Control your emotions with 4 techniques

Control your emotions with 4 techniques

Control your emotions with 4 techniques

Last update: Augusts 31, 2020

Emotions, so different from each other, are unleashed due to certain reasons and it is never a good idea to trap them and not express them, just as it is not to express them without filters. There are technical specifications for control their emotions, which make us more emotionally intelligent.

One of the most difficult emotions to manage is anger, since it is the one that gives us the most energy. There are many people who let themselves be overwhelmed by it and who end up hurting themselves or others. In other cases, fear takes over, blocking our growth or compromising our quality of life.

It is therefore extremely important to know the techniques to control one's emotions. These are simple methods that allow you to manage emotions to more easily achieve a balance between containment and expression of the same.

Whoever conquers others is strong; but he who conquers himself is powerful.

-Lao Tse-

Techniques for controlling one's emotions


Vipassana is an ancient meditation technique based on self-observation. It means "seeing things as they are". For Indian cultures, it is a means of developing the "art of living". It consists of taking the time to observe yourself, as if we were looking at ourselves from the outside.

For this purpose, you have to go to a quiet place, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Attention must be paid to breathing, become aware of how the air enters the body, only to be expelled.

The next step is to review the areas of the body in mind to identify the sensations perceived when our mind projects them. The ideal is to do this every day, for a few minutes. This exercise, in fact, helps to develop self-control.

2. Virtual realities

Another technique for learning to self-control is to create a virtual environment, or to play with the imagination. This method consists of exposing ourselves to various situations in which we feel particularly vulnerable. Then it will be necessary to evaluate both the situations and the sensations.

Today, several psychologists and institutes have the technology available to reproduce certain content digitally. However, it is not the only means.

When you don't have the technology to create virtual realities, there's nothing better than using your imagination. You can draw or describe in words some situations in which you feel uncomfortable. So, try to identify the emotions you feel, why you feel this way, and how you could mitigate their impact.

3. Art therapy

Art therapy is much more than a fad or one of the many trends. In fact, it has always existed, but it was not given the importance it deserves. It consists in the use of different artistic techniques as a means to express emotions and achieve greater emotional balance. It also helps process psychological conflicts and build new meanings.

It is one of the most effective techniques to keep your emotions in check because invites us to express them through creative language. This in itself represents a step forward. Emotions must be thought and rethought to be expressed through creative writing, painting, manual work or any other means at our disposal. If practiced consistently, art therapy nourishes self-control.

4. Valuing ourselves

The inability to control one's emotions often arises from a lack of self-recognition and self-esteem. We feel tense because we are too demanding of ourselves or because we punish ourselves too severely when we make mistakes, rather than focusing on our successes. This tension makes us particularly sensitive to some external factors, such as criticism, contempt or demands.

A good idea is to give ourselves an objective assessment every week or every month. It's not about putting the mistakes of the week or the last month on trial, quite the opposite.

The goal is to identify our successes, the reasons why we should congratulate ourselves. This simple exercise helps you to make peace with yourself; and reconciling with our "I" stimulates intelligence, as we will learn to control our emotions.

Techniques for self-control of emotions are not certain of magical recipes, but stimulate healthy changes. Learning to control your emotions allows you to live a more peaceful life.

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