Professional vocation: 5 ways to discover it

Professional vocation: 5 ways to discover it

The possibility of developing one's professional vocation is one of the variables that most affects the quality of our life, both real and perceived. We talk about it in this article.

Professional vocation: 5 ways to discover it

Last update: May 18, 2020

Finding a true professional vocation is the concern of many people. From an early age, children start thinking about what to do when they grow up. After completing their studies, it is time to make a decision and many times the children are full of doubts.

Adding to this difficulty in clearly identifying one's professional vocation is the fact that there are many pressures from the labor market. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate personal interests, consider the different jobs and in which working environment you will go to work. As if that weren't enough, a person might be interested in multiple jobs.

Sometimes, therefore, it is not easy to identify which, among the various interests, prevails over the others. To help you discover or rediscover your true professional calling, we will provide you with five tools or strategies.

"Vocation is the backbone of life."


How to discover your professional vocation

1. Think about your own interests and attitudes

There are similarities between a certain job and what a person does spontaneously. For example, if a person is interested in looking for the best way to earn money and, through investments, to multiply his money, he is managing his possessions.

If a person has a particular sensitivity towards sufferers and wants to relieve their pain, they may probably be interested in the health professions.

Obviously, to identify one's professional vocation, it is necessary to observe and know oneself. So, you can start like this: try to pay attention to the spontaneous actions that characterize your behavior and your way of being.

2. Greater concentration

One of the unmistakable signs that there is a particular interest or vocation for something is the level of concentration one has in carrying out a certain task. In other words, when you start doing something and forget about the rest of the world, you are probably doing an activity that you really enjoy, that matches your interests and responds to your true vocation.

The reverse is also true: if you are doing an activity and you get distracted easily or can't wait for it to finish, it means that it is not to your liking. In this case, fatigue and rejection of activity come into play. We all have days where we can't focus on what we like, let alone what we don't like to do.

3. The ease in carrying out a specific activity to discover the professional vocation

The ease in carrying out an activity helps us to understand what our true professional vocation is. In certain contexts a person seems to have a particular capacity for intuition. It seems that everything flows naturally and without too much difficulty.

In addition to showing good performance, you get to the essence of problems with a certain speed and without encountering major obstacles. This indicates that there is an affinity between one's way of thinking and solving problems and that particular activity.

4. Search for information

Another of the unmistakable signs that indicates that you are facing your true professional vocation is when you spontaneously feel the need to know more about a certain topic or a particular activity. Without anyone asking or being asked, you seek out new information and ask yourself new questions as you get answers.

This curiosity is the manifestation of a real interest. It is important to be aware that you are interested in a topic and that spontaneously you want to deepen your knowledge on the subject in order to receive further information. In these cases, one is most likely facing one's own vocation.

5. Feeling tired

This aspect is closely related to concentration. As we said, there are activities where time seems to fly and others where we always look at the second hand and can't wait for it to end. Some activities make us tire sooner.

A quick feeling of tiredness can be due to lack of interest. On the contrary, when we carry out an activity and we do not feel exhausted, it is very likely that it coincides with our professional vocation.

The importance of discovering our professional vocation lies in the fact that a large part of our tranquility and happiness derives from doing what satisfies us the most. If this happens, the chances of success on the job increase dramatically. We dedicate a large part of our life to work, so the topic we have dealt with busy today is more than timely.

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