Emotions that hurt the heart

Emotions that hurt the heart

Emotions that hurt the heart

Last update: 24 September, 2016

The heart allows you to unite all the elements of a person, being the organ through which love is channeled, the incomprehensible is understood and the unforgivable is forgiven. Any change triggers different primitive behaviors and, if these changes are large, they can last a long time, changing a person's personality and even his way of making decisions and reacting on an emotional level.

Furthermore, our heart is the center from which the most authentic and powerful emotions emanate, the same ones that, if badly managed, can cause irreversible damage such as heart disease.

When basic emotions, such as fear or sadness, are not properly regulated, repeated repression of the expressive needs of the heart can be unleashed, giving rise to emotional overload. Heart problems manifest as arrhythmia, palpitations, heart attack, high blood pressure, weak pulse, and tightness in the chest.

Sometimes the wounds do not enter from the body, but from the heart.

What is the relationship between the heart and the emotions?

Scientific studies have shown that communication between the brain and the heart follows two paths. In other words, the heart sends as many signals to the brain as it sends the brain to the heart. Consequently, if the heart beats in a coherent, therefore not accelerated way, it sends the signal to the brain to eliminate stress through a physiological process of reducing stress hormones and increasing positive hormones.

Heart rhythm is a faithful reflection of our emotional state. A person's emotional regulation is reflected in the heartbeat which in turn reflects his condition in the rest of the body. The body interprets these beats according to the emotional physiological state in which it is located, therefore, in case of negative emotional states, it manifests stress, tension or fear; on the contrary, in the case of a positive mood, it can manifest joy, tranquility, peace, serenity, etc.

The psychological change that occurs with the alteration of the functioning of the heart would seem to be linked to the so-called enteroceptive consciousness.

What is the effect of emotions on the heart?

Heart problems are partly linked to the effects of emotional imbalances, which generate nervousness, anxiety, problems in controlling emotions. On a psychological level, they manifest themselves with obsessive and depressive behaviors, hysteria, excessive or inappropriate laughter, sadness, vulnerability, lack of willpower, hypersensitivity, insomnia; mentally with weakness, lack or loss of memory.

All these emotional imbalances can lead the heart, the organ of the soul, to the limit, to the point that a lack of emotional control can cause problems in the upper abdomen, weakness, heat, fatigue, body tension, depression, pain. head, cold extremities, shoulder pains, nausea and / or excessive sweating.

These symptoms, caused by a lack of emotional control, are responsible for heart problems manifested in the form of arrhythmia, palpitations, heart attacks, weak pulse, high blood pressure, tightness in the chest.

Awareness of these symptoms, along with identifying our goals, can make us understand if we are in tune with them through our thoughts, feelings and actions. This awareness derives from the rationalization of a clear and direct vision of what our heart wants to tell us, both physiological and emotional..

Controlling negative emotional states and fostering positive ones is the first goal in a path of personal transformation and healing that will help us maintain good emotional and heart health.

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