7 times when it's best to keep quiet

7 times when it's best to keep quiet

7 times when it's best to keep quiet

Last update: June 13, 2015

Did you make a mistake by talking too much? It has happened to everyone more than once, and they are almost always situations in which you find yourself unwittingly. It can be a joke that ruined a special moment or an "unimportant" comment. The only sure thing is that there are times when it is far better to keep quiet to avoid unnecessary problems.

We give you some examples of situations in which it is better to listen rather than speak. Furthermore, when one remains silent, one listens to what others are saying. Often if you stay out of the conversation, you can get to know more about the people who speak to you because you can observe their gestures and way of expressing themselves. If you keep quiet, you will surely get more benefits than disadvantages.

When others are gossiping

People like to gossip. It may seem like a good way to entertain and even fun, but don't fall into the trap of talking about others. The next time someone is talking about your friends or someone you know, avoid making any comments. Just listen and you will learn a lot about the person who is talking and the person they are talking about.

If they ask for your opinion of the person being criticized, it is best to remain silent or say something like "I think he gives his best". Even if you may feel a little out of place at the moment, then you will feel much better.

When they ask you about love life

"How did yesterday's appointment go?" or "How is your partner in bed?" these are two common questions, although not the only ones. Usually friends are the ones to ask you and for this reason it seems innocent to answer by reporting every detail. The best thing to do in these cases is to keep the mystery.

The first reason is that probably you would not like your partner to answer similar questions about youBut there's more: talking so lightly about these issues makes you appear unreliable. If you need to talk about a problem or someone to listen to you, do it with your best friend or partner.

After a very obvious mistake

It may happen that you are mistakenly accused of some event or activity associated with you. Avoid falling into temptation and saying that the other person was wrong at all times. Sure that you will have to defend yourself from any accusation, but do not try to ridicule those who are wrong. This would make you appear pedantic and it is much worse.

When you are the expert

We are all experts in some area, but going around shouting it from the rooftops is not the best thing to do. Although you feel the need for others to recognize your knowledge, avoid mentioning it on occasions that have nothing to do with it. For example, at a dinner with friends and family, focus on having a good time with them. You will have the opportunity to talk about work in the office or at a dinner with your boss.

If you know a secret you can benefit from

If you find yourself in the situation where you know something that could improve your life, your finances or another aspect, but that would harm someone else, don't use it. It is a complicated situation because you will be tempted, however you will prove to be unreliable. Although you don't believe it, the benefits of remaining silent in this case may outweigh the benefits of the moment.

If you have no ideas on the subject

Whether it is with friends or at work, it can always happen that you touch a topic you know nothing about. While accepting that you know nothing about it may be displeasing, it is best not to say anything inappropriate or to your detriment.

In discussions

Shut up. Listen. Wait. This is the time when you often say things that you later regret. It is not good to talk if you are not calm. You can have an argument with your boss, your parents, or your family, but if it turns into a fight, it's best to shut up.

Wait until you are calm to think clearly what you want to explain. Even if you are right, wait, because your interlocutor will not understand you. It will be hard not to talk at first, but you just need a little practice.

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