How to use the law of attraction to win back an ex

Your relationship has been shattered, you are looking for a way to fix and win back your ex partner, and chances are you've heard that the law of attraction is a valid tool to achieve this goal. But what is it about?

By law of attraction we mean the famous theory according to which the events that follow one another in our life depend in an important way on our thoughts and our will. I know you are smiling, but even if you don't believe in mysterious forces or cosmic energies, you will agree with me that our attitude it has a huge impact on the results we achieve in life.

Believe it or not, our attitude towards a problem is so important that it even changes the reality that surrounds us in some way ...

But let's go to the main question: Is it really possible to use the law of attraction to win back an ex? And if so, where to start? We will talk about this in today's post, where we will see how to attract an ex partner with different techniques and how the law of attraction can influence the return of your ex (or your ex).

Law of attraction: what is it?

Well, now is the time to shed some light and dispel any doubts about what the law of attraction is and how it is useful in winning back your or your ex.

Contrary to appearances, this concept is not limited to "positive thinking". Rhonda Byrne dedicated her popular book The Secret to this theory, which later also became a famous documentary. Many people have been impressed by the power of the Law of Attraction. But what if it were just suggestion?

According to the law of attraction, a person is like a magnet: he attracts and repels events or people in accordance with his thoughts, beliefs and inner energy. Basically, we send a signal to the universe through our thoughts and the universe responds to this signal.

Read also: What is the law of attraction?

How to use the law of attraction to win back an ex

At this point you are already thinking: it may be that you are right, but I never wanted my girlfriend, my husband, my love to leave me, on the contrary I've always feared it! So why has the whole universe realized my fears?

The point is precisely this: not only what we want, but also what we fear is realized. When you are overwhelmed with fear and anxiety that your partner may leave you, cheat or deceive you, you are sending this energy, this message to the universe! And as a result, the thing you fear most happens.

I am sure that in the past you have longed for something, and that the fear of not being able to obtain it and therefore the disappointment of failure have cut the legs to your courage. So you approach each new challenge without too much conviction and always end up failing. All of this happens because your actions are driven by fear and / or resignation.

Basically, you always start with the belief that something can go wrong, and this consequently leads to failure.

If you learn to use the law of attraction correctly, you will be able to achieve all your goals. In this case, your goal is to get an ex back with the law of attraction. So let's see how we should prepare our minds to achieve this goal.

Law of attraction and reconquest

Now let's get to the heart of this article: I'll show you four techniques that you can put into practice to win back your (or your) ex with the law of attraction, and which will also help you feel better, regain strength and recharge your energy completely. new!

1. Fight against negative thoughts

When our partner leaves us, we become particularly susceptible to negative thoughts that begin to crowd our mind: on the one hand we are attacked by sadness, anger, regret and bitterness. On the other hand, melancholy and memories of the past torture us. And as if all this wasn't enough, extremely negative beliefs begin to emerge:

  • I won't be able to get my ex back at all;
  • No one will ever love me again, I am a worthless person;
  • My ex (or my ex) turned me down because I'm a bad partner;
  • I will always be alone and my life is useless without the other half;
  • I have been deceived, betrayed, manipulated because I am a naive fool.

I won't lie to you: it's natural to think this kind of thing, but you have to fight them! These are thoughts that only make you feel worse and at the same time affect your attitude towards the future, which despite all these bad thoughts you still know nothing about!

By giving free space to these dark thoughts, you create a bad aura around your person and eventually your negative thoughts will start to materialize.

Then start reacting: when they get close, every time they show up in your mind push them away, don't let them choke you. At first it will seem difficult but if you continue consistently and consistently you will see that you will be able to control the flow of your thoughts.

2. Renew and enhance your aura

The energy that you will have to radiate from now on cannot be based on fear, anxiety and the need for the presence of others. But from now on, your aura will come from your positive attitude, your willpower and the belief that you are worthy and deserve all that is good.

Right now the only signal you are sending is the cry that you need your partner to be happy, that you miss him, that you can't live without him, that you feel bad without him. The message "if he (or she) were here I would be happy again" comes from your lack of faith, as you are convinced that those who left you will never come back to you. And this has to change!

Give birth to a new energy within you, based on faith in your abilities, love for yourself, and the pleasant feeling of being a person. complete, precious and happy. It will be tough at first, I know, but with commitment and willpower you will be able to direct your thoughts towards positivity and efficiency.

3. Develop positive thoughts

Let us now turn to a key point of our work aimed at getting an ex back with the law of attraction, speaking of positive affirmations, which represent one of the key elements of this theory. But what exactly are positive affirmations?

How to use the law of attraction to win back an ex

Above we talked about the negative thoughts that need to be fought, and in fact you will have to start replacing them with positive thoughts, statements with very specific contents, which you will repeat regularly in your mind to tune into your soul and generate new and positive energy.

These positive affirmations will be structured in such a way as to express love and respect for yourself and will demonstrate the belief that everything is going well and that the whole universe is working so that you get what you want. Below I leave you some examples from which to take inspiration:

  • I am an attractive woman and men are interested in me;
  • I am a happy and independent boy, I am fine;
  • I made mistakes but now I know what to do;
  • I feel satisfied even without a partner;
  • I know my worth as a person;
  • My whole life is moving towards the better;
  • I am open to love and happiness;
  • I am ready to build a serious relationship;
  • My ex still has feelings for me and wants to be with me. He will soon understand;
  • I'm not out of luck. From everything that happens around me, I can achieve something good and seize new opportunities.

4. Take advantage of the display creative

Another very useful technique to get an ex back with the law of attraction is to use creative visualization. Visualizations are one of the most effective techniques, also used by famous and successful people, which allows you to adopt the right attitude and reach your goals more quickly and effectively.

Applying this technique is not difficult: the first step is to relax. You can do this through meditation, starting to breathe evenly, trying to relax all the muscles in your body, including your face, and controlling the flow of thoughts.

After that we proceed to visualization: imagine a specific situation you want. In this image, he tries to involve all the senses, not just sight, but also hearing and smell. In this situation can you achieve success coveted: You have a positive conversation with your ex and manage to establish a closer relationship with him again.

It is important that this situation is displayed in the most real and authentic way possible, where you can imagine the smells and background noises and where everything goes well, in line with the positive statements you made earlier.

The law of attraction to win back an ex

Now we specify how in practice the law of attraction can be used to win back an ex and can positively influence their return, making your quality of life much higher.

Know that the people around us always perceive negative energy and automatically turn away from those who send these kinds of messages. They do not do this out of mere lack of compassion or reluctance to help, but because we all subconsciously strive to only approach people who can offer us. good and pleasant sensations.

And using the law of attraction you will find that the first benefit will be the fact that you will begin to emit positive energy. In this way you will not only avoid the estrangement of others and consequently also of your lost love but you will become much more attractive towards other people.

Because we want to surround ourselves with people who can give us something good and the same goes for your partner: he will withdraw from you when he feels unhappy and your dependence on his person will be evident. Conversely, it will approach from the moment it will feel that you have started to emit positive energy and to shine with your own light.

How to use the law of attraction to win back an ex

Secondly, as you begin to cast out negative thoughts and make positive affirmations, you will be able to control your thoughts and not let them negatively affect your reality. Your self-esteem and personality, which suffered a lot after the breakup, are healing and also growing.

This evolution makes you hugely more attractive to those around you, and the same goes for your ex partner.

Finally, the visualization technique not only allows you to relax deeply and change your attitude, but also allows you to prepare yourself for real situations, increase the likelihood of their occurrence and better control them. You will have a calm and relaxed attitude, knowing that you have already experienced this situation in your head many times, so you can act and react accordingly. Furthermore, you will also become much more confident!

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