Sugar, a dark poison

    Sugar, a dark poison

    The sugary substances are very important foods in our diet as they represent the primary source for the production of energy that serves to make our entire body function properly, starting from the brain up to the muscles and for this reason they must be complete with everything. 'that Nature has provided them to give to our body, during the process of assimilation, their wealth. But it is white sugar, as it is currently produced, is one unnatural substance and toxic characteristics.


    The sugary juice coming from the first phase of beet or sugar cane processing is subjected to complex industrial transformations: first it is purified with lime milk which causes the loss and destruction of organic substances, proteins, enzymes and calcium salts; then, to remove excess lime, the sugary juice is treated with carbon dioxide. The product then again undergoes a treatment with sulphurous acid to eliminate the dark color, subsequently it is subjected to cooking, cooling, crystallization and centrifugation.

    This leads to raw sugar. From here we move on to the second processing phase: the sugar is filtered and decoloured with animal charcoal and then, to eliminate the last yellowish reflections, it is colored with ultramarine blue or hydanthrene blue (coming from tar and therefore carcinogenic). The final product is a white crystalline substance that no longer has anything to do with the rich sugary starting juice and is sold to the public to sweeten much of what we eat.

    A question that arises spontaneously is the following: how many regular sugar consumers are aware that they are eating a mixture containing lime, resins, ammonia, various acids and "traces" of sugar beet?
    What is left of the first dark juice rich in vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes, trace elements that would have given all their beneficial contribution to life, energy and health?

    Nothing! On the contrary, in order to be assimilated and digested, white sugar steals from our body vitamins and mineral salts (in particular calcium and chromium) to restore at least part of that harmony of elements destroyed by refining. And the consequences of this digestive process are terrible.
    The toxic hyper-refined white sugar, in the intestine it causes fermentation processes with the production of gas and abdominal tension, and the alteration of the bacterial flora with all the consequences that this entails (colitis, constipation, diarrhea, formation and absorption of toxic substances, etc.). In this regard, you have certainly noticed the annoying sense of swelling and heaviness that you feel after eating elaborate sweets, rich in sugar.

    White sugar has a big influence either on the nervous system that on metabolism, first creating stimulation then depression with consequent states of irritability, false euphoria, need to take more sugar, etc. In reality, a true form of addiction is created, as happens with drugs or nicotine.

    This is caused by the rapid and violent absorption of sugar into the blood which raises the so-called blood sugar. Faced with this sudden rise, the pancreas responds by introducing insulin into the blood and this causes a sudden drop in the glycemic rate called "Hypoglycemic crisis" characterized by a state of malaise, sweating, irritability, aggression, weakness, need to eat to feel up again. The consequence of this fall in sugars is the release into the circulation, by the body, of other hormones designed to raise blood sugar, including adrenaline which is the hormone of aggression, defense, voltage. It is easy to understand how these continue Hormonal "stress" with their psychophysical implications they cause an exhaustion of energy with the weakening of the whole organism. This has been amply verified by studies conducted in the United States where violence and aggression in children, also related to the type of diet and refined foods and sugars, have created alarm and concern for all the social consequences that they determine.

    In the long run, one of the most affected systems is the immune system, since the exhaustion of forces and energies translates into a lower capacity to respond to external aggressions and a tendency to get sick. When we eat 50 gr. of white sugar, the phagocytic capacity of white blood cells is reduced by 76% and this decrease in the defense system lasts about 7 hours. The serious diseases that afflict humanity today (cancer, AIDS, sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, etc.) arise precisely from a weakening of the immune system for which white sugar and refined nutrition are co-responsible.

    The absence of vitamin and protein substrates, caused by the refining activity, imposes on our organism the need to consume its own for the splitting of sugar; this creates molecules of ac. Pyruvic in overabundance, that acidify the blood; forced acidification creates a "buffer" condition, for which the organism sets itself to subtract calcium from main sources such as teeth and bones, in an attempt to block excessive acid metabolism, so that the main substrate of bones and teeth is lost forever, condemning it to osteoporosis. It has been widely verified that the populations not reached by the so-called "white civilization" are not subject to tooth decay or other diseases. With the arrival of whites and their refined food products (sugar, sweets, alcohol, bread), the aborigines of Australia, the Maori of New Zealand, the Indians of Peru and Amazonia, the Indians of North America etc. they too have begun to suffer from the same diseases as whites and to fill the dental and medical clinics of their "civilizers"; the incidence of caries, which was previously a disease completely unknown to them, has come to affect up to 100% of individuals in these populations.

    The damages of the “exquisite poison” white are many others and at all levels: for example circulatory (with increased cholesterol and damage to the arteries), hepatic, pancreatic (since the organ that manages sugars is the pancreas), weight it (with weight gain and obesity), cutaneous.

    Almost all of these diseases could be prevented replacing the white sugar with the whole virgin cane sugar or with honey, always whole virgin. As a substitute for refined white sugar fructose can be used, some honey, molasses and "real" cane sugar. I say true because someone has come to lightly toast the white sugar in order to give it a browning that makes it look like brown sugar. It must also be considered that the two spoonfuls of sugar in the coffee do not harm anyone; sugar becomes dangerous when you take a lot of it, for example by having a dessert after eating and so on. Therefore, one should first try to reduce their consumption. The consumption of sugar, as explained above, in recent decades has been increasing dramatically. This, unfortunately, has caused the habit of sweet taste, a habit as harmful as that of smoking or spirits.


    Damage caused by white sugar

    Let us now observe all the damage caused by the chemically pure isolate:
    first of all it destroys all the different B vitamins.

    VITAMIN B1: it is necessary for the transformation of carbohydrates. The more sugar is introduced, the greater and greater the need for Vitamin B1, as it removes it, causing:

    1) Injury to nerve tissues; due to their high vitamin B1 requirement, they quickly lose their ability to function.

    2) Vitamin B1 allows, in the presence of magnesium ions, the so important decomposition of lactic acid and ampelopyroacid. Due to a lack of vitamin B1, the content of these acids in the blood and tissues increases and brain and heart activities are mainly involved.

    3) Vitamin B1 is necessary for the formation and storage in the liver of glycogen, the body's reserve fuel. The deficiency causes a serious disturbance in the formation of glycogen, resulting in rapid fatigue.

    4) B1 regulates the right exchange of insulin in the body. Its deficiency causes diabetes.

    5) B1 deficiency also causes a change in the phosphoric economy and insufficient glucose processing, which occur with chronic heart disease.

    6) B1 regulates the exchange of albumin and cell nuclei. It breaks down the preliminary stages of uric acid. Its deficiency causes one
    large formation of uric acid. in the body, providing a favorable ground for degenerative diseases such as gout, arthritis, etc.

    7) B1 is necessary for the production of the antagonist hormones of adrenaline, acetylcholine. The lack causes abnormalities in blood pressure, sweating and settlements of exhaustion.

    8) B1 is necessary for the synthesis of essential fatty acids, which have the power to stop arteriosclerosis. B1 deficiency opens the
    leads to these diseases.

    9) B1 deficiency causes disturbances in the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, weakening and degeneration of the muscles
    intestinal and also the degeneration of the capillary blood vessels, with consequent dilations, snaking and haemorrhages.

    10) B1 deficiency disturbs the water economy of the body with consequent edema; lowers the level of albumin in the blood.

    11) B1 is necessary for the rational regulation of albumin. The higher the albumin intake, the higher the B1 requirement. The disturbance of this harmony shortens the life.

    12) B1 deficiency makes you feel the need for stimulants such as alcohol, meat, coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco, as it causes weakening
    of the stimulating effects of adrenaline.

    These are only the most serious effects caused by vitamin B1 deficiency. To these must be added the most varied morbid conditions, including: fatigue, insomnia, nervous weakness, depressive states, headaches, sleep rhythm disturbances, easy sweating, cramps and numbness of the extremities, muscle weakness, loss of appetite or bulimia (appetite insatiable), constipation, gastric and intestinal atony, lack of gastric juices, heartburn, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, miscarriages and premature births, heart and circulatory disorders, anemia, glandular dysfunctions, etc.

    Truly a compelling list of ailments. But other deficiencies due to the subtraction of the other B vitamins must still be added.

    On the other hand, the lack of vitamin B2 still disturbs the metabolism of carbohydrates. It is necessary for those systems of ferments that participate in the transformation processes of albumin and fats. Its deficiency allows most of the necessary albuminous substances to pass unused in the urine.
    It is necessary for the smooth running of cellular processes that provide energy. The deficiency causes disturbances in the assimilation of sugars, with cramps and also hinders the formation of red blood cells, since the iron compounds are badly used. The eyes do not distinguish colors and lose their visual power at dusk; the normal development of the fetus is often hampered, resulting in malformations, shortening of the bones of the arms and legs, jaw, fusion of the fingers and ribs, fissures in the palate and even miscarriages, premature births and stillbirths.

    Let's also consider what sugar can still cause as a destroyer of Nicotinic Acid, another member of the B vitamin group. Its name has nothing to do with nicotine in tobacco. Nicotinic acid is also called anti-cellulose vitamin. It acts as a component part of a system of ferments that "catalyze" (ie promote, make possible, accelerate) in the body the oxidations, ie the combustion and breakdown of the intermediate products of the exchange of sugars. Furthermore
    it helps in the utilization of fats and proteins, in the transformation of mineral substances and hormones, and plays a decisive role in cellular respiration, i.e. in the exchange of oxygen intake and the elimination of carbonic acid in the cells .

    Its deficiency is the cause of numerous ailments, namely: tiredness, nervousness, insomnia, decreased memory, hypersensitivity, anxiety and excitement states, itching, stomach disorders, inflammation of the tongue, gums and larynx.

    How and where should the doctor recognize the cause of these ills? Does he ask us about our consumption of sugar and white bread? All that remains for him is to prescribe tablets, injections or holidays and changes of air.

    Refined sugar also takes away the PANTOTHENIC ACID which is also part of the group of B vitamins. What tasks are assigned to it? Its lack even blocks the effect of other vitamins and hinders the proper regeneration of blood and mucous membranes. It must also form, together with other substances, the "active acetic acid", which is necessary in the replacement of carbohydrates, albumins and fats. A whole chain of processes stops and malfunctions if acetic acid is not supplied in an active, energy-laden form that pantothenic acid possesses. The formation of citric acid is also hindered, which has equally important functions for the exchange.
    Pantothenic acid also acts as a hepatoprotector and helps the thyroid function. Burning of the feet and soles of the feet, with transient, lightning pains in the lower femurs, combined with redness or bluish color of the skin, as well as the formation of dandruff are other symptoms of deficiency of this vitamin. We now close the list of damage resulting from vitamin B deficiency.

    Another list could also be made of the damage caused by deficiency of other important vitamins, such as vitamin E, H, etc. or the lack of mineral substances: in order to be used, sugar also removes these substances. For those with eyes to see, ears to hear, as well as a functioning brain, all of this should be enough to get them to reexamine their habits and correct them. In Switzerland we are still free: everyone is allowed to control their sugar consumption, everyone is allowed to use the main counter-regulator of vitamin B deficiency which are:

    Wouldn't it be good to think twice before taking it?
    It has been widely verified that the populations not reached by the so-called “white civilization” are not subject to tooth decay or other diseases of the teeth. With the arrival of the whites and their refined food products (sugar, sweets, alcohol, bread), the aborigines of Australia, the Maori of New Zealand, the Indians of Peru and Amazonia, the Indians of North America etc. they too have begun to suffer from the same diseases as whites and to fill the dental and medical clinics of their "civilizers"; the incidence of caries, which was previously a disease completely unknown to them, has come to affect up to 100% of individuals in these populations. Of course we have given a fine example of civilization by helping to weaken and weaken entire ethnic groups in body and spirit, destroying their traditions and roots!

    The dangerous white sugar has a great influence both on the nervous system and on the metabolism, creating first stimulation then depression with consequent states of irritability, false euphoria, need to take more sugar, etc. In reality it creates a real form of addiction, such as happens with drugs, to all intents and purposes!
    This is caused by the rapid and violent absorption of sugar into the blood which raises the so-called blood sugar. Faced with this sudden rise, the pancreas responds by introducing insulin into the blood and this causes a sudden drop in the glycemic rate called "hypoglycemic crisis" characterized by a state of malaise, sweating, irritability, aggression, weakness, need to eat to feel again on.
    The consequence of this fall in sugars is the release into the circulation, by the body, of other hormones designed to raise blood sugar, including adrenaline which is the hormone of aggression, defense, tension. We can well understand how these continuous hormonal "stresses" with their psychophysical implications lead to a depletion of energy with the weakening of the whole organism. This has been largely verified by studies conducted in the United States where violence and aggression in children, also related to the type of diet and refined foods and sugars, have created alarm and concern for all the social consequences that they determine.
    In the long run, one of the most affected systems is precisely the immune system since the exhaustion of forces and energies translates into a lower capacity to respond to external aggressions and a tendency to get sick. When we eat 50 gr. of white sugar, the phagocytic capacity of white blood cells is reduced by 76% and this decrease in the defense system lasts about 7 hours.

    The serious diseases that afflict humanity today (cancer, AIDS, sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, etc.) arise precisely from a weakening of the immune system of which white sugar and refined nutrition are among the main culprits. The damages of the "exquisite white poison" are many others and at all levels: for example circulatory (with the increase in cholesterol and damage to the arteries), hepatic, intestinal, pon-deral (with weight gain and obesity), cutaneous.
    Almost all of these diseases could be prevented by replacing white sugar with virgin whole cane sugar or with honey, always virgin whole.
    Each parent has a responsibility to help their children grow in health and harmony by preventing the causes of diseases, one of which is the use of white sugar.

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