Aphorisms about the sea and the ocean

Aphorisms about the sea and the ocean

The sea, majestic and implacable, cradle of life, mythologized in legends, source of much wisdom. Read all the aphorisms about the sea and the most beautiful ocean that we have "fished" for you ?

It cannot be denied. Thinking and dreaming about the sea brings us joy, serenity and truly calms the soul.

In times of stress, we turn to the ocean for her words of wisdom, delivered through aphorisms and inspirational quotes.

These aphorisms about the ocean and the sea remind us of our strength and resilience, our love and our vulnerabilities. They help us get through difficult times and challenges, knowing that calmer seas will soon replace the storm.

Aphorisms about the sea.

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Aphorisms about the sea: from 1 to 20

The sea has no end. ~ Samuel Beckett

Eternity is the sea mixed with the sun. ~ Arthur Rimbaud

I don't know what world is beyond this sea, but every sea has another shore, and I will arrive. ~ Cesare Pavese

Whoever lives by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea is not a part. ~ Hermann Broch

The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensual, it envelops the body in its soft and tight embrace. ~ Kate chopin

Only three things are infinite. The sky in its stars, the sea in its drops of water and the heart in its tears. ~ Gustave Flaubert

The sea has no feelings or mercy. ~ Anton Čechov

The sea is sweet and wonderful, but it can be cruel. ~ Ernest Hemingway

The cure for everything is salt water: in sweat, in tears or in the sea. ~ Isak Dinesen

There is nothing more desperately monotonous than the sea. I am not surprised by the ferocity of the pirates. ~ James Russel Lowell

Salt must have something sacred, in fact it is found in the sea and in tears. ~ Khalil Gibran

The sea serves as a reminder that we are part of a much larger plan. ~ Authorless

The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storms terrible, but they have never considered those dangers enough reasons to stay on land. ~ Vincent van Gogh

And the sea will give each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams. ~ Christopher columbus

The sea is your mirror: you contemplate your soul in the infinite spin of its waves. ~ Charles Baudelaire

All the secrets of all the oceans are found in a drop of water. ~ Khalil Gibran

The sea teaches dream sailors that ports kill. ~ Bernard Giradeu

The most beautiful of the seas is the one we do not sail. The most beautiful of our children has not yet grown up. We have not yet experienced the most beautiful of our days. And what I would like to tell you the most beautiful thing I have not told you yet. ~ Nazim wisdom

We are like islands in the sea, separated on the surface, but connected in the depths. ~ William James

A ship docked in a port is safe, but that is not what ships were built for. ~ Juan A. Shedd

Aphorisms about the sea: from 21 to 40

God destined me for the sea and gave me fire and action. ~ Christopher columbus

Praise the sea, but stay on land. ~ George Herbert

The sea is the purest and most impure water: for fish it is drinkable and preserves their life, for men it is undrinkable and deadly. ~ Heraclitus

You cannot be unhappy when you have this: the smell of the sea, the sand under your fingers, the air, the wind. ~ Irene Nemirovsky

The sea is nothing more than a library of all the tears of history. ~ Lemony snicket

The sea is a roof of bottles that resonates in the sailor's memory. ~ Vicente Huidobro

The blue of the sea is limitless. ~ santoka taneda

In twenty years you will not be disappointed in the things you have done, but in the things you have not done. So drop your moorings, get out of safe harbor and let the wind blow your sails. Explore. Sleep. You discover. ~ Mark Twain

The sea is an ancient language that I cannot decipher. ~ Jorge Luis Borges

The sea is there, magnificent, imposing and superb, with its obstinate noises. It is an imperious and terrible voice, which makes strange proposals. The voices of an infinity are in front of you. Nothing of human life. ~ Eugène Delacroix

The sea appears all golden, under the sunlit sky. ~ Heinrich Heine

The sea is not a plain in a storm, but a slope full of ditches. ~ Erri De Luca

The heart of a man is very similar to the sea, it has its storms, its tides and in its depths it also has its pearls. ~ Vincent van Gogh

Small islands are all big prisons; one cannot look at the sea without wishing for the wings of a swallow. ~ Richard Francis Burton

The smallest of movements is important to all of nature. The whole sea is affected by what happens to even a small stone. ~ Blaise Pascal

The sea always flows, the land never stops it. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The turbulent sea of ​​freedom is never without waves. ~ Thomas Jefferson

The sea is a peace treaty between the star and poetry. ~ Alain Boquet

At sea I have learned how little a person needs. ~ robin lee graham

Many times there are more things that shipwreck at the bottom of a soul than at the bottom of the sea. ~ Victor Hugo

Aphorisms about the sea: from 41 to 60

Live in the sunlight, swim in the sea, drink outdoors. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

After the magical moment when my eyes opened to the sea, it was no longer possible for me to see, think, live as before. ~ Jacques Cousteau

Why do we love the sea? It's because it has the power to make us think about the things we like to think about. ~ Robert Henry

The surface of the sea is a strange and beautiful place. ~ Rachel Carson

The sea lives in each of us. ~ Roberto Wyland

The shore is safer, but I like to fight with the waves of the sea. ~ Emily Dickinson

Ocean: the body of water that occupies about two thirds of the world destined for man, which also does not have gills. ~ Ambrose Bierce

The sea is a place of rigor and freedom. ~ Victor Hugo

And it's something you can't escape. The sea... But above all: the sea calls... It never stops, it gets inside you, you wear it, it's you who wants it... You can also pretend that nothing has happened, but it's useless. It will keep calling you... Without explaining anything to you, without telling you where, there will always be a sea that will call you...~ Alessandro Baricco

There is no favorable wind for the sailor who does not know where to go. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca

I feel a bit like the sea: calm enough to start new human relationships but periodically stormy to drive everyone away, to be alone. ~ Alda Merini

The sea is an immense desert where man is never alone, because he feels life shake at his sides. ~ Julio Verne

Don't blame the sea for your second shipwreck. ~ Publilius Syrus

We sail submerged in the vast ocean of life. Reason is the compass, but passion is the storm. ~ Alexander Pope

Countless, like the grains of sand in the sea, are the human passions. ~ Nikolai Gogol

The duck is happy in his puddle because he doesn't know the sea. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

The sea is a friend with a thousand faces, never monotonous, never repetitive, never the same. ~ Susana Agnelli

Don't sit and wait. Come out, feel life. Touch the sun and dive into the sea. ~ Gialal al-Din Rumi

It is extraordinary to see the sea; What a show! It is so free that one wonders if it will be possible for him to calm down again. ~ Claude Monet

The sea never changes and his work, no matter how much men talk about it, is shrouded in mystery. ~ Joseph conrad

Aphorisms about the sea: from 61 to 80

The language is not enough to say and the hand to write all the wonders of the sea. ~ Christopher columbus

None of us wants to be in calm waters all their lives. ~ Jane Austen

He who has things in the sea has nothing. ~ Giovanni Verga

It is that sea within me that creates severe storms. ~ Victor Hugo - Attributed

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist waits for it to change. The realist adjusts the candles. ~ William Arthur Ward

A calm sea has never made a good sailor. ~ Authorless

Don't sit around waiting. Go out and feel free. Touch the sun and the immensity of the sea. ~ Gialal al-Din Rumi

How can you understand anything in life, and fully understand yourself, if you haven't learned it from the sea? ~ Federico Garcia Lorca

Facing the sea, happiness is a simple idea. ~ Jean-Claude Izzo

People cling to habit like a rock, when instead it should break off and plunge into the sea. And live. ~ Charles Bukowski

The sea is as deep in calm as in storm. ~ John Donne

The sea is like music: it contains and awakens all the dreams of the soul. ~ Carl Gustav Jung

The sky and the sea are like two mirrors that are reflected during the day and heard at night. ~ Romano Battaglia

The source of the river also believes in the ocean. ~ Guillermo Stafford

Cross the sea, let the lands and cities disappear into the horizon, your vices will follow you wherever you go. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It is by going towards the sea that the river remains faithful to its source. ~ Jean Jaurès

There is no favorable wind for the sailor who does not know where to go. ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca

The sea has never been a friend of man. At most he was complicit in his concern. ~ Joseph conrad

The heart of man is like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it also has its pearls. ~ Vincent Van Gogh

The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the globe. His breath is pure and healthy. It is the immense desert where man is never alone, because he feels life tremble next to him. ~ Julio Verne

Aphorisms about the sea: from 81 to 100

The sea, once its spell has been cast, keeps you forever in its web of wonders. ~ Jacques Cousteau

He who waits until there is no danger to set sail, never falls overboard. ~ Thomas fuller

I must be a mermaid. I'm not afraid. of the deep, but I am very afraid of the superficial life. ~ Anais nin

There must be something strangely sacred about the salt. It is found in our tears and in the sea. ~ Kahlil Gibran

I met the sea meditating on a drop of dew. ~ Kahlil Gibran

Always be like the sea that, breaking against the rocks, always finds the strength to try again. ~ Jim Morrison

The sea unites the countries it separates. ~ Alexander Pope

The sea does not have a country either, and belongs to all those who know how to listen to it. ~ Giovanni Verga

The mountains, the forest and the sea drive men mad; they develop the fierce, but they do not destroy the human. ~ Victor Hugo

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. ~ Christopher columbus

They could make it yellow, purple or red. Instead, they made it blue, the sea, like a heaven on earth. ~ Authorless

The sea is a desert of waves. ~ Langston Hughes

And shipwreck is sweet to me in this sea. ~ Giacomo Leopardi

My impulse is as infinite as the sea, and my love is no less deep; the more I give it to you the more I possess it, because both are infinite. ~ William Shakespeare

This sea is full of voices and this sky is full of visions. ~ john pastures

There are bad explorers who think there is no land to land just because they can't see anything but the sea around them. ~ Francis Bacon

You can't cross the sea just by standing still and looking at the water. ~ Rabindranath Tagore

A breaking wave cannot explain the whole sea. ~ Vladimir Nabokov

When the sea is calm, anyone can be the helmsman. ~ Publius Sirius

The world has two powerful voices: the voice of the sea and the voice of the mountain. ~ William Wordsworth

Aphorisms about the sea: from 101 to 120

If the sound of the sea exceeds that of thoughts, you are in the right place. ~ Authorless

Love the shore; leave the deep sea to others. ~ Virgilio

The sea hates cowards. ~ Eugene O'Neill

The three great elemental sounds of nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a wild forest, and the sound of the ocean on a beach. ~ henry beston

We are just pebbles thrown into the sea, making the water ripple. ~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Free man, you will always love the sea! ~ Charles Baudelaire

In the middle of the sea, the water is blue like the petals of the most beautiful cornflowers and transparent like the purest crystal; but it is very deep, so deep that an amphora could not reach the bottom; it would be necessary to put many bell towers, one on top of the other, to get from the bottom to the surface. The people of the sea live there. ~ Hans Christian Andersen

In the ocean every drop counts. ~ Yoko Ono

The sea only arouses sadness: looking at it makes you want to cry. The heart faints before the endless expanse of water and there is nowhere to look, tired by the uniformity of that endless spectacle. ~ Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov

Fish live in the sea, like humans on land; The big ones eat the little ones. ~ William Shakespeare

He wanted freedom, fresh air and adventure. I found them in the sea. ~ Alain Gerbault

The sea is the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion. ~ Julio Verne

Infinite and immortal, the seas are the beginning and the end of everything on earth. ~ henry room

The sea is the same since before man could sail a boat. ~ Ernest Hemingway

The sea is for me an endless miracle: the fish that swim, the rocks, the movement of the waves, the boats that carry men. Are there miracles stranger than these? ~ Walt Whitman

The sea has no roads, the sea is without explanation. ~ Alessandro Baricco

I often raise my head and look at my brother, the Ocean, with friendship: he reaches infinity, but I know that he too bumps into his own limits everywhere; and this is the reason, no doubt, for this tumult, for this noise. ~ Romain Gary

We should all have a life with a sea view. ~ Germany, Twitter

In the summer, the hands of the wind move invisible threads in the air, linking waves, hair and thoughts. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Paracelsus, scientist, doctor, philosopher, alchemist of the fifteenth century, explains why we love to be by the sea. “The place where there is more energy in the world is where the element of water meets the element of earth. Next to the sea, to the sun, where the fire element is also present, the energy is even greater. Combined with the force of the air, given by the breeze of the wind”. In short, the seashore as a place where the 4 elements of the world are concentrated. ~ Fragmentarius

Aphorisms about the sea: from 121 to 140

In landlocked cities... who knows who people turn to for balance... maybe to the moon... ~ Yoshimoto Banana

When my thoughts are restless, restless and bad, I go to the seashore, and the sea drowns and drives them away with its great wide sounds, purifies them with its noise, and imposes a rhythm on everything in me. confused. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

You cannot be unhappy when you have this: the smell of the sea, the sand under your fingers, the air, the wind. ~ Irene Nemirovsky

The sea is the only infinite being that humbly places itself at our feet, without ever losing an iota of its greatness. ~ fabrizio caramagna

We must learn from the sea to improvise and let go and from the sky to have no limits or borders. ~ vikingweb

Because there is nothing more beautiful than the way the sea tries to kiss the beach every time, no matter how many times I send it to it. ~ Sarah Kay

With your feet on the ground you are there, I want to see the sea. ~ incagliatoh, Twitter

I have never seen the waves surrender, that's why I also love the sea. ~ Authorless

We too, like flowing water, are travelers in search of a sea. ~ Juan Baladan Gadea

I did not measure life in years, but in roads, bridges, mountains, kilometers that separated me each time from the sea~ fabrizio caramagna

One day we will open the window and we will all have a much more beautiful exterior, with mountain goats and the sea. ~ Diana Valentine

On the beach, life is different. You don't live by the hour but by the moment. We live by the currents, we adapt to the tides and follow the course of the sun. ~ arena gingras

How do you explain the sea to someone who looks at it and only sees water... ~ don't worry twitter

That, then, I would listen to the sea endlessly. At full volume. With eyes planted on the roof of the sky. To imagine life. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Sea, rebel sky fallen from the sky! ~ Juan Ramon Jimenez

No house should be without sea views. Every house must belong to the wind and the waves. The sea and the house must live together forever, like two children who sit opposite each other and share their secrets. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Just open the window and you have the whole sea to yourself. Free. When you have nothing, having the sea, the Mediterranean, is a lot. Like a loaf of bread for the hungry. ~ Juan Claudio Izzo

The three great elemental sounds of nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a wild forest, and the sound of the sea crashing on a beach. I have heard them, and of the three elemental voices, that of the sea is the most incredible, beautiful and varied. ~ henry beston

Swimming gestures are the most similar to flying. The sea gives to the arms what the air gives to the wings; the swimmer floats in the depths of the bottom. ~ Erri De Luca

In the sea, the swimming ceremony begins early in the morning, very early, when no one is there yet. There is silence, and the sea is untouched and still waiting for me. ~ Valentina Fortichiari

Aphorisms about the sea: from 141 to 160

The spectacle of the sea always leaves a deep impression. It is the image of that infinity that ceaselessly attracts thought and in which thought ceaselessly loses itself. ~ Madame de Stael

Looking at the sea at night like looking at a sleeping mother. Take care of each of her breaths. Learn to listen to her breathing that seems to say "Open yourself to things and dream." ~ fabrizio caramagna

People cling to habit like a rock, when instead it should break off and plunge into the sea. and live~ Charles Bukowski

There are places in the world where unhappiness is impossible. The ship in the middle of the sea on summer days is one. ~ ester viola

The sea does not stop him. He charms, bewitches, distorts and captivates the senses. He takes you and never leaves you. ~ simonetta l.

When you are emotionally fragile, you only need to look at a landscape, listen to the sound of the sea and remember the faces of the people we were with until a few moments before. ~ Yoshimoto Banana

For me, the sea is like a person, like a child that I have known for a long time. It sounds crazy, I know, but when I swim in the sea I talk to him. I never feel lonely when I'm outside. ~ Gertrude Ederle

For me the sea is a continuous miracle; The fish that swim - the rocks - the movement of the waves - the boats, with the men on board. What more amazing miracles can there be? ~ Walt Whitman

The sea is a disease in reverse. If you do it as a child, then you no longer heal. ~ Guido Fruscoloni, Twitter

The sea prepares me a cradle of blue with ties to the sky and I submerge myself and I know that every time I am reborn. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Maybe I need the sea, the sand under my feet and a horizon to look at in silence. Maybe I need another life. ~ alberthofman72, Twitter

I asked myself so many questions that I went to live by the sea and threw the answers into the water so as not to argue with anyone. ~ Pablo Neruda

Keep your heights, I prefer to stay at sea level. ~ don't worry twitter

Sea view with you. You do not need anything more. ~ Rita GodinoTwitter

My face is not symmetrical. She turned imperceptibly to the south. Always look for the sea. ~ fabrizio caramagna

I am worn out by years, and tired. But I cannot exclude that there is a beach near me, and a day full of sun, and a disobedience that makes me jump like a young man from my old armchair, and makes me run towards that sea, cheerful and welcoming, although It was the last time of my life ~ Stefano Benni

In a previous life I was a wave of the sea, the one that brings colored pebbles to the shore and stores them as if they were emeralds. ~ Iparchia

Few people are capable of coming to find you where you really are. That's why I love the sound of the waves. They always know where you are. ~ fabrizio caramagna

It would be enough to turn off the phone, drive to the beach, forget everything and just listen to the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. ~ Authorless

The cure for everything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea. ~ Karen blixen

Aphorisms about the sea: from 161 to 180

Even far from the sea, I have a little sea in my eyes to send blue reflections. ~ Juliet Dobles

When you cross the entrance arch to the temple of dreams, there, right there, is the sea... ~ Luis Sepúlveda

Thousands of centuries later, the sea is still there to bear witness to a truth whose meaning often escapes us. No knowledge, no sensation, no experience is superior to that of the sea. ~ Romano Battaglia

In the sea you are in the greatest light you can have. Open your hand and close it. You will feel the vibration of a thousand possibilities and the sky laughing at your joy. ~ fabrizio caramagna

That happiness that comes after leaving the sea. A suspension of time. A moment enlarged and heated by the sun. The movement of the sky that stops and the universe that looks at us with amazement. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Anyone who thinks of the sea hears its murmur even inside~ Józef Bułatowicz

I went to the beach and took no photos. I have nothing to post, but I still hear the crunch of shells I stepped on at the water's edge, the gentle lapping of waves, the screech of seagulls, and the voice and laughter of someone I love. It is enough for me. ~ 68kikka, Twitter

I would put the fear inside the shells and the sound of the sea inside the pillows. ~ Alda Merini

The sea is a state of mind, you can be miles away and at the same time carry it with you. ~ Sara Turchina, Twitter

Oh, I wouldn't ask to be a seagull or a dolphin; I would be content to be a redfish - which is the ugliest fish in the sea - only to find myself there, joking in that water. ~ dacia maraini

Where does the end of the sea begin? Or even: what do we mean when we say: sea? Let's say the immense monster capable of devouring anything, or that wave that foams around our feet? The water that you can hold in the hollow of your hand or the abyss that no one can see? Do we say everything in one word or hide everything in one word? ~ Alessandro Baricco

At sea it's not like school, there are no teachers. There is the sea and you are there. And the sea does not teach, the sea teaches, in its own way. ~ Erri De Luca

According to some legends, the sea is the home of everything we have lost, of what we have not had, of the broken desires, of the pains, of the tears that we have shed. ~ Osho

The sea enchants, the sea kills, moves, frightens, even makes us laugh, sometimes it disappears, sometimes it disguises itself as a lake, or makes storms, devours ships, gives riches, gives no answers, it is wise, it is sweet, it is powerful, it's unpredictable. But above all: the sea is calling. ~ Alessandro Baricco

The sea, which yesterday was a cloudy background of clouds at the edge of the sky, becomes an increasingly dark and dense streak and is now a great blue scream beyond a balustrade of hills and houses~ Italo Calvino

Every time in front of the sea I open myself to the gifts of the air, and the colors and shapes and vibrations enter and leave my chest with the same ease with which they pass through a window. ~ fabrizio caramagna

I wonder what life lacks when on a summer night the breath of the stars opens the windows and throws in them the smell of the sea. ~ fabrizio caramagna

If the sound of the sea exceeds that of thoughts, you are in the right place. ~ Antonicont, Twitter

There are only three things in the world that are the object of my veneration: the sea, Hamlet and Don Giovanni. ~ Gustave Flaubert

It is not known if in the morning the city gets wet in the sea Or at sunset the sea falls asleep in the city... ~ Magdalena Serdyuk

Aphorisms about the sea: from 181 to 200

Nothing grows on the sea, everything comes and goes like ships. Life in the sea is all below, hidden from those who cannot see beyond what is visible. ~ salvatore niffoi

Proximity to the sea is the best omen, because it is easier to do nothing in the sea than elsewhere, and because bathing and sunbathing on the beach cannot be considered work, but an apotheosis of idleness. ~ EF Benson

The true peace of God begins anywhere, a thousand miles from the nearest land. ~ Joseph conrad

The sea is a peace treaty between the star and poetry ~ Alain Boquet

The sea teaches dream sailors that ports kill. ~ bernardo giradeau

He was happy everywhere he could see the ocean. ~ Ai Yazawa

And it's something you can't escape. The sea... But above all: the sea calls... It never stops, it gets inside you, you wear it, it's you who wants it... You can also pretend that nothing has happened, but it's useless . It will keep calling you... Without explaining anything to you, without telling you where, there will always be a sea that will call you. ~ Alessandro Baricco

The sea is an ancient language that I cannot decipher. ~ Jorge Luis Borges

Only the music is at sea level. ~ Albert Camus

When we leave the sea we never leave it completely. His light is entangled in the hair, in the nuances of the voice, in the softness of the skin. It must be a few days before you lose it forever. ~ fabrizio caramagna

The sea is the image of the elusive ghost of life. ~ Herman Melville

“She is found. What ? – Eternity. It is the missing sea. With the sun ”–“ she È stata ritrovata! 'stuff? The Eternity. È il mare unito al sole”. ~ Arthur Rimbaud

The seas are tangible proof that God wept for his creation. ~ strong paul

Whoever lives by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea is not a part. ~ Hermann Broch

The sea is the abyss filled to the limit. ~ Jules Renard

The ship slept. The sea stretched out in the distance, vast and misty, like the image of life, with a shining surface and lightless depths. ~ Joseph conrad

I like the sea in winter. He puts the waves, I put the thoughts. ~ fabrizio caramagna

How many times have I swum into the eyes of the sea and seen its dreams. Once a wave hitched a chariot to a cloud and was carried away beyond the universe. When I return to the shore, I know that I have left something unspeakable. ~ fabrizio caramagna

If you look at it you don't realize: how much noise it makes. But in the dark… All that infinity becomes just a roar, a wall of sound, a persistent, blind scream. Don't turn it off, the sea, when it burns at night. ~ Alessandro Baricco

A love born on a day of wind and sea, and therefore destined to be irrational, full of passion and lightness, of possession and abandonment, as well as unconsciousness and the smell of sin and a light always about to go out. ~ fabrizio caramagna

Aphorisms about the sea: from 201 to 220

The climate is more complex near the sea than in any other place, because in addition to the transit of the sun and the change of the seasons, the waves beat the passage of time on the rocks and the tides rise and fall like a great hourglass. ~ John Steinbeck

The sea has no king but God. ~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Today the sea perfumes the streets of the island: the mistral opens the pores of the skin, washes the faces of the houses, breaks the waves and the route. On the ground, waiting for the force of the wind to dissipate. ~ Emil cioran

In the sea you stand still; seagull movements against the wind. suspended life. ~ antonio castro new

The sea has never been a friend of man. At most he was complicit in his concern. ~ Joseph conrad

The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storms terrible, but they have never considered those dangers enough reasons to stay on land. ~ Vincent Van Gogh

The sea is not enough if you don't know how to look at it. ~ Antiniska_S, Twitter

I feel a bit like the sea: calm enough to start new human relationships, but periodically stormy to drive everyone away, to be alone. ~ Alda Merini

24° the sea, 28° the sun, 12° the wine = 54° happiness~ michel mackowiak

Field without dreams, without color is the sea. ~ Giuseppe Ungaretti

Often the sea of ​​life I have found. And I learned to swim in it. ~ Gmarteloni, Twitter

Even if you travel all over the land, you will never learn as many things as you will learn from the sea. You will never find peace except in the sea, which for its part never has peace. ~ Pair of Lagerkvist

The sea is feminine. Sometimes silent, sometimes brazen, it attracts you, it's dangerous and you know it. But you get wet and you are left at the mercy of its tides. ~ Archi_T_tetta, Twitter

A child plays by the sea. He collects the water in a colored bucket and pours it into a hole he has dug. Suddenly I realize that God is watching him too. ~ Marian Bogdala

It is always the sea to wash the veins of all my doubts, the useless traces left by my walk, the fine threads of customs that entangle me. Each time it gives me energy and the key to reopen the ways of the world. ~ fabrizio caramagna

There is nothing so hopelessly monotonous as the sea, and I no longer marvel at the cruelty of pirates. ~ James Russel Lowell

Monsieur Prudhomme seeing the sea for the first time: "So much water is ridiculous" and after a moment of reflection "and you still only see the top". ~ Enrique Monnier

Prof. Arronaux: Do you like the sea, Captain? nemo: yes! I love her! The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the globe. His breath is pure and wholesome. It is the immense desert where man is never alone, he feels life tremble next to him. ~ Julio Verne

The breeze will come to tattoo the sea. ~ Simonides

The opposite bastian tilts his ear towards the sea to hear the sound of the shell. ~ Arcobalengo, Twitter

Aphorisms about the sea: from 221 to 240

God gave danger and abyss to the sea, but it is in the sea that He reflected the sky. ~ Fernando Pessoa,

If you want to build a ship, do not gather men to chop wood, distribute tasks and give orders, but teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Under the dense blue of the sky some seabirds move away; nor does it ever stop: because all the images carry the phrase “later”. ~ Eugenio Montale

From the sea we get what it offers us, not what we want. Our networks, cafes, pots, are a question. The answer does not depend on us. ~ Erri De Luca

The sea smiles from afar. Foam teeth, Lips of heaven. ~ Federico Garcia Lorca

There is no sea that does not fit in the window ~ Raul Aceves

What matters before the freedom of the sea is not having a boat, but a place to go, a port, a dream, worth all that water to cross. ~ Alessandro D'Avenia

Does the music of the sea end up on the shore or in the heart of the man who listens to it? ~ Khalil Gibran

The sea did not speak in sentences but in verses. ~ Jack Kerouac

Lying on the sand of the sea in winter, opening your hands to the sun and letting your identity evaporate. ~ fabrizio caramagna

The river is within us, the sea is around us. ~ Thomas Stearns Eliot

I keep chasing a beautiful white whale, and where it dives the rainbow comes out. My rainbow does not come from pots of gold, but from this whale that moves in my sea. ~ Enzo Maiorca

The sea never changes and his work, no matter how much men talk about it, is shrouded in mystery. ~ Joseph conrad

I look at the sea that yesterday was a steel slate, crossing the sky without interruption, and today it has returned to the sea, alive, undulating, throbbing. Like life: never the same, never monotonous, always unpredictable. ~ Susana Agnelli

I would put the anxiety inside the shells and the sound of the sea in the pillows. ~ censored, twitter

When I took portraits of people, I started with the eyes. I studied them for minutes and minutes, I drew them with pencil and that was the secret because once you have drawn the eyes... It happens that everything else comes by itself, it's as if all the other pieces slide by themselves. starting point […] the problem is: where the hell are the eyes of the sea? ~ Alessandro Baricco

At the line where sky and sea meet, one tells the other to get out of their way, but no one does, and so the horizon is formed. ~ Lorenzo Olivan

We get lost in love as in the sea, because the sea and love are not exempt from storms. ~ Pedro de Marbeuf

Each wave of the sea has a different light, just like the beauty of those we love. ~ Virginia Woolf

The sea has no homeland either and belongs to all those who listen to it~ Giovanni Verga

Aphorisms about the sea: from 241 to 260

Some people are like a window overlooking the sea: you look at it and suddenly the world seems a little better. ~ MLicenza, Twitter

The river is within us, the sea around us~ Thomas Stearns Eliot

In summer, when you wake up, instead of reading information on a smartphone, read it on another flat screen: the sea. ~ fabrizio caramagna

I had never seen the sea. She had seen many other things, perhaps too many. Men she had seen, perhaps too many. But never the sea. And therefore she still hadn't understood anything, she hadn't understood anything at all. How can you understand anything in life, and fully understand yourself, if you haven't learned it from the sea? ~ Federico Garcia Lorca

The sea has this capacity; everything comes back after a while, especially memories. ~ Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Look at the waves and be sure that they have been offered to us by something eternal that approaches us to tell us: "I have crossed the wall of nothingness to reach you" ~ fabrizio caramagna

Even for those who have spent their entire lives at sea there is an age at which to disembark. ~ Italo Calvino

Poetry is the art of letting the sea enter a glass. ~ Italo Calvino

In the blue of the baby's eyes the blue of the uterine sea is still reflected. ~ fabrizio caramagna

For those of us who don't like summer, it seems that the weather in August lasts about eight months. We like to go to the beach - the first day, a little the second as well. So that's it. ~ little francis

A good seed, even if it falls into the sea, will become an island. ~ malay proverb

September is the sea. October is a book. ~ Gloria Fuertes

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