The critical point to initiate major transformations

The critical point to initiate major transformations

A breakthrough is not the result of chance, but is produced by the combination of a series of factors that the sociologist Malcolm Gladwell has described in detail.

The critical point to initiate major transformations

Last update: June 08, 2022

A tipping point marks a marked change in some situations. It is actually a concept that comes from mathematics and refers to that point where a curve changes slope. From that perspective, it is defined as a point where the tangent line is perfectly horizontal.

In sociology, the concept of a turning point is used with other connotations. In particular, this phenomenon was studied by the sociologist Malcolm Gladwell which has found multiple dimensions involved.

In general terms, Gladwell defines the turning point as that moment when a trend becomes a viral phenomenon, or massive in the strict sense. This occurs in several fields, including economics, politics and culture.

"The turning point is that magical moment in which an idea, a trend or a social behavior crosses a threshold, tilts and spreads like wildfire"

-Malcolm Gladwell-

The critical point

Malcolm Gladwell studied in detail the factors that make the emergence of the tipping point possible. How is it possible that something gains influence and then becomes a huge reality? What factors come into play?

Based on questions like these, Gladwell established a set of principles that make the tipping point possible. Are the following.

The 80/20 rule

La 80/20 rule it is an old principle according to which 20% of the factors determine the remaining 80%. In the case of the tipping point, it has to do with the fact that a few key people (20%) lead and bring about change for others (80%).

Something, therefore, becomes massive not in a linear way, but as a result of actions performed by key people. Comparable to those in epidemiology who have a very broad potential for dissemination.

The action of the connectors

Connectors are people who have a large network of social relationships , even if superfluous. In terms of dissemination, it seems better to have a broad and superficial network of contacts than a deeper network of contacts. Connectors have "weak links", but these matter a lot when it comes to viralizing a reality.

I mavens or esperti

Experts, whom Gladwell calls Mavens, are specialists with the ability to capture relevant information and enrich it. As such, they do not have a large circle through which to spread their ideas.

However, connectors use mavens as sources of information and therefore their influence is considerable.

Innovation and surprise

According to Malcolm Gladwell, for an idea to reach the critical point, it must offer innovation and surprise. It is not enough that there are agents to spread it, the idea or concept promoted must have their own charm, something that distinguishes them from the average.

The context and the circumstances: small actions, big changes

Gladwell found that the tipping point is not reached by large actions. Rather, what matters is the sum of many minor actions. This is actually what is then translated as virality.

In this order of ideas, external circumstances influence our individual behaviors. For example, in a context of social insecurity, people will tend to develop many small actions of distrust.

Likewise, Gladwell stresses the importance of modify the small realities to produce an impact that becomes massive. He cites crime in New York in the 80s as an example.

One factor that managed to defeat it was to make it punishable to avoid paying for the subway ticket. By effectively punishing that minor offense, the most serious offenses began to be reduced. A turning point was thus generated.

Viralize and "deviralize"

All these premises have been applied in the commercial field. In this regard, Gladwell pointed out that in this area, as well as in politics, the technique of spreading content as if it were rumors works applying three steps:

  • Talking about an idea or a product, in terms of "hearsay". No details are given, only interest is aroused.
  • Suddenly offering the missing details. This creates a big impact.
  • Introduce the content of the voice into everyday conversations, as far as possible.

All of this is true both in marketing and in many different areas. Gladwell himself proposed the idea of ​​applying it with the aim of reducing tobacco consumption and suicides among adolescents.

These premises and techniques not only serve to viralize a reality, but also to "deviralize it". This is what is meant by the point of no return.

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