Male psychology: how to know if a man is interested in you!

Male psychology: how to know if a man is interested in you!

We've put together several psychology concepts with some common sense facts to answer the question, "How do I know if a man is interested in me?"

How to know if a man is interested in you:
male psychology

• Watch your body language

Something most girls don't realize: While women can show interest in a guy with over 50 different physical cues, men only have 10.

One of the most common signs that a guy likes you is that he looks at you, often and for long periods of time. I mean, really A LOT. If when you catch him looking at you he raises his eyebrows (usually only for a fraction of a second), if he leans towards you or stands next to you, that's a major sign that he likes you.

Look at his hands, feet and legs. If they are often pointing or leaning at you, he tells you a lot about what really interests them.

When he sees you, does he try to calm down? Do you improve your posture by broadening your shoulders and straightening your back? Do you fix your shirt or do you fix your hair? If he does this when you approach him, it is a sign that he is thinking about his appearance as he wants you to find him attractive.

Also look at their sitting positions. Men who sit with their legs apart or with their hands on their hips are trying to impress and are often interested in the woman they are talking to.

Psychology gives you many powerful tools to understand if a man is interested in you, the following are striking and incontrovertible examples!

• smiles at you

A smile is another important indicator that you can use to tell if a guy likes you.

Men will be happy with the girl they love, and when they are around a girl they are interested in, it will be impossible for them to hide their smile. It is an unconscious reaction due to the inner joy she feels when she is around you.

When a guy likes you, it's impossible for him not to smile. So, if he seems to always be in a great mood when he's around you, that's a strong sign of his interest in you.

• Eye contact!

Eye contact is one of the most important things to note about a guy. Many guys will secretly try to watch you when they think you're not watching them. When you discover them, the most trusting and trusting guys will make and maintain eye contact. If they are introverted, they are likely to look away.

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• Does not check the phone

A great sign that a guy likes you these days is how often he uses his cell phone when he's around you.

We all know that smartphones are the best anxiety reliever from an awkward situation, so if you see him doing everything in his power to sit down and look at his phone, that's a bad sign.

When a boy is interested in someone, he will pay close attention and even avoid looking at his cell phone even if he receives messages. If you see him ignoring his phone when you're together, that's a good sign that he likes you.

• Listen carefully when I speak to you.

It's actually quite simple: they talk about themselves.

Many men feel compelled to prove themselves to a woman they're interested in, so they'll start bragging (or humiliating themselves) during the conversation. It's the same when guys strut their stuff to the girl they like.

If you see him freaking out, or basically doing something outgoing to get your attention, that's a good sign that he likes you. Men will always try to impress a girl they are interested in.

A good way to see how interested he is in you is to watch his body language during the conversation. Try to say something quietly. Does he lean out to listen to you? Optimum! Does he stay closer to you after you approach or does he move away?

• See how it reacts to contact with the body

Physical contact can reveal a lot about a guy's interest in you.

accidental touch

When a guy likes you, the "accidental" touch is a great way to reveal if he has deeper interests. So, he watches what happens when you touch him.

If you gently brush your hand against his neck or gently hold his arm, does he pull away? Pull his hand away from yours if you touch him? Or does he move to stay in more bodily contact with you?

Here's one thing to remember: if he's a shy guy, he might flinch a bit when you touch him. That doesn't mean he doesn't like you, keep looking at him to find out the truth.

• Does he treat you differently?

When a man likes you, he may start behaving differently around you, ESPECIALLY in a group. If he begins to act "protective" towards you, for example by always sitting next to you or putting his arm around the back of your chair, it is a sign that he is interested.

An interesting tactic that some guys take is to start flirting with OTHER girls when they are really interested in you. They do this to see your reaction and find out if they like you or not.

• Are you interested in the things that interest you?

It's a sign that you care, ESPECIALLY if you've never shown interest in them before! If he shows interest in things like a band you like or a TV show he loves, it means he's trying to align with your likes so he can share future thoughts and plans.

• Does he seem nervous around you?

Does he giggle when you're around him? Do your palms sweat when they are together? Do you take deep breaths? do you shake? Does he look away very quickly when you see him looking at you? These are all strong signs that he is attracted to you.

Guys don't get nervous around women they're not interested in (most of the time), so if he's nervous around you, that's a good thing. It means that he probably cares about making a good impression on you.

Women tend to forget how intimidating they can be to the guy they like.

• Watch your friends carefully!

If he's interested in you, he may have told his friends. Or, they may have noticed it for themselves.

If he's introducing you to his friends, that's a great sign that he's interested in you. He will start to ingratiate himself with the people he cares about the most and it will seem like he is trying to get you to join his team.

When you are around him and his friends, watch them carefully. For example, if he starts making subtle jokes and making fun of him, then his friends have discovered that he has a soft spot for you.

Another example: When you walk into the room, do your friends smile at you like they know something you don't?

Did he mention his family to you or did you hear from other people close to him that he talks about you? If he is doing any of these things, it is a sign that he likes you.

• Observe his actions - Does he copy you?

A great subconscious sign to look for is if he is mimicking your gestures. This is often an unconscious mechanism that develops in people when they are interested in someone. They don't even realize they're doing it!

If you make a gesture and then notice that he does it right after, it means that he is probably interested in you.

A great way to let him know you're interested too (subtly) is to mimic his actions in return! Touch your face after he touches his, fix your hair when he touches his, and so on.

• Teases you in a friendly way?

If he's making fun of you, be very careful. Is this a funny and kind joke? If so, it could definitely mean that he is attracted to you.

Keep in mind: Younger guys are the most likely to use this tactic to show interest.

However, if he makes fun of every girl he talks to, it might be his style. But if you're the only girl he teases, chances are she has feelings for you.

Now you know how to know if a man is interested, through psychology.

We hope we have covered this topic of psychology thoroughly and have answered your question: "How can I tell if a man is interested in me?"

Other psychological tips and tricks:

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