Mind or heart?

Mind or heart?

Mind or heart?

Last update: May 12, 2015

Is there really an insurmountable distance between mind and heart or are they two things in one? Does the heart come first and then the mind or vice versa? Who guides you in your search for the truth?

Throughout our life we ​​face endless battles between these two poles that control our feelings, emotions, decisions, successes and failures. We find ourselves questioning ourselves in the face of great dilemmas that end up canceling us, make our consistency collapse and make us feel insecure, because most of the time we don't know until the very end if we are making the right choice. And it is precisely when we have to make a decision that mind and heart come into play.

Which of the two should we follow and listen to?

The truth is that neither of these two elements is better than the other. We cannot be guided only by heartotherwise we would be overwhelmed by impulses and cravings without any control: the mind needs to analyze our desires wisely and cautiously, to prevent moments of madness from determining our end. However, we can't even faithfully follow the mindotherwise we would deprive ourselves of the freedom to feel and we would build a wall that would block the passage to all the emotions and passions that we have yet to discover and experience.

From this brief description you can understand that there is no black or white in front of a choice: it is rather a wide range of grays, of different intensity, which are reflected in ourselves. No two shades are identical, just as no two people are the same: for this there is no fixed rule that applies to everyone, but everyone must be able to know and know how to use their own. We must learn to listen, to understand, to know each other.

If we succeed, there will be no situations, decisions, circumstances before which we will not know what to do. We will always be able to use our "rule", the one created especially for us, because it is extracted from our hearts and our minds. Each of these two poles will have put their own, because they must connect without creating conflicts: they are two parts of us destined to understand and collaborate, only in this way will we be able to truly be ourselves.

Stop and get to know each other: it is a long journey, but the goal is reachable. Find the right shade for you and use it as a guide. It is difficult, but not impossible if you are faithful and honest with yourself. Feel and experience to be able to create your own link between mind and heart.

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