In an emotional battle, we choose the emotion that wins

In an emotional battle, we choose the emotion that wins

In an emotional battle, we choose the emotion that wins

Last update: 28 March, 2017

The emotional battle is a struggle that rages within us. In every occasion or circumstance of our life, we can empower and focus on anger, envy, jealousy, sadness, arrogance or develop happiness, peace, love, hope, humility, generosity.

Emotions are experienced in a very personal way and manifest themselves through the expression of the face, body posture and specific mental states. The choice to focus on certain emotions rather than others will mark our outlook on life. Depending on the vision we adopt, we will think and behave in a proactive or confrontational way.

Experiencing certain emotions more frequently than others affects our mood, our motivation and even our character and behavior. The choice to accept positively the things that happen to us is linked to the physiological reactions in turn associated with the production of hormones such as norepinephrine and serotonin.

Is the path we choose always the right one? Justice is in choice, not in success.

Brain and emotions

Some emotion experts, such as Klaus Scherer of the University of Geneva, or Richard Lazarus, argued that an important factor in the regulation of emotions is thinking about what happens to us. Skills and mental processes such as attention, memory, reasoning and decision making allow us to interpret facts in a conscious way, leaving us to choose how to react.

Depending on our cognitive level and our capacity for emotional modulation, we will be able to choose in a more or less adequate way the emotions that correspond to the situations we live in. Emotional modulation consists of a series of cognitive strategies that we need to control our emotions.

The most interesting aspect of this theme is that emotion and brain experts have found evidence that we can teach our brains to modulate emotions. The trick may lie precisely in the brain's ability to change: in neuroplasticity. So much so that it has been shown that the plasticity of our brains is much higher than what researchers thought at the beginning of their studies.

Both our surroundings and our behavior can cause a reorganization of certain brain functions. Most people can learn to transform their emotions through certain therapeutic techniques and practices. This means that we are able to produce changes of a much greater depth than we calculated years ago.

You choose your path, you choose your destiny and, if you choose well, you will be happy

We are the ones who choose what to try

We are made of lights and shadows. In each of us there is a battle that we will win or not depending on what we decide to feed. We all have a life made up of lights and shadows, ups and downs, light and darkness. We are all of this. What we accept and what we deny, what we show and what we keep silent.

We can only begin our development path by starting from acceptance, learning to love ourselves and replacing shadows with light. Only thanks to it, we will be able to shine in the darkness, enlighten others and transform the emotions of fear, anger, envy and arrogance into love, hope, humility, joy and generosity, which will accompany us on the journey.

Managing our emotions in most of the situations that life offers us, building and making positive emotions our own, is essential to establish emotional modulation and self-knowledge strategies that allow us to project an optimistic image of life and of ourselves. .

Don't be afraid of the shadows, because only from the shadow you can see the light.

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