Emotional Responsibility: Can't or Don't Want?

Emotional Responsibility: Can't or Don't Want?

With a little commitment and courage, we can acquire greater emotional responsibility and thus be more consistent with our decisions.

Emotional Responsibility: Can't or Don't Want?

Last update: February 03, 2022

β€œRight now it is impossible for me to make a decision. I can not". Probably on more than one occasion a person dear to us will have said these same words. Or maybe we have been feeling a wall within ourselves that prevents us from deciding, from moving forward. It's all about emotional responsibility.

"I don't know if I should leave my partner." "Maybe I should change some things in my life, but now I can't." β€œI know I should talk to her and tell her everything I feel, but I can't. I do not dare". What lies behind all these habitual indecisions?

Our daily life moves in infinite insecurities which, to a greater or lesser extent, make our life more or less easy.

In the following lines we talk about the emotional responsibility that we all should develop more adequately. Sometimes it is not easy, but with a little commitment and courage we can do it and thus be more consistent with our decisions.

The difference between wanting and power

Surely you know more than one person who says "I can't" almost every day. They tell us about their problems, but when we suggest that maybe the time to turn their life around, the "can't" emerges once again.

What is meant by this expression? In saying these two words, we are freeing ourselves from our responsibilities. It is a way to limit ourselves. With our own voice we build immense walls around the battlefield that is life. And we give up.

If we don't control the situation, we stop being responsible for everything around us. A "can't" is to leave the course of our ship, our circumstances and our problems in the hands of no one. And this is truly terrifying.

Let's take a simple example that is perhaps familiar: β€œI can't leave my partner, I know I don't love her anymore, but I've been with her for too many years and I can't do that to her”.

Where are self-esteem, consistency and integrity? If we are not consistent with our feelings, we lose a lot of ourselves. And over time, such frustration will appear that you will feel a great emptiness. Let us not overlook the fact that we in turn can hurt other people.

Emotional responsibility

What would happen if instead of saying β€œI can't” we replaced it with β€œI don't want”? In this case we are already recognizing a choice. We express firmness and determination. Courage and willingness to change.

This is the so-called emotional responsibility. That healthy exercise in which the person is consistent with what she feels and does. We take responsibility for our feelings and act consistently without harming anyone, least of all ourselves.

Emotional responsibility is an essential pillar of self-esteem and happiness. We don't shy away from our feelings, but rather accept them and dare to make decisions that support them. We act with more integrity and courage.

We know that it is not always easy to act according to our emotions. Life is a complex maze where we deal with multiple people, with more situations. But it is worth bearing in mind and developing genuine and sincere personal responsibility whenever we can.

How to acquire more emotional responsibility

To achieve this, we will teach you a little strategy. It's very simple. It is based only on exposing the problems of the present moment in a few lines, putting a β€œI can't” and a β€œI don't want” next to it.

Once that's done, let's ask ourselves how those words make us feel and if they really define what we feel. Let's give some examples:

β€œI would like to leave my partner, but I can not to do it. I don't dare to do it "β€”β€”β€”-"I do not want to leave my partner "(is it true?).

"I can not flying by plane, scares me "β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”"I do not want to fly by plane ”(is it true?).

β€œMy colleague me bother. But I can't tell him ... "  β€”β€”- " I do not want to tell him "(is it true?)

"I am not able to manage my emotions "β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”-"I do not want to deal with my emotions (is that true?).

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