Toxic anxiety: clues to recognize it

Toxic anxiety: clues to recognize it

Toxic anxiety: clues to recognize it

Last update: December 26, 2016

Anxiety is a negative emotion that is not harmful in itself. However, when it becomes chronic and unwarranted, it becomes painful and toxic and can limit us too much in our daily life.

We want to emphasize that at first anxiety is normal and healthy, in fact it helps us to be sufficiently active to protect ourselves from imminent dangers or to carry out certain tasks.

However, despite its protective nature, it worries us because we fear it will turn into anguish, worry, nervousness, palpitations, intense thoughts, sweating, etc.

Thus begins a vicious circle in which we are anxious when we predict anxiety. This means that the fear generated by the emotion in question gives rise to the same emotions and the same reality that make us so afraid.

The monster of adrenaline and cortisol

This state, which we will call the "vicious circle of anxiety", is accompanied by the activity of two main hormones: adrenaline and cortisol. To understand how they work, we can think about our reaction when we fall down the stairs. We feel our hearts in our throats and look for the handrail to protect our physical integrity.

This set of sensations, which correspond to healthy anxiety, offer us energy and strength to protect ourselves. These are moments of tremendous and unpleasant excitement during which our body, by necessity, processes a good amount of adrenaline and cortisol.

We can also think of roller coasters: the sensations you experience are unpleasant and violent, the opposite of having fun. When we are about to fall down the stairs or when we are on a roller coaster, we know that the sensations are fleeting and, as they came, they will go away.

However, when the dangers respond to expectations or thoughts that try to predict future dangers, we don't let the cute adrenaline monster sleep. Since we do not make him sleep, the monster feeds on our worries in the form of adrenaline, a condition that imprisons us more and more in these feelings of anguish without there being anything that justifies them.

Adrenaline and cortisol are left with nothing and no one to save from the dragon. They are there, present, because we feed them with future thoughts that portend bad experiences.

Everything remains trapped inside us despite trying to get out and break free. Because of this, attacks occur, insomnia, negative thoughts and the feeling of blocking arise.

Some masks that use toxic anxiety to manifest itself

Chronic worry

Anxiety can present itself through incessant worry on family, health, academic or work goals, economic situation, etc. Faced with these worries, one feels a grip in the stomach and one has the feeling that an unpleasant event will happen without knowing what and why.

Fears and phobias

An excessive fear of needles, blood, stings, heights, elevators, the dentist, water, animals such as spiders, reptiles or dogs, thunderstorms, closed places, etc. This mask is another harsh image chosen by anxiety for us.

Anxiety about performing in public

Sometimes anxiety leads us to paralyze ourselves in front of an exam, a performance, a sports competition or any other situation that implies the correct execution of the execution of a task.

Fear of public speaking

Disproportionate fear of public speaking is another major form of anxiety. We feel that the world turns a thousand per hour, we tremble, we are nervous and we believe that we will forget everything when others see how ridiculous we are.

Social phobia

Feeling nervous, tense and unable to articulate words during one's social gatherings is another way that anxiety uses to greet us. Thoughts pass through our minds such as: "I have nothing interesting to say", "I can't talk to anyone", "They'll think I'm a strange person and a failure", "I don't deserve nobody cares about me", etc .

Panic attacks

Sweating, dizziness, blockages, stiffness, severe palpitations, intense fear… have you suddenly felt these emotions and thought you were about to die? If so, anxiety was wearing her cruelest costume: panic attack.


Are you afraid of being away from home? Do you have a clear belief that something terrible will happen to you on the street, in line at the supermarket or on the bus? Do you feel that you will have, for example, a panic attack and that no one will be able to help you? The anxiety has disguised itself as agoraphobia or, in other words, an intense fear of being in public spaces. 

Obsessions and compulsions

There are thoughts that harass incessantly and that do not get out of the head. At the same time, something within you forces you to perform constant superstitious rituals in order to control your fears.

For example, you may need to continually wash your hands, to check several times that you have locked the door, or to say 10 "Our Father" to protect your family. Anxiety masked itself as obsessions and compulsions, one of the darkest dresses.

Post-traumatic stress syndrome

Did you experience a traumatic event months or years ago (sexual abuse, mistreatment, seeing a murder, etc) and the images of that horrible situation always show up in your head? Don't sleep well and don't feel safe? See a mental health specialist because perhaps anxiety is manifesting itself in the form of post-traumatic stress syndrome.

body dysmorphic disorder (concern with physical appearance)

Your physical appearance looks terribly abnormal to you, but you are the only ones who see it, other people around you tell you that this is not the case, that your nose, body or hair is normal.

You probably feel the need to resort to plastic surgery and constantly look in the mirror with the intent of correcting your defect. Perhaps the anxiety is manifesting itself in the form of a body dysmorphic disorder; take this into account and consult a specialist.

Hypochondria (health concern)

Pain, fatigue, dizziness, discomfort ...You are sure you are sick, but the doctor finds nothing and the tests reveal nothing unusual. Do not calm down even after the necessary medical explanations.

Perhaps you are suffering from hypochondria, therefore, to treat yourself in health, look for a good psychologist who analyzes your beliefs and your way of thinking about your state of health.

Notes to the reader 

In no way is the content of this article intended as an analysis. The idea is to bring the reader closer to the possibility that anxiety is present in his mind without him realizing it. In the event of any suspicion, it is essential to contact a professional who will assess the situation and deal with the problem if necessary.

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