A dignified solitude is better than an incomplete relationship

A dignified solitude is better than an incomplete relationship

A dignified solitude is better than an incomplete relationship

Last update: December 15, 2015

We are afraid of loneliness, all of us, men and women, but let's not forget that it is often not only necessary, it is also therapeutic. Being alone means being able to think about ourselves, what we want, what we dream and above all what we feel.

Being alone does not mean being sad, it means enjoying the moment, the day, the months, the years, relaxing and living life.. Loneliness is dignified, it takes us away from incomplete relationships, which make us feel bad.

Be happy with yourself

We cannot make our happiness depend on another person, on our partner. Loving ourselves is essential for the other person to love us. How can we expect someone else to love us if we don't love ourselves?

Loneliness is associated with spiritual development, in fact characters like Christ, Buddha or Mohammed have had crucial revelations in moments of solitude. Furthermore, loneliness is linked to creativity, in fact writers, scientists and philosophers have chosen it as a fundamental element to generate new ideas.

Currently, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow you to continuously maintain contact with other people, but it seems that this favors the connection with everyone except yourself. Love for ourselves or thinking about ourselves are sometimes necessary acts of selfishness.

There is a very deep-rooted idea that things should be done in company. But what happens if we go to the movies alone? What if we stay home alone on a Saturday night? If we go to an exhibition alone? The only thing that can happen is that we will enjoy the moment.

Over the years, loneliness is the best company

We are social animals, this is well established, but with the passing of the years, the need to be continuously with others decreases more and more. As we age, we become more clear about our interests and focus on them, without having to try to relate as much to other people..

We simply achieve a balance whereby we are able to enjoy both solitude and time spent in the company of other people.. Loneliness can become a good companion to spend time with. Let's not forget it.

Loneliness can be the opportunity to develop our personal or work fears, to dedicate ourselves to ourselves physically and mentally. We are not talking about a sad loneliness, but a sought-after and necessary loneliness to reconcile with our mind and spirit..

Say goodbye to an incomplete relationship

Many times we connect loneliness to being single, but if we have a partner and things are not going well, it would be good to think deeply about the relationship we have with this person and the one we would like.

A great deal of raw realism, hard, but necessary to see what we don't want to see. A relationship where we are not well is not healthy, a relationship where the partner treats us badly is not healthy. We run away from such relationships.

Saying goodbye to what makes us sick is a difficult undertaking, but it certainly doesn't kill. For a while we will think back to the good times shared with the other person, but we must not forget the reality. We let time heal our wounds, we must not throw ourselves headlong into another story, rather we must learn to enjoy our own company.

Obviously, after a breakup there is always pain, which can last six months, a year. Maybe we need to cry, to walk in the rain, maybe we need to forget every memory that takes us back to the past ... so let's do it!

We are free, with all that this condition implies. We decide, do, stop, walk, run, dream, kiss, hug, look, look ... we live life. Let us envelop ourselves in loneliness, let it become our blanket, let us free our thoughts, let our feelings reach the surface.

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