Standing Ab Workout: Exercises and Benefits

Standing Ab Workout: Exercises and Benefits

Training the abs is one of the first steps taken into consideration by those who decide to tone up through fitness. The most common way to do this is to perform the classic exercises on the ground but not all people are able to bear them, especially those with back mobility problems.

An excellent alternative can therefore be that of tone the abdominals through circuits that include movements from an upright positionrather than on the ground.

To develop denser muscles, here's how to train.

The crunch is also great for training the abs, as long as it is done correctly. As well as the bear plank, which trains the core intensely, Russian twists, rope climbing or bicycle crunches, as long as you don't make these mistakes.

Training the core is even more important after the age of 50. 

Exercises with the elliptical are also excellent.

Here, however, is how to train the muscles with the back.

In general, push-ups are indicated to get the upper body to work. To stay motivated, there is the 30 day challenge. 

If you suffer from wrist pain, there are a few variations.

Also very useful to carry out exercises with the balace board.

Training your muscles can also help fight chronic inflammation.

Sometimes after exercising you can sneeze, here's why?

Tone your abs while standing

Traditional abdominal exercises tend to focus on isolating the core, and while they are very effective for muscle toning of the abdomen, they also have a downside: they don't burn a lot of calories.

Train standinginstead, it combines the two aspects: develop strength and perform cardio activities. But the benefits of this choice don't stop there. Considering that most people lead sedentary lives, spending most of the day at their desk, exercising standing instead of sitting or lying down can help improve posture, cardiovascular health, mobility, energy level and concentration.

Training your abs also reduces hip pain while walking.

To avoid back pain while exercising, here are the fitness mistakes you shouldn't make.

Circuit 20 minutes

To train your abs in the best possible way, consistency is the key. It takes 20 minutes a day, in fact, to start seeing the first results, as long as the commitment is really daily. The standing exercises proposed are low-impact and suitable for everyone. Everyone has to be performed for 40 seconds, resting 20 seconds between each movement. The whole circuit must be repeated 3 times.

Standing Obliques Crunch

  • From a standing position, with feet shoulder-width apart and hands behind ears and elbows out, pull in the navel towards the spine.
  • Raise the left knee and bend slightly at the side until it touches the corresponding elbow.
  • Lower the leg and return to the starting position.
  • Alternate sides with each repetition.


This exercise mainly works on lateral abdominals or oblique.

Standing Crossbody Knee Drive

  • From a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands behind your ears, pull your navel back towards your spine.
  • From this position, use the obliques and core to lift the left knee and rotate the body until it meets the right elbow.
  • Lower the leg and return to the starting position.
  • Alternate sides with each repetition.


Although this exercise is designed to train the abdominals, and in particular the obliques, it is also particularly effective for the flexors of theanca, pelvic floor, the adductors, the buttocks, the posterior muscles of the thigh and the middle and lower part of the back.

Standing Trunk Rotation

  • From a standing position and standing shoulder-width apart, extend your arms out in front of you and interlace your hands.
  • Move the shoulders away from the ears and apply force to the central part of the body, pulling the navel towards the spine.
  • From this position, rotate your hips and left foot, bringing your hands and torso to the same side.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Alternate sides for each repetition.


This exercise makes i work central muscles of the body and the stabilizers but not only, it also involves the lower part of the back and improves the mobility ofanca.

Standing Diagonal Chops

  • Starting from a standing position, with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, extend your arms down to one side of your body, keeping your hands intertwined.
  • Move the shoulders away from the ears, bring the ribcage inward and apply force to the core by pulling the navel towards the spine.
  • Rotate the torso diagonally, bringing the arms up on the side opposite to the starting one, pushing on the hips while making this extension movement.
  • Return to the starting position, keeping your arms straight.
  • Do half the repetitions on one side and repeat on the other.


This exercise, working on axis variations and body lifting, trains the core e increases heart rate.

Toy Soldiers

  • From a standing position, cross your arms in front of you.
  • Bring the rib cage inward and strengthen the core by pulling the navel towards the spine and keeping the pelvis relaxed.
  • Trying to maintain balance, lift your left leg up to keep it as straight in front of you as possible, using your core to keep from losing your position.
  • Lower the leg slowly, keeping the middle part of the body in traction.
  • Alternate legs with each repetition.


This exercise is great for both improve flexibility and mobility of the posterior muscles of the thigh both to work on the musculature Central.

Standing Punch

  • From a standing position, keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bring the rib cage inward and strengthen the core by pulling the navel towards the spine and keeping the pelvis in traction.
  • Extend your arms in front of you alternately, punching the air imaginary, alternating sides and gradually increasing the pace.


This exercise increases heart rate and, in addition to training the abdominal muscles, lets you work on the core.


To train the core and abdominals, is it better to plack or crunch? 

The flat stomach swimming workout is also excellent. 

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