necessary to put aside cowardice and arm yourself with courage, valor and patience. A lot of patience.

    Patience to explain that preferring is much more than needing, because it implies loving and desiring someone so intensely, much more than when we need them.

    By this we want to tell you that the only person we need to live is ourselves. And we, having the full right to use our emotional freedom, choose that someone, we want him by our side and we want him.

    You have to know how to decide not to let yourself be enslaved by your emotional past anymore. We must not allow others to shape who we are. You have to look for a way to express your whole being and explore your ocean in depth. Only then can we be ourselves.

    Let us commit ourselves to never pleasing others before pleasing ourselves. Let us not let ourselves be carried away by people passing by or by people passing by. Let's get rid of the strangling effects of our thoughts right now and work to make our decisions feel good.

    Getting rid of the bandages that plug our wounds will help us create deep and authentic bonds with each other. Because if you don't love freely, it's better not to love, because emotional addiction destroys.

    We do not know if we will love someone all our life, nor if we will always do it with the same intensity. But what we do know is that right now we want that someone more than any other person. He doesn't occupy our mind every second, but he is always with us.

    I choose love and continue to be my own master. Because the strongest feeling of love that exists is love for oneself. Because, as Perls said:

    “I am me and you are you. I did not come into the world to fulfill your expectations and you did not come into the world to fulfill mine ”. 

    I am I .... a complete being with shortcomings. You are you, a complete being, also you with your shortcomings.

    If two people meet and accept each other, if they are able not to despise differences and to value together what distinguishes them, they can walk together, silently, respecting each other, giving thanks for that sacred and loving company on their path.

    You are you. I am me. If we meet at one point or at a time, it will be wonderful. If not, a solution can be found.

    We deprive ourselves of love when we betray each other in order to please the other. We deprive the other of love when we try to make him be as we would like him to be, instead of accepting him as he really is.

    You are you. And I am me.

    Main image courtesy of natalia_maroz

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