Make people feel good and you will feel good

An easy way to enjoy a happier life is to make people feel good.
Make people feel good and you will feel good

Many people don't feel like they have a place in the world, and they feel so involved thinking they have to rack up incredible results, improve their shape, become a person of high value, and so much more. None of this is necessary. If you have this approach you will never be ready: you will see the clock of your goals move forward.

Why do I love my wife so much? It's very simple. He takes care of me, and looks after my well-being. He smiles at me. It gives me a lot of affection. Travel with me. Play with me. He hugs me. She has learned what makes me feel good, and she does it regularly. Plus I make her feel good too. I know what she likes, and I often do all of this to make her feel good.

Why on earth leave a relationship?

Why ever change jobs?

Make people feel good and you will feel good

You and your partner, or your boss or your colleagues, simply stop making each other feel good. Either stop learning what makes each other feel good, or stop doing what you know.

How can you rekindle a broken relationship?

Ask your colleague / partner / boss what you can do to make him feel good and start doing these things every day. If either of you does not honor this commitment, find another job or another partner; life is too short not to be in tune with who is around us.

You may meet people who want you to do things you don't like. There is no need to make sacrifices. Find something you are willing to give, and then look for people who will appreciate what you enjoy giving.

Some people like to buy gifts for each other. Some like to verbally express encouragement and appreciation. Some love touch and affection.

Don't force yourself into attitudes that don't make you feel good: look for people who love and appreciate you. You can make yourself feel good through touch, sharing, laughter etc.

What makes you feel good?

Do the people in your life know what makes you feel good? Did you make it obvious to them?

If you are currently in a relationship, go to your partner and ask him / her: What do you think makes me feel good? See how accurate the answer is. If it's not accurate, enlighten your partner. Then switch roles and ask your partner what you think makes him feel good.

If you make people feel good when they're around you, chances are they'll want to work with you, have you on their team, or adore you.

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