How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

How to tell if a girl likes you? What are the main signs of female interest?

In this article I will try to explain to you how to tell if she likes you, analyzing the female body language and the main attitudes that a woman puts in place when she is interested.

In particular we will see 20 signals of female interest - the most important of them - and then we will move on to analyze more particular situations: how to understand if a girlfriend likes you, shy, you don't know ...

How to tell if a girl or a woman likes you

We are ready to begin our journey on how to find out if a girl likes you. Are you ready? Here are the 20 main signs of female interest.

1. Look for physical contact

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

The first of the signs of interest to keep in mind to understand if a girl likes you is physical contact.

Let's put it this way: a girl who doesn't like you will do anything to avoid any form of physical contact with you. He will not allow any part of his body to come into contact with any part of yours; not even a finger! You on the other hand would do the same with a girl you don't like, right?

So if a girl lets herself be touched amicably by you while you talk, and even more so if she reciprocates the physical contact or it is she who initiates it, you can be sure that he has an interest in you. Examples:

  • He touches your arm while you speak
  • Place his hand on your shoulder
  • He hugs you for no reason
  • He touches your knee
  • It sits on your leg
  • He touches your hair

2. Maintains eye contact for a long time

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

A girl's eyes constantly give signals to those around her; learning to decipher them is essential to know his degree of interest in you.

A pretty confident girl and interested in you will keep eye contact for a long time while you speak. He may even stare at you while you're not talking, in the hope that you look back and notice his attention. At that point you should jump into action and start a conversation with her ?

The situation is different in the case of a shy girl: she will tend to avoid too direct visual contacts, and to give you signals of interest that are too clear. You can understand that she is interested if you notice that sometimes looks at you secretly, and looks away immediately after being discovered.

3. Your pupils dilate

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

Although in most cases it is not easy to notice, science tells us that the pupils of a person interested in us tend to dilate slightly when in our presence. Pay attention to this sign too!

4. He turns his body towards you

Especially in the event that you are talking to a girl you have just met, an element of fundamental importance to analyze is the female body language. If she's physically open to you, there's a good chance she'll care. For example, try to notice if she:

  • He turns his whole body towards you to talk to you
  • When you cross your legs, the top one points in your direction

5. Play with your lips

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

A girl who bites her lip, or sticks her tongue over it, is one of the seemingly most explicit signs of female interest in existence. You might immediately think that the meaning of this gesture is that she he would unconsciously want to kiss you, and sometimes it is true.

Other times the gesture of passing the tongue over the lips derives only from the fact that the girl in question has very dry lips, due to being too hot or nervous, but in any case, if it happens, take it as a positive sign.

If in addition to playing with her lips, you notice that sometimes she looks at yours too, then there is no longer any doubt: she is flirting and hoping you will kiss her.

6. He asks you many questions

If you wonder how to tell if a girl likes you, start observing your conversations with her. If she asks a lot of questions, it means she's interested in learning more about you, keep the conversation going and create a deeper bond. She would never do this with a person she doesn't care about.

Note in particular if he tries to find things in common between the two of you - this is a great sign of interest!

7. Play with your hair

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

Gently curling strands of hair or running your hands through the hair can be attempts at seduction, implemented unconsciously or even on purpose.

So if you notice that she is playing with her hair while you talk, that's a good sign ?

8. She is nervous in your presence

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

Another sign of female interest, particularly valid for shy girls, is that of nervousness. If you notice that while you are talking, or while you are nearby, she seems a little nervous, it means that she would like to look good on you, but afraid of doing something stupid. So here are some clues to his nervousness:

  • He blushes
  • Drum your fingers on the table
  • He nervously touches his hair or clothes
  • Avoid eye contact

While there is a good chance these signals indicate an interest in you, on some occasions a girl's nervousness could also show that she is particularly shy and unsociable. You will understand to find yourself in this case if she takes this attitude without distinction with all the people she knows little, and not just with you.

9. Find out if you have a girlfriend

When a girl likes you, she will go out of her way to find out if you are single and available, so she can act accordingly, and decide if it makes sense to flirt with you.

He might ask you explicitly, or try to figure it out using some subterfuge, with statements or questions like this:

  • Where did you leave your girlfriend?
  • I bet your girlfriend gave you that bracelet

Alternatively, it might suggest that she is single, to invite you to ask her explicit questions about her relationship status, and also to encourage you to disclose yours.

10. It alludes to the fact that you have many fans

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

If a girl makes any jokes or claims that a lot of girls like you, that you have fans, or that you are a playboy, you can be 100% sure she likes you.

To say something like this, she must first of all have admitted to herself that you are sexy. There aren't any clearer signs of female interest than this ?

11. He lets you enter his personal space

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

Each of us has a personal space, a kind of bubble that is around us and that protects us, in which we generally do not let others enter.

Things change when we find ourselves in the presence of the person we like: the fact that she or he approaches does not give us any annoyance, rather it causes us pleasure.

It measures 45 centimeters around you: as the anthropologist Edward t defines. Hall, that represents your personal bubble dedicated to intimate relationships. A girl who is attracted to you will have no problem when you step into her bubble, while a girl who doesn't like you would feel very uncomfortable.

Try entering his bubble and then exiting it shortly thereafter to test. If she doesn't walk away there's a good chance she's interested ?

12. Jokingly tells you that you are an asshole or stupid

Has it ever happened to you that a girl laughingly told you that you are an asshole, maybe after you made a joke on her or you made fun of her about something? Here, that's a very clear sign of interest : )

Alternatively, or in addition to calling you an asshole, he could also perform physical gestures such as:

  • Give yourself a little punch or slap for play
  • Give yourself a play push

13. Laughs and smiles often as you speak

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

Watch their reactions as you talk together. Always laughs when you make a joke, even if you don't say anything particularly funny? It means she is interested.

Does she always have a smile on her face when she talks to you, almost as if you are a famous person and she is your little fan? She likes you very much.

Laughing and smiling are very important signs of interest, whether the girl in question does it out of nervousness or because she really loves talking to you, and finds you a lot of fun.

14. Her friends giggle

Analyze the behavior of her friends when they are with her and you are around too: if she likes you it is very likely that they know everything. Her friends could put gods in place somewhat bizarre behavior, which will make you understand clearly her interest in you. Let's see some examples:

  • She and her friends suddenly stop talking when you arrive
  • Her friends joke and seem to make fun of her when you arrive
  • One of her friends comes to ask you if you like her
  • Her friends look at you, giggle and confabulate something

All of these behaviors are sometimes related to curiosity, or a joking attitude aimed at making fun of her. Other times they are real attempts to help her and get you closer to her.

15. He greets you or smiles at you even if you don't know each other

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

When a girl you don't know - at the club, on the street, at school, at work or in any other situation - smiles or greets you, she's definitely interested in you. The same is also true if the two of you already know each other by sight, but have never spoken.

I am convinced that this is not a surprise for you, as we are talking about a rather clear signal of interest. However, I am equally convinced that so far you have not fully exploited this signal.

If a girl you don't know greets you and / or smiles at you, hope you stop and talk to her and take his number phone. So next time this happens to you, don't miss this chance ?

16. Follows you and likes on social networks

Perhaps you have never given enough weight to this thing, because putting a like on someone on Instagram or on Facebook is a completely normal gesture, which takes place dozens or even hundreds of times in the space of a day.

It is therefore true that often a like should be considered as a simple gesture of cordiality, friendship or pure social interaction, but in some more "strategic" situations a girl could use it to grab your attention and show his interest in you.

In particular, you can consider a like as a signal of interest in these cases:

  • You just met
  • She generally doesn't put a lot of likes
  • Like an old photo of you

17. He writes to you first

Know that girls generally tend to avoid writing to guys they don't like, so as not to give them wrong impressions. They also tend to avoid writing to guys they like, so as not to seem too easy, to be courted and desire.

So if a girl writes to you first, even just once, you can take it as a great sign of interest! But if she never writes to you first and isn't even very into the conversation when you write to her, then she probably doesn't like you.

PS If you are tired of chatting girls, and you are looking for a method to attract a girl through messages, I suggest you take a look at this incredible resource.

18. Follow your lead

How to tell if a girl likes you? See if your guide follows!

A girl who is interested in you, whether you see each other every day at school or at work, whether you have just met her, will be happy to follow your lead. Let's see some examples:

  • If you propose to do something together, accept
  • Leave friends to come with you
  • She follows you when you ask her to

19. Gives you a compliment

How to tell if a girl likes you: 20 signs of female interest

If a girl gives you a compliment, you can safely take it as a sign of interest, whatever it is.

Remember that a compliment doesn't have to be something straightforward like "how sexy you are!" Or "I really like your body". It is very unlikely that a girl will give you such a direct compliment on your physical appearance. Instead, he might say things like "what a beautiful shirt!", Or "this cute haircut of yours". These are all signs of interest.

20. He treats you differently from others

Ultimately, a very important thing: to understand if a girl likes you you have to observe her behavior when she is in the company of other people.

If you've noticed in your interactions some of the signs of interest we've discussed so far, but find she engages in the same behaviors with other guys she talks to, that's probably just her normal way, and she's not flirting with. you.

If, on the other hand, you see that she treats you differently from others, then she is flirting, or otherwise showing her interest in you.

Special cases

After seeing the 20 main signs of female interest, as I promised you, let's move on to more specific cases. To learn more, I invite you again to download the free pdf on 37 mistakes to avoid with girls.

How to tell if a girl you don't know likes you

I want to tell you something very important: a girl you don't know is highly unlikely to send you any signs of interest. Why should he do this?

When you don't know a girl, but you feel you have an interest in her, the right approach is to step forward and get to know her, without waiting for her to send you some signals.

How to tell if an engaged girl likes you

If a girlfriend has an interest in you, she won't mention that she has a boyfriend. She will try to hide the fact that she is not single, or at least try to make you understand which is available or potentially available.

How to tell if a shy girl likes you

A shy girl will only send some of the signals of female interest we talked about above. It will not be never too explicit, and will indeed try to hide his interest to avoid embarrassing or uncomfortable situations. However, here are some things that might make you understand if a shy girl likes you:

  • She blushes and looks down in your presence
  • She secretly looks at you while you don't see her
  • He acts nervous when you are around
  • Her friends make fun of her because she likes you

If you are the one who has problems with shyness, this ebook is very suitable for you. He explains what you need to do with examples, exercises and practical indications to definitively overcome shyness. You can also download a free extract of the guide at this link.

How to tell if a friend likes you

Knowing if a friend likes you can be pretty tricky. You two already have a well-established relationship of some kind, and neither of you will want to risk getting out of balance and ruining it.

You are in the so-called "friend zone", with all the disadvantages and advantages associated with it. But if you want more from her than just a friendship, you may be wondering how to tell if she likes you.

Well, you have to keep in mind all the considerations we made at the beginning of the article, on how to understand if a girl likes you. In addition to this we can add the following signals:

  • She shows jealousy when you talk or go out with other girls
  • Try to spend as much time alone with you as possible
  • He always seems available towards you.

How to tell if a girl likes you in chat

Knowing if a girl you're chatting with likes you is pretty straightforward, as she will start doing the following when she feels particularly busy with the conversation:

  • Respond faster, write more, start the conversation first
  • Agree with many of your points of view
  • Use more emoticons and laugh like a fool
  • Send photos of her without being asked

Don't think too much about signs of female interest

Finally I want to give you some advice that will make all the difference in the world on your results with girls.

Always take attraction for granted.

Don't passively look for signs of interest from the girls around you; rather, assume that they are interested in you, and act accordingly.

What happens is that most inexperienced guys never take girls' interest for granted, and instead waste a lot of time looking for signs of interest (without actually being good at reading them).

Well, for this article on how to tell if a girl likes you that's all. I've explained the 20 most important signs of female interest, and also recommended additional resources to explore. I'm sure you will treasure it.

See you soon, and good luck! ?

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