Gym Motivation: Scientific methods with which to find the motivation to train

Gym Motivation: Scientific methods with which to find the motivation to train

How can you find the right motivation to go to the gym and do a training program that repeats itself every time? That's what we all ask ourselves.

You are not alone in this situation: according to a survey conducted in Yorkshire, 1/3 of people have increased their weight following the lockdown for a
average of 2,7 kilos. The survey also shows that 37% indicated lack of motivation as a cause for not exercising.

The facts add up: Motivation collapses when you can't keep training alive with new routines. And in the absence of options available before the lockdown, how can we find the right motivation to train? Are there proven methods to do this? In this case, we will have to turn to science.


Put on a real sports outfit

Now that there is no need to leave the house to train, it can be done in any estate. But just because something can be done doesn't mean it makes sense to do it.
Training in underwear or pajamas certainly doesn't have much. The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology published a study on
embodied cognition (Enclothed Cognition), a mechanism according to which clothing would be able to condition the perception we have of us

After conducting some attention-based tests, participants reported better results wearing a doctor's coat rather than a painter's one.
suggesting that clothing is even able to influence our performance

A discovery that could be of great significance in seeking the motivation to train. And it actually makes sense: we all feel less active in a dressing gown and more
professional when we wear a suit. So why shouldn't we be more motivated in gym gear? Putting on yoga pants or a tank top will make you feel more "ready".

But be careful not to use the clothes you usually wear when you are at home: it must be comfortable and practical sportswear.

Consider, then, if in addition to clothes you may also need some accessories ...

Try the fitness apps

In 2018, the app stores had 320.000 fitness and wellness apps and more than 75 unique users per month.

There's a good reason people like to use these apps: they are a great way to track their progress while providing a solid
training program.

One study showed that their users' strength increased by 3,2%, while training frequency by 3,8% .2

However, using apps may not be the right way to go in the long run; these may just be fine to keep you aligned with the goals from
reach out, set a schedule and remind yourself of the need to train.

Almost 49% of people stopped using them once they started their studies, showing that in the long run they leave behind a multitude of people for nothing
motivated to train at home. Nonetheless, they are still a good solution to give yourself the initial push. The best thing about fitness apps is that they turn training into a game - they offer all the anticipation and satisfaction of being rewarded, which is a great stimulus.

There are also plenty of apps out there to get inspiration from for new training programs, as well as a variety of fitness videos that you can follow on YouTube. Self
if you are looking for inspiration, check out the healthiergang app or YouTube material.


Give yourself a reward

We are always ready to reward our dog for behaving well, but when it comes to ourselves we rarely get the reward they deserve.

A study from The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology shows that immediate recognition motivates people in the workplace more than late ones.3 If a reward can motivate people to do their jobs better, it can certainly help them. also to find the motivation to train.

It has also been shown that when a reward arrives immediately after an activity, it helps to ensure that it is repeated regularly. In this regard, mentally associating the activity with the reward helps.

So, just after working out, make yourself a tasty smoothie or treat yourself to a biscuit, or even just some free time to relax. Just associate
strictly this type of rewards to your training and here you will be looking forward to getting busy again!

What if giving yourself a reward doesn't work?

Use fear as a motivator

If there is something that can give us the necessary push more than winning a cookie, it is not winning it at all. Probably the biggest motivational factor in
absolute is to eat a cookie and then fear that it will be denied.

Harnessing a little fear (in a healthy way) can be a great way to find the motivation you need.

This can improve performance: rats, for example, perform better when they are afraid of being punished.4 Are you also driven more by fear than by desire?

Using this technique as part of your fitness program requires a lot of discipline and possibly someone who is willing to help you out, like
an old training partner of yours. You could give him € 5 every time you skip a session - the idea of ​​losing money will definitely get you off the couch.


Work out outdoors

It is said that we must: "change what you can change, accept what you cannot change", and it seems that many of us have had to make adjustments in response
to the new normal we are experiencing.


What exactly have we changed?

In Germany, outdoor training increased by 29% between February and March, while indoor training decreased by 35%.

The closure of the gyms was the main cause, but there are also many motivational elements in support of outdoor training. These include the fact that it can increase the feeling of well-being, as well as make us feel more energetic and in tune with the real world.5

Being in harmony with the environment is the key to regaining harmony while exercising.

So, even if your program must remain as it is, to recover the lost motivation you can try to change the location where you usually do.
exercise. This is a minor change that could have a big impact.



If you are wondering how to find the gym motivation to train (and you can't make big changes to your training program), remember that
you can change everything else. Starting with clothing and apps to download, to videos, your reward system and the environment you have

These are not just good efficacy motivators: they are also proven by science!


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