Quality of life - what exactly is it?

Quality of life - what exactly is it?

Some parameters allow us to define the quality of life, it being understood that each of us should pursue their own idea of ​​well-being and work to achieve it.

Quality of life - what exactly is it?

Last update: February 18, 2022

There is a lot of talk about quality of life, but we don't always have a clear idea of its meaning. Therefore, there are numerous definitions and one could almost say that each of us is able to build a personal idea of ​​"quality life".

Sociology, anthropology, medicine, politics and almost every field of human knowledge have a different concept of quality of life, while sharing some aspects.

There is therefore no unanimous agreement on the effective weight of objective and subjective factors in the quality of life. Some approaches emphasize factors such as per capita income or access to public services. Others focus on the degree of perceived satisfaction or appreciation of life. Let's try to understand more.

"The quality of life is more important than life itself."

– Alexis Carrel –

What is quality of life?

We could loosely define the quality of life as a set of circumstances that guarantee the well-being of a person in a given context. This coincides to a large extent with the life you want to have, because it gives you a feeling of stability.

From a certain point of view, "quality of life" is synonymous with "happiness". But even this concept is abstract and relative. There are no exact reference points on what it is.

A Harvard University study, directed by psychiatrist George Vaillant and lasting 76 years, came to the following conclusions. The factors that make us happy are in order:

  • The presence of love in life.
  • Have meaningful relationships.
  • Don't depend on psychoactive substances.
  • Having a job that you are passionate about and that allows you to support yourself.
  • Maintain optimism.

These are the conclusions of an extended study in terms of duration and volunteers. Nonetheless, only high-income countries were considered, as it may imply a bias. Even so, the arguments seem to have a good degree of universality.

The different types of well-being

There is also no unanimous definition for the word "well-being". There is quality of life when there is well-being, but the latter it involves multiple dimensions that must be in balance. Let's look at the different types of well-being.

Emotional well-being

Those who understand their emotions and are able to regulate them enjoy emotional well-being and to undertake, starting from this, a path of personal growth.

Along this path, inner strength and the ability to make reasonable and autonomous decisions must predominate. Once these conditions are met, it will be possible to establish relationships of mutual help and interdependence with others.

Material well-being

Material well-being is considered to be a level of income that makes it possible to satisfy significant needs. This is also controversial as needs vary greatly from person to person.

However, well-being exists when an individual has access to basic goods, which include shelter, food, health, public services and recreation. From this point on, the question passes through personal goals and values.

Social well-being and quality of life

There is social well-being when bonds of cooperation and solidarity are created with the groups we interact with. This implies the existence of healthy relationships founded on mutual help and support, peaceful and that arouse feelings of security and balance. Every human being needs a support network in order to enjoy a good quality of life.

Physical well-being

It means being able to access the resources necessary to guarantee our health. Health care, proper nutrition, physical activity and healthy habits are included. At the same time, it is necessary to know and be aware of the factors and practices necessary to protect the body.

Personal development and quality of life

Each of us needs opportunities to grow and develop their potential in different directions. Within these opportunities, we find access to education and training, as well as decent work in which you can apply your skills and knowledge, and which allows you to grow from multiple points of view.

As we have seen, the quality of life is made up of factors of different nature. They seem too many, but they are not. The correct choice, therefore, is to move the world towards a state in which all these forms of well-being are accessible to every human being, for the simple fact of being such.

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