I thank you because my abundance was born from your misery

I thank you because my abundance was born from your misery

I thank you because my abundance was born from your misery

Written and verified by the psychologist GetPersonalGrowth.

Last update: 15 November 2021

I was like an insect trapped in amber. In my heart, drought, shortage and emotional emptiness reigned. You fed me with pieces of stale bread, with a love made of cobwebs, in a house without furniture where the plants were not watered. I thank you, however, because I escaped from your misery to find my abundance, my wealth, my strength, my fullness.

From an emotional and even a spiritual point of view, we could define abundance as a state of grace that reminds us that we have all or at least most of what we want and need. It is like vibrating in the same frequency in which thoughts tune in with emotions, with personal fulfillment and with every area of ​​our existence.

The other way around, misery is a sadly common condition of being in which resistance is created, which lacks mental and emotional openness capable of generating positive and satisfying changes. "Miserable" people, in addition to not enjoying that inner harmony that would make them happy and satisfied, usually project their emotional poverty onto the people around them.

Probably many of you have experienced such a situation, living in a scenario where a power figure with these characteristics (the partner, a family member or the head of the company) creates an environment of lack and absolute misery. Almost without realizing it, you get trapped like insects in amber, a toxic and nutrient-free resin, risking losing your main vitamin: dignity.

The dynamics of deficiency, a very common condition

If we asked ourselves what is the main strategy or path to follow to live in abundance, the answer could not be simpler: emotional generosity.. Now, beyond what we may think, nothing is so complicated to put into practice, nothing has more nuances and obscure passages than the very concept of generosity.

The reason? We are used to thinking only of our shortcomings and when we feel that “we are missing something” it is very difficult for us to offer. Emotional generosity doesn't just refer to the act of opening up to others to connect with them, to give comfort, to lighten their pains or to generate happiness. It is also about being generous with yourself.

Many of us have reached this strange, involutionary substratum of consciousness where one does nothing but think of everything that one does not have, of what is lacking ("I don't feel appreciated by others", "I don't feel loved as a merit", "I am not valued at work", "I feel more and more alone and misunderstood"). As we intensify these dusty voids, we feed more and more frustration, despair and resentment.. All we get is totally blocking the law of abundance.

The law of abundance in couple relationships

There are times in a relationship when we feel satisfied and, as William Blake said, we see the universe in a grain of sand, the sky in a flower and infinity in the palm of our hand. And this is precisely the abundance, it is the perfect balance, the ideal harmony in which our emotions and those of the partner, projects and values ​​remain with each other, creating the most beautiful poetry.

This ideal state is not easy to achieve, we know. Because if there is something that breaks the alliance of abundance in a couple it is the emotional imbalance and above all the lack of generosity towards oneself and the partner. Let's face it, sometimes we throw ourselves into the arms of the least suitable person, we do it with a heart hungry for love and with a blindfold because our only desire is to be loved, even if we totally forget to love ourselves.

We stop being generous with ourselves to feed the other until we fall into the vicious circle of poverty, in the cell of misery. We come to think that living on pieces of stale bread is not so bad, it is still something ... We adapt to the point that we forget that we once wanted everything. Above all, we forget that love is synonymous with abundance, that those who love us enrich us and that those who love take care of themselves.

Let's remember, instead, that we have the responsibility and the privilege of being the architects of our happiness and that such a dimension can be reached from the inside out. Because abundance is nothing more than an emotion that invites us to take care of ourselves, to be deserving of satisfaction, balance and that love which, instead of making us suffer, helps us to grow.

Images courtesy of Sonia Koch.

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