3 grounding exercises to reduce anxiety

3 grounding exercises to reduce anxiety

The great advantage of grounding is that it is a simple technique that can be practiced anytime, anywhere. And it is a useful tool to quickly get out of anxiety states.

3 grounding exercises to reduce anxiety

Last update: Augusts 20, 2020

Grounding exercises are a very simple relaxation technique and particularly suitable for those who are going through a period of great stress and anxiety. The word grounding means to connect to the ground. The exercises have to do with this, literally and figuratively.

This method serves to reduce states of strong nervousness, but it is also suitable in those moments when we feel confusion, fear or sadness without a specific cause - threat / loss - or that justifies these emotions.

A study conducted at the University of California confirms the benefits of grounding. From a physical point of view, it would reduce inflammatory processes, strengthen the immune response, generating a feeling of greater vitality. Let's see what it is.

Much of our stress and anxiety comes from disconnecting from our body. The more we ground ourselves in the body, the less stress and anxiety we will experience.

– Scott Jeffrey –

Grounding exercise, classic version

It must be said that there are different versions of grounding exercises and that the classic one involves direct contact with nature. If you are feeling calmer while walking on the beach or in the woods, you are simply doing some instinctive grounding. This is exactly what it is about: immersing yourself in a natural environment.

To perform this simple ground contact technique, start with taking off your shoes and socks. So walk on grass, sand or stones. Obviously, make sure that the ground is free from objects that can injure your feet.

Walk without stopping for ten minutes. Concentrate on how the soles of your feet feel. Try to breathe slowly. The ideal would be to do this exercise outdoors: the benefits are greater.

What are the benefits? Direct skin contact with the earth has been shown to be relaxing. At the same time, moving on an uneven surface offers a natural massage. This exercise is believed to help refocus.

Second version

There is a second version of the grounding exercise, which corresponds to a kind of "mindfulness". In this case, sit in a chair that allows you to rest your feet firmly on the floor. Begin to breathe normally, gradually trying to inhale and exhale deeper and deeper.

This exercise must also be performed without shoes. After spending a few minutes in this position and feeling that your breathing has become deep and regular, turn all your attention to the soles of your feet. Try to receive every sensation with great care: the nature of the floor, the temperature of the skin ...

Three minutes a day is enough. Focus on the soles of your feet and let the earth bring you back to the present. It is equivalent to taking a break from anxiety, getting rid of it for a few moments. You will certainly feel much calmer.

Grounding exercises: third variant

There is a third variant of grounding exercises, which is also related to awareness. It is known as the "three threes" exercise". This is a short technique, ideal for those specific moments when you feel over-excited or out of control.

Begin closing your eyes and listening to the noises of your surroundings. Identify the three noises you can most clearly distinguish.

Open your eyes and say aloud what are the three colors you perceive around you. Finally, name the three sensations your skin is experiencing at that precise moment. The game is done.

This mini exercise is great for anchoring us to the present and bringing us back to the here and now. Anxiety, in fact, is closely linked to the tendency of our mind to project itself into a future perceived as threatening. This practice of returning to the present moment will help you to dispel unrest or agitation.

As you have seen, the three versions of the grounding exercise are extremely simple; the advantage is that you can apply them anywhere. No exercise will take too much time, but it can make a big difference in your mood. Try it yourself!

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