MET (Metabolic Exercise Training) | What is that? All Explained!

By the healthiergang writer , certified personal trainer and athlete ().

MET (Metabolic Exercise Training)

Il MET (acronym for Metabolic Exercise Training) defines a conditioning training program aimed at muscle toning. The stimulation of the metabolic work that occurs with this type of training acts extremely effectively on:

  1. cardiocirculatory activity
  2. lipolysis, that is on the fat mass, helping to favor its elimination and therefore to lose weight
  3. calorie consumption

The scientific principle underlying the MET and which explains its validity, consequently its success, is defined EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption): that is, the oxygen debt that is created during and after training; actually studies the difference between the oxygen consumption in a given time frame in activities, compared to oxygen consumption in the same time frame but in a situation of rest. It has been studied that it is directly proportional to the duration of the work and its intensity.

What does this mean and how can it relate to Metabolic Exercise Training?

MET (Metabolic Exercise Training) | What is that? All Explained!

From studies initiated by the 1922 Nobel Prize winner Archibald Vivian Hill and continued until recently, the conclusion, now widely recognized, has been reached that after each training session, the metabolism needs time to return to its resting condition; the time required depends on the type of physical work done.

It is on this principle, that is on that of the oxygen debt, which leads to modules such as MET which therefore, due to its composition and characteristics, fully satisfies the needs of "afterburn"(Slang synonym for EPOC).

How does it work?

What does the program MET? In reality it cannot be condensed and limited to a single module, it is rather a training idea, an approach to an athletic protocol. conditioning designed to induce our body to consume oxygen such that, in order to be recovered and re-establish homeostasis * in our body, it necessarily speeds up the basal metabolism.

It is composed of models of variable duration and intensity characterized by an alternation of aerobic and anaerobic exercises, (this combination which favors the "afterburn"): in this way the training module is not limited, like the common sessions in the weight room, to the training of a single muscle group, but instead aims to involve them all in rapid succession and with short breaks of active recovery, that is with a continuation of training of moderate intensity. The work sessions can also be assisted by a musical accompaniment that makes the work more rhythmic and therefore more engaging and fun.

* the set of physiological mechanisms that operate to keep the internal conditions of the organism unaltered in the presence of alterations

Examples Of MET

In any case, we can give some examples to better clarify the concept.

  1. circuit training, example of collective Fitness, which is performed, as mentioned before, on a musical basis, coordinated by an expert coach, divided into several modules and classes depending on the level of each: duration? About 60 minutes, in which exercises for upper and lower limbs alternate with free body or with the help of small tools, such as weights, elastic bands, steps; it starts from a moderate intensity that increases as you enter the active phase of the work and then decreases in the final, and ends with stretching and relaxation exercises.
  2. Interval training, among which the most famous is the Tabata method: conceived by the coach of the Japanese Olympic team of fast skating, it was registered as conditioning training by Dr. Tabata Izumi, who conceived (after studies supported by scientific confirmation at the National Institute of Fitness and Tokyo Sport) a training method of only 4 minutes, which alternates very intense work intervals of 20 seconds with recovery intervals of 10 seconds.

MET (Metabolic Exercise Training) | What is that? All Explained!

Finally, we can trace here a brief guideline for performing a type of metabolic training; I repeat that, as we have seen, DON'T  there is a protocol only it is defined; those that I propose are just some of the many.

Depending on your initial state of form and your objectives, each module can in fact be designed differently and calibrated but remember: to obtain truly effective results it is useful for qualified personnel to show you the right way.

1 protocol

  1. Medicine ball overhead squat : Perform a full squat, carrying a medicine ball on your head with your arms straight up. Repeat 10 times
  2. Open knee tucks : Lie on your back, bring your legs to your chest and knees bent at right angles. Extend your arms high above your head and, with feet together, open your knees at a 45 ° angle. By contracting your abs, lift your hips and roll them towards your chest. Remain in this position for a few moments and then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times
  3. Scissors power switch : standing, perform a lunge; returning to your feet with a high jump with arms stretched over your head, bring the opposite leg forward. Go down again and return to the lunge position. Pay attention to always shift the weight of the body only on the heels and never on the tips of the feet; the back must always be kept straight; the lunge should not be performed immediately after the jump, land on your feet with your knees slightly bent, then, when standing still, lower yourself and stretch yourself. Repeat 10 times

2 protocol

  1. Push up : on the ground, hands on the floor, arms extended slightly wider than the shoulders, legs extended, contract the core and bend the arms, keeping the elbows close to the chest, descending almost to touch the floor with the chest. Remain in position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. Be careful never to arch your back, your abs must remain contracted all the time. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Mountain climber : from the plank position with straight arms, alternately flex the knees to the chest. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Figure 4 sit up: in the supine position with the hands behind the neck, bend the knees at a right angle, locking the feet. Contract your abs and come to touch your knees with your elbows. Return to the starting position with the shoulder blades on the ground. Repeat 10 times.

3 protocol

  1. Dumbbell burpee clean and press : combination of exercises with the help of two dumbbells, of light weight until you have completely mastered the execution. From the push-up position, jump into squats on the knees with the dumbbells at the sides of the body, force the dumbbell lifting movement with the lower limbs to shoulder height and then, with a further small push of the legs, raise the dumbbells on the head with outstretched arms. Return to the squat position and then start again from the push-up position. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Dumbbell thruster : carry the two dumbbells on your shoulders with your arms bent and your elbows forward; then do a deep squat and lift yourself by extending your legs and dumbbells with your arms stretched over your head. Return to squat with arms folded and dumbbells on shoulders. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Dumbbell woodchopper: standing, legs spread slightly beyond the width of the shoulders, take a dumbbell with both hands and bring it to one side of the body at the bottom. Swinging, bring the dumbbell across the body until it reaches over the opposite shoulder; always swinging back to the starting side. Repeat 10 times and then switch sides.
  4. Dumbbell snatch : standing, legs spread slightly beyond the width of the shoulders, toes slightly out, grab a dumbbell in the right hand in front of the thigh and keep it parallel to the floor. From the squat position, lift the dumbbell up on the head with the straight arm, straightening the hips and knees, and with a jump stretch the body all the way up. Repeat 10 times on each side.

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