Autumn mushrooms, how to recognize them

You don't need to be an expert mycologist to know thatautumn is the season par excellence for edible mushrooms, the period that represents the perfect mix between the residual heat of the summer, now no longer excessive, and the humidity that begins to concentrate together with the gradual lowering of temperatures.

After the proliferation season, the foliage falls off creating a perfect protective layer for the growth of fungi.

What are commonly called mushrooms and sold in our markets are in reality only the fruit, the reproductive system of the real mushroom, or the mycelium, the part that is underground.

After the autumnal equinox the days begin to shorten and thearrival of the real rains starts the harvest.

Ma which species of mushrooms could we find on our plates this season?


What mushrooms we find in the fall


In autumn we will undoubtedly find the champignons (Agaricus campestris), present in meadows and pastures, white with pinkish hues, pleasant to the smell and sweetish to the taste.

Autumn mushrooms, how to recognize them

| Di © Salix



Not to be underestimated is the dogwood (Lactarius deliciosus), recognizable by the pink-orange hat rich of lenticular spots concentric, and for his short stem; it has a pleasant and complex smell, while the taste is sweet, especially when grilled or grilled, which is why it is highly sought after in pine woods.

Autumn mushrooms, how to recognize them

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Read also 3 recipes with mushrooms >>


Russula cyanoxantha

Russula cyanoxantha, or better, Columbine Major it is considered one of the most palatable and valuable russules (not for nothing the German mycological association chose it as the mushroom of the year in 1997), with a variability and heterogeneity of color that however gives on Grey. It has a firm flesh, from the typical moist fungal odor, of undergrowth, as well as the flavor, marked and persistent; it is no coincidence that the ideal habitat is the limestone woods.

Autumn mushrooms, how to recognize them

| Di Archenzo


Impossible not to mention the porcino (Boletus edulis) one of the most exquisite mushrooms ever. Recognizable for its stubby sturdy stem and for the rounded cap that tends to convexity over time, the boletus loves to grow in beech woods, with oaks and chestnuts. It is hardly confused with dangerous species, it is an excellent food, very rich in zinc, vitamins B5, B9 and B3.

Autumn mushrooms, how to recognize them

| Di © Hans Hillewaert


The drum mallet

The drum mallet (Macrolepiota procera) is another typical autumn mushroom, easily recognizable, not rare, but needs a cooking in a workmanlike manner so as not to be toxic. Recognizable to the white disc-shaped hat with dark scales, for the typical ring on the stem and due to the considerable size it can reach, it recalls hazelnut both in flavor and in smell. It is easily found in groups in coniferous and broad-leaved woods; ideal with meat, in sauces and omelettes.

Autumn mushrooms, how to recognize them

| Di Stephan Mosel


Leccino or red porcinello

Now let's move on to leccino or red porcinello (Leccinum aurantiacum), with its typical orange cap on a white stem, which grows under poplars. Quite common, it is a not very fragrant mushroom and very pleasant and tasty, with a medium-high degree of sweetness.

Autumn mushrooms, how to recognize them

| W.J.Pilsak di Wikipedia



In autumn we find another well-known mushroom, the cockerel, also called finferlo or gallinaccio (Cantharellus cibarius), with a typical hat: not too big, yellowish, irregular and come on BORDI get up; it is generally found in groups. Recognizable by its mild and pleasant scent, it loves humidity under broad-leaved trees; very appreciated when fried or put in oil.

Autumn mushrooms, how to recognize them

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Tips for picking mushrooms

When you venture into the world of mushrooms, the caution is never enough: every have inexperienced collectors pay with their lives an oversight or an overly approximate acknowledgment.

If you're unsure, we can contact a mycological group, the local ASL or the forest ranger.

Always avoid "do it yourself".


The benefits of mushrooms in winter


To learn more:

> Calories of mushrooms

> Chiodini mushrooms, properties, nutritional values ​​and recipes

> Champignon mushrooms, properties, nutritional values ​​and recipes



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