3 exercises to get to know each other better

    3 exercises to get to know each other better

    3 exercises to get to know each other better

    Last update: 07 September, 2015

    Of all knowledge, knowing yourself is the wisest and most useful thing.

    William Shakespeare

    Each of us finds himself living his personal dream day after day. We may or may not be aware of every step we take, but we take them as if it were a script.

    When you want to achieve goals, resolutions or personal desires, self-knowledge is the fundamental and essential resource for this purpose.

    Many have to face constant changes in our professional and personal life. In the search for well-being and in the path of inner growth, we can reprogram many things, especially those that allow us to get to know each other and to move towards what satisfies us and we do best.

    Knowing your goals and the tools to achieve them is the first step to reach the goal.

    Of course, it can sometimes be difficult to talk about ourselves. We know we know each other, we know everything about us, but rarely do we stop to reflect and write about our goals. We do not stop to evaluate the characteristics and aspects that will facilitate or hinder us in achieving our goals.

    For this, it is important and necessary to establish objectively when we know about ourselves and our interiority as human beings.

    Self-knowledge is very important, but what are the tools and resources that help us to know ourselves better?

    These are the 3 best tools to develop self-knowledge, in a simple and effective way:

    1. Who I am. This exercise will allow you on the one hand to see who you are in this moment and, on the other hand, who you want to become. The important thing is to decide how to become the person you want and want to be. What will your strategy be to achieve this?

    You will have to do the exercise by writing who you are on one sheet of paper and who you want to be on another sheet. On a third sheet, you will write how you will become the person you want to be. It will also be interesting to complete the exercise by submitting it to the people you trust most to understand how they see and perceive you.

    2. The line of life. This exercise consists of creating a horizontal line that represents your life. The center of this line represents the present. Then, you will begin to add the different situations and experiences that you have gone through in the past. This way you can realize what you consider important in your life.

    The second part of the exercise will consist in completing a part of your future by pointing out the closest and most distant goals in time.

    Once you have finished your life line, we invite you to reflect on what you have experienced and how you plan to achieve the goals set for the future..

    3. Keep an emotion diary. It is nice to see emotions as treasures because their power is immense and precious. If you listen to emotions, you will be able to grasp different details about yourself, about other people or about different situations. Precisely for this reason the emotional diary can be considered a technique to facilitate self-knowledge.

    Being aware of one's emotional state, learning about the emotions that recur more frequently day after day or what triggers them, can be of great help to get to know each other better and this applies to any area of ​​life..

    We hope that these tips of ours will help you to get to know yourself better and to reflect on your life and your person.

    The key to interacting with others effectively is learning to manage yourself first. The more you know each other, the better you will be able to relate to others, in a position of full confidence, strength and self-confidence.


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