I love hugs that chase away sadness

I love hugs that chase away sadness

I love hugs that chase away sadness

Last update: 11 November 2015

I love hugs that bring together the broken parts of me, that take away the loneliness and fill with joy. Because when they embrace us with such force that it seems almost to destroy us, in reality they are reassembling us. Because there are hugs that create special connections, full of harmony, that stop time ...

There will never be anyone who will not appreciate a hug or those who say they are useless, but a hug is necessary for any person at one time or another in their life. There are many types of hugs, as many as people, situations and relationships, but each of them gives us a different message. 

The hugs that heal

Many times a hug is the best therapy, because only thanks to this can a person feel strong and move forward. Hugs are the fastest way to communicate with the people we love, because they say so much more than words. 

Merging our bodies in an embrace fills us with joy, allows us to be more patient and makes us relax. Feeling loved and being able to appreciate the peace that the warmth of a hug gives us also strengthens our self-esteem.

In fact, hugs allow us to better deal with pain, allow others to understand how we feel and allow us to show our love and support.

There are as many hugs as there are moments ...

Sometimes a hug is purely physical, the result of the contact of two bodies, quick and light. Other times, on the contrary, hugs are full of emotions, which are capable of making us explode and make us feel indescribable emotions.

Then there are the hugs of the soul, those full of the purest intentions and loving ... through these embraces we understand that peace is free and accessible, because feeling the other completes us and allows us to give without thinking about what we will receive.

Embracing life is the best thing we can do for our emotional well-being and for the well-being of those around us. This happens because hugs do not need words to say everything, for this it is not necessary for our soul to suffer, because there is a hug for every sadness.

Hug yourselves ...

You embrace others as you embrace life.
You embrace life as you embrace others.

Have you ever hugged each other? Did you transmit heat to each other? Have you relieved your sadness? Have you complimented yourself on what you have achieved? The warmth of an intimate and personal embrace is essential to feel good. In this way, we work on the art of self-love, we take off our armor and move away from the cold, to get closer to authenticity.

Hugging us means opening up to ourselves, being able to bind ourselves from within and to move ourselves. Because touching our soul holds our inner self and our outer one together. 

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