What is menopause and which foods can help

What is menopause and which foods can help

La menopause derives from the Greek menos, month, menstruation and pausis, termination.

Menopause is the physiological cessation of the menstrual cycle, generally occurs around 45/55 years, and is a physiological consequence of the reduced hormone production, (estrogen and progesterone), by the ovaries and is associated with general changes. It is not a disease but a natural physiological process.

It is divided into two times, the first said pre-menopause which is preparation and usually starts the year before the cessation of menstruation, the second is the post-menopause which is the stabilization path after the cessation of menstruation. 

There are factors that can anticipate menopause, such as smoking, hysterectomy, tubal ligation, and there are also factors that can delay this event, such as overweight, uterine fibroid, diabetes.  

So with the cessation of the menstrual cycle, corresponding to the end of ovulation and estrogen production, the female body naturally begins to produce less estrogen, and the metabolism slows down if you enjoy a good psycho-physical balance, this transition and 'often gradual and asymptomatic, in any case it is a very delicate moment for the woman, who undergoes an important physical and psychological change in her life.


What can be the ailments?   

There may be disorders such as cystitis, urinary incontinence, leukorrhea, metrorrhagia, headache, hemorrhoids, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, palpitations, sweating, hot flashes, varices, cellulite, arthrosis, joint pain, anxiety, apathy, depression, frigidity, insomnia, alterations mood, fatigue, decreased memory and concentration, overweight, dry skin, alteration of the hair, and nails, decrease in breast mass, onset of decrease in bone density, redistribution of adipose tissue.


What are the foods that can help us?

undoubtedly we always start with nutrition, which is our natural “good health” medicine. In summary, follow a diet rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

Let's see now specifically. Mainly we will have to follow a fixed rule which is to keep the intestinal ecosystem in good shape, because it is the intestine that allows us to absorb the food we ingest. Let's see what it would be good to avoid in order not to have some of those symptoms listed above.

Reduce consumption of meat and animal fats, salt, limit alcoholic beverages and smoking, avoid stressful situations, pay more attention to the calorie intake of food to avoid overweight.

To consume instead foods rich in phytoestrogens (Isoflavones, Comedones, Lignami) structure similar to estradiol produced by the ovaries, such as Soy, whole grains, legumes, wholemeal pasta, azuki, and contain isoflavones fruits and vegetables in season that give us vitamins, blackheads and minerals, soya milk daily, olives, olive oil, linseed which contain Lignami.

Also recommend a light one physical activity constant even for only 30 minutes a day which allows us to maintain weight, helps peripheral circulation, digestion, relaxes us, helps heart activity, helps slow down the osteoporotic process of bones, helps maintain toned muscle mass, if it is done in the evening after dinner it helps the night rest therefore very useful for those suffering from insomnia.


Also discover homohepatic remedies for menopausal disorders


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